Bonnierella, CHEVREUX, 1900

Souza-Filho, Jesser F. & Serejo, Cristiana S., 2014, On the phylogeny of Ischyroceridae (Amphipoda, Senticaudata, Corophiida), with the description of a new genus and eight new species from deep-sea Brazilian waters, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 170 (1), pp. 34-85 : 47-49

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scientific name




Bonnierella Chevreux, 1900: 97 View in CoL . – Stebbing, 1906: 737. – J.L. Barnard, 1962: 70. – J.L. Barnard, KEY TO THE GENERA OF ISCHYROCERIDAE USED IN THIS View in CoL ANALYSIS

1. Pereopods 5–7 with accessory spines; uropods 1 and 2 peduncle with distoventral corona of spines; uropod 3 uniramous; telson rectangular, wider than long, with rows or patches of recurved spines ............................... 2

– Pereopods 5–7 without accessory spines; uropods 1 and 2 peduncle with acute interamal process; uropod 3 biramous; telson triangular, longer than wide, without rows or patches of recurved spines ........................................... 9

2. Telson with two patches of recurved spines on each side.........................................................................3

– Telson with rows of recurved spines on distal margin.............................................................................5

3. Antenna 1 shorter and often more slender than antenna 2............................................. Siphonoecetes View in CoL group

– Antenna 1 subequal to antenna 2........................................................................................................4

4. Gnathopod 2 carpus shorter than propodus in female ............................................................... Ericthonius View in CoL

– Gnathopod 2 carpus longer than propodus in female ......................................................... Pseudericthonius View in CoL

5. Antenna 1 article 1 with anterior margin medially and distally expanded.................................................. 6

– Antenna 1 article 1 with anterior margin not medially and distally expanded.............................................7

6. Gnathopod 2 subchelate in both male and female..................................................................... Bathypoma View in CoL

– Gnathopod 2 carpochelate in male and subchelate in female........................................................ Notopoma View in CoL

7. Pereopods 5–7, distal part directed posteriorly........................................................................ Paracerapus View in CoL

– Pereopods 5–7, at least the propodus and dactylus directed anteriorly.......................................................8

8. Antenna 1, posterior margin of peduncular article 1 lacking swelling, peduncular article 3 longer than article 2, accessory flagellum vestigial.................................................................................................... Runanga View in CoL

– Antenna 1, posterior margin of peduncular article 1 with swelling, peduncular article 3 shorter than article 2, accessory flagellum absent ....................................................................................................... Cerapus View in CoL

9. Gnathopod 1 carpus longer than propodus; coxa 5 with posterior lobe; tip of outer ramus of uropod 3 with a plate bearing spines........................................................................................................... Pseudischyrocerus View in CoL

– Gnathopod 1 carpus shorter than or subequal to propodus; coxa 5 without posterior lobe; outer ramus of uropod 3 without accessory spines near apex, but with recurved spines................................................................10

10. Coxa 4 not excavated posteriorly, basis of pereopods 3–7 rectangular ........................................... Bonnierella View in CoL

– Coxa 4 excavated posteriorly; basis of pereopods 3–7 not rectangular.......................................................11

11. Urosomite 1 with two dorsal teeth; telson without subapical spines............................................ Bathyphotis View in CoL

– Urosomite 1 without dorsal teeth; telson with a pair of subapical spines........................... Myersius View in CoL gen. nov.

1964: 42. – J.L. Barnard, 1969. – J.L. Barnard, 1973. – Ledoyer, 1982: 184. – J.L. Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 176.

Type species

Podoceropsis abyssi Chevreux, 1887 .


Antenna 1 subequal to antenna 2; peduncular article 1 long and rectangular; article 1 longer than article 2. Eyes absent. Mandibular palp well developed and 3-articulate. Gnathopod 1 carpus shorter than propodus. Gnathopod 2 subchelate in both sexes; carpus shorter than propodus. Coxae 1–7 wider than long. Coxa 4 posterior margin not excavated. Pereopods 3–7 basis rectangular. Pereopod 4 merus equal to merus of pereopod 3. Pereopod 5 similar to pereopods 6 and 7; carpus long, subrectangular, and without denticles or spines on posteroventral margin. Pleosomite without lateral ridges. Peduncle of pleopods slender and not expanded. Pleopod 2 inner ramus present, as long as outer ramus. Urosomite 1 without dorsal spines. Uropod 1 peduncle with acute interamal process; outer margin of outer ramus smooth. Uropod 2 biramous; outer margin of rami smooth, with robust setae. Uropod 3, outer ramus with recurved spines (only visible with high magnification). Telson without hooks or denticles.

Included species

Bonnierella abyssi ( Chevreux, 1887) View in CoL ; Bonnierella abyssorum ( Bonnier, 1896) View in CoL ; Bonnierella angolae J.L. Barnard, 1962 View in CoL ; Bonnierella californica J.L. Barnard, 1966 View in CoL ; Bonnierella campensis View in CoL sp. nov.; Bonnierella compar Myers & Cunha, 2004 View in CoL ; Bonnierella dimorpha Ledoyer, 1982 View in CoL ; Bonnierella lapisi (J.L. Barnard, 1962) View in CoL ; Bonnierella laurensi View in CoL sp. nov.; Bonnierella linearis J.L. Barnard, 1964 View in CoL ; Bonnierella palenquia J.L. Barnard, 1967 View in CoL .

Excluded species

Bonnierella longiramus Ledoyer, 1982 , incertae sedis.

General remarks

The genus Bonnierella was erected by Chevreux (1900) in the family Photidae based on the species Podoceropsis abyssi Chevreux, 1887 , differing from other genera by: the shape of male gnathopod 2; rectangular basis of pereopods 3–7; and telson triangular. Later, J.L. Barnard (1964) transferred Bonnierella to the family Ischyroceridae based on the presence of spines on the outer ramus of uropod 3 and the rami of uropod 3 shorter than the peduncle. The spines on the outer ramus of uropod 3 in Bonnierella are visible only at high magnification. Subsequently, Myers & Lowry (2003) erected the subfamily Bonnierellinae in their phylogenetic study of the suborder Corophiidea . These authors showed that this subfamily, composed of Bonnierella and Bogenfelsia Barnard, 1964 , is the basal branch of the family Ischyroceridae .

The genus Bonnierella has been, until the present study, composed of ten species, and this number is now raised to 11 ( Table 5). The reason is that B. longiramus Ledoyer, 1982 shows some characters outside the diagnosis of Bonnierella , and should be removed from the genus. This species has the anteroventral margin of the head moderately excavated, gnathopod 1 with the carpus longer than the propodus, coxae 1–4 longer than wide, uropod 3 with the rami longer than the peduncle, the outer ramus with a rudimentary second article, and the telson trapezoid with two subdistal crests ( Ledoyer, 1982: fig. 64). Considering that the last two characters do not fit the diagnosis of the family Ischyroceridae , the position of this species is still unclear.

Geographic distribution

Cosmopolite, deep sea.

Barnard JL. 1962. South Atlantic abyssal amphipods collected by R. V. Vema. Abyssal Crustacea. Vema Research Series 1: 1 - 78.

Barnard JL. 1964. Deep-sea Amphipoda (Crustacea) collected by the R / V ' Vema' in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 127: 1 - 46.

Barnard JL. 1966. Submarine canyons of southern California. Part V. Systematics: amphipoda. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions 27: 1 - 166.

Barnard JL. 1967. Bathyal and abyssal gammaridean Amphipoda of Cedros Trench, Baja California. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 260: 1 - 205.

Barnard JL. 1969. The families and genera of marine gammaridean Amphipoda. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 271: 1 - 535.

Barnard JL. 1973. Revision of Corophiidae and related families (Amphipoda). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 151: 1 - 27.

Barnard JL, Karaman GS. 1991. The families and genera of marine gammaridean Amphipoda (except marine gammaroids). Records of the Australian Museum Supplement 13: 1 - 866.

Bonnier J. 1896. Edriophthalmes. Resultats scientifiques de lacampagne du ' Caudan' dans le Golfe de Gascogne. Annales de la Universite de Lyon 26: 527 - 689.

Chevreux E. 1887. Crustaces amphipodes nouveaux dragues par l'Hirondelle, pendant sa campagne de 1886. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France. 12: 566 - 580.

Chevreux E. 1900. Campagnes de la Melita. Description d'un amphipode nouveau appartenant au genre Grubia Czerniawski. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France 25: 95 - 101.

Ledoyer M. 1982. Crustaces amphipodes gammariens. Familles des Acanthonotozomatidae a Gammaridae. Faune de Madagascar 59: 1 - 598.

Myers AA, Lowry JK. 2003. A phylogeny and a new classification of the Corophiidea Leach, 1814 (Amphipoda). Journal of Crustacean Biology 23: 443 - 485.

Myers AA, Cunha MR. 2004. New and little known corophiidean amphipods from the ' Lucky Strike' hydrothermal vent, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84: 1019 - 1025.

Stebbing TRR. 1906. Amphipoda. I. Gammaridea. Das Tierreich 21: 1 - 806.









