Alveolophora jouseanа (Moisseeva) Moisseeva emend. Usoltseva, 1971

Usoltseva, Marina V., 2022, Morphological variability of Alveolophora jouseana (Bacillariophyta) from type material, Phytotaxa 533 (4), pp. 194-204 : 195-196

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.533.4.2


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Alveolophora jouseanа (Moisseeva) Moisseeva emend. Usoltseva


Alveolophora jouseanа (Moisseeva) Moisseeva emend. Usoltseva

Emended description:— The frustules in valve view are round ( Figs 1–3 View FIGURES 1–7 , 17–25 View FIGURES 17–25 ), 8–31 µm in diameter. Most frustules in a girdle view are short straight cylinders, 2.2 – 7.0 μm in height ( Figs 4–6 View FIGURES 1–7 , 8–16 View FIGURES 8–16 ). The areolae are arranged on the mantle in straight single rows, 8 – 12 in 10 μm ( Figs 8 – 16 View FIGURES 8–16 ), with 3 – 7 areolae in each row (8 – 15 in 10 μm of a row). The areolae are rounded. The linking spines are triangular shape with slight bicuspidate ends ( Figs 10, 16 View FIGURES 8–16 ), or spatulate– shaped, broadened ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 8–16 ). The separating spines are pointed ( Figs 9, 11–14 View FIGURES 8–16 ). The collar is structureless or thin ribbed at the edge ( Figs 11, 12, 16 View FIGURES 8–16 ).

The valve face has round areolae ( Figs 1, 2 View FIGURES 1–7 , 17–20 View FIGURES 17–25 ). They are located over the entire surface ( Figs 17, 18 View FIGURES 17–25 ), along the periphery in 1–3 rows of areolae ( Figs 1, 2 View FIGURES 1–7 , 19, 20 View FIGURES 17–25 ), or being completely absent ( Figs 3 View FIGURES 1–7 , 21, 22 View FIGURES 17–25 ). Sometimes the external valve face has granules at the centre ( Figs 19, 20 View FIGURES 17–25 ) or one ring of granules near the periphery ( Figs 21, 22 View FIGURES 17–25 ). The ringleiste is deep or narrow ( Figs 22–37 View FIGURES 17–25 View FIGURES 26–37 ).

The complex-chambered alveolae and pseudoalveolae can be observed from the inside of the valves. The valves with alveolae are very rare ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 26–37 ). More often, valves with pseudoalveolae are noted ( Figs 27–30, 36 View FIGURES 26–37 ). Sometimes, alveolae can be observed among pseudoalveolae on the same valve ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 26–37 ). They are separated by longitudinal costae. Sometimes, there are no robust costae and pseudoalveolae, but there are longitudinal and transverse thickenings ( Figs 31, 32 View FIGURES 26–37 ). Figures 33, 35 View FIGURES 26–37 , and 37 display valves with micropseudoalveolae. The rimoportulae are very small, sessile, and located at the base of the costae ( Figs 26–34, 36 View FIGURES 26–37 ). The channel of rimoportulae is straight ( Figs 30, 32, 36 View FIGURES 26–37 ). The external openings of rimoportulae are small, round, and open in the first row of areola ( Figs 10, 11, 13, 16 View FIGURES 8–16 ).

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