
Meunier, François J., Cupello, Camila, Herbin, Marc, Clément, Gaël & Brito, Paulo M., 2021, The lungs of extinct and extant coelacanths: a morphological and histological review, Cybium 45 (1), pp. 21-30 : 25-27

publication ID 10.26028/cybium/2021-451-002

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Latimeria ( Figs 3 View Figure 3 , 4, 5)

The vestigial lung of Latimeria is structurally similar to the conducting portion of other air breathing organs ( Brien, 1964), and lacks true alveoli and pneumocytes ( Cupello et al., 2017a). Latimeria lung has the same general histological organization than the oesophagus ( Cupello et al., 2017a: fig. 3B-D). The pulmonary sheaths are, from the inner to the outer, constituted by: a mucosa with ciliated cells and goblet cells (an epithelium), a submucosa composed of collagenous and elastic fibres, blood vessels and fat reserve tissues, and a muscularis mucosa ( Fig. 3A View Figure 3 ) ( Cupello et al., 2017a). The long and slender residual cord presents a similar structure: a mucosa with goblet cells and with some ciliated cells, and a fibrous submucosa with some blood vessels ( Cupello et al., 2017a: fig. 3G, H). The lumen of the residual cord is reduced, and the sheaths are thin.

The lung plates of Latimeria are positioned at the surface of the vestigial lung and at least on the anterior part of the residual cord of adult specimens ( Fig. 3A View Figure 3 ). Each plate is inserted in a membranous bag ( Figs 3A View Figure 3 , 4A), which con- stitutes a periostic-like membrane. The plates are relatively thin with a centre that is strongly enriched in proteoglycans and practically deprived of collagenous fibres (Fig. 4A). This centre looks fragile since it tears on the microtome knife, creating an artefactual lumen ( Figs 3A View Figure 3 , 4A). Each plate is constituted of a fibrous matrix with enclosed fibro- cytes (Fig. 4B-D). The fibres are collagenous and organized in superposed layers ( Fig. 5A, B View Figure 5 ). The cells are more or less star-shaped, and send cytoplasmic extensions in the thickness of the plate (Figs 4E, F, 5C). They are osteocyte-like cells. Scarce lining cells, constituting a periostic membrane, are seen on the surface of the plates, so as fibres which penetrate in the plate (Fig. 4A-C). Here and there osteoblasts enter the collagenous matrix of the external layer: they are becoming osteocytes (Fig. 4C, F).

The extracellular matrix shows various staining intensi- ties with obvious lines. Some of these lines are concentric and parallel (Fig. 4C, E, G), whereas some others form spherule shapes (Figs 4G, 5D). These chromatic lines are Liesegang lines (= waves of Liesegang; Ørvig, 1951: figs 18, 20, 21) that characterize active spheritic mineralizing processes ( Ørvig, 1951; 1968; Francillon-Vieillot et al., 1990;

Zylberberg et al., 1992). Although Latimeria plates are rudimentary anatomical structures, Liesegang lines can be considered as remnants of an overlapping pattern. Liesegang lines are also observed in the overlapped bony plates of some fossil coelacanths (see below). Since the small plates surrounding the lung in Latimeria are mineralized and formed of collagenous fibres with embedded star-shaped cells, it is considered that these plates are made of bony tissue like the ossified plates of † A. araripensis ( Brito et al., 2010) .

Axelrodichthys and † Swenzia ( Figs 6 View Figure 6 , 7 View Figure 7 )

Some sections of fossil lung plates in the Cretaceous coelacanth † Axelrodichthys show median detachment that represents a weak zone ( Fig. 6A, B View Figure 6 ), as in the plates of Latimeria . Indeed they show the same artefactual brittleness: a lumen in the centre of the plates ( Fig. 6A, B View Figure 6 ). The bony plates in fossil coelacanths were probably enriched in proteoglycans that were linked to the spheritic mineralization, as in the small bony plates of extant coelacanths. The thickness of the plates regularly diminishes towards their periphery. The plates are made of primary cellular pseudo-lamellar bone ( Fig. 6B, C View Figure 6 ). Osteocytes are seen in the thickness of the laminae ( Fig. 6C View Figure 6 ). They are typically star-shaped with numerous ramified cytoplasmic extensions ( Fig. 6D View Figure 6 ) that turn in all directions around the cells and penetrate in the bony matrix ( Figs 6C, D, G View Figure 6 , 7F View Figure 7 ). Here and there vascular cavities or canals are seen in thick lamellae ( Fig. 6E View Figure 6 ). Vascular cavities bordered by secondary bone can be seen in other relatively thick plates (see Brito et al., 2010: fig. 4E, F), suggesting processes of bone remodelling.

In their study on the calcified lung of † Axelrodichthys, Brito et al. (2010 : fig. 4B) have misinterpreted concentric lines on sections of bony plates as epigenization artefacts. In fact, these various lines ( Fig. 6B View Figure 6 ), either concentric around a central point or superposed all along the osseous plate, are Liesegang lines that characterized a spheritic (= globular) mineralization process: the mineralized crystals and the organic matrix show a radiating arrangement ( Ørvig, 1951, 1968; Francillon-Vieillot et al., 1990: 519). The mineralization processes in the ossified lung plates of † Axelrodichthys are the same than those described for Latimeria lung plates (Fig. 4G; see also Cupello et al., 2017b). The mineralization front of bony lamellae grows by the progressive fusion of calcified granules ( Fig. 6F, G View Figure 6 ). These mineralized granules are clearly obvious on SEM images of † Axelrodichthys ( Fig. 7A, C, D View Figure 7 ) and † Swenzia ( Fig. 8A, C, D View Figure 8 ) plates. The spheritic mineralization is considered as a plesiomorphic character, at the origin of the inotropic mineralization that is characterized by mineral crystals whose axis are oriented parallel to the collagen fibrils ( Ørvig, 1951, 1968). Spheritic mineralization is common in bones and cartilages ( Ørvig, 1951) of teleosteans ( Benjamin et al., 1992; Huysseune, 2000; Zylberberg and Meunier, 2008; Witten et al., 2010). Such a spheritic mineralization has also been described in the tooth dentine of Latimeria ( Castanet et al., 1975) as well as in its scales at the limit of the basal plate and the external layer ( Meunier and Zylberberg, 1999).

The anatomical position and ultrastructural similarities of the plates in extant and fossil coelacanths provide evidences of their homology, and then between the organs that they surround ( Cupello et al., 2017a, b). The presence of bony tissues around the lung raises an important question: how bone is developed from tissues that belong to the walls of an oesophageal derivative? The lung sheaths have a double origin: endodermic (the mucosa) and mesodermic (the outer layers), as for the air bladder of teleosts (Hoar, 1937 in Pelster, 2004). The mesodermic origin in part of the external sheath of the lung can explain the presence of bony plates in the coelacanths’ lung. Globular mineralization has been described on the anterior wall of the air bladder in several physostomid fishes ( Marshall, 1962; Parmentier et al., 2008). However, this mineralization, the so-called “rockerbone” of the Ophidiiformes, is not a true bone tissue with osteocytes ( Parmentier et al., 2008).

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