Orthonevra gli Miranda & Thompson

Miranda, Gil F. G., Soares, Matheus M. M. & Thompson, Christian, 2024, The Neotropical Orthonevra Macquart, 1829 (Diptera: Syrphidae), Zootaxa 5484 (1), pp. 1-78 : 31-33

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5484.1.1

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scientific name

Orthonevra gli Miranda & Thompson

sp. nov.

Orthonevra gli Miranda & Thompson View in CoL View at ENA sp. nov.

Orthonevra 5 (FCT notes)

Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 . Map: Fig. 41 View FIGURE 41

Diagnosis. The sinuous medial vitta on the eye, the narrow apical vitta on the wing and the darker metabasitarsomere should distinguish O. gli from similar species such as O. neotropica and O. theta .

Description. MALE. Head ( Fig. 15a, b, d View FIGURE 15 ): metallic blue-green, face with slight convexity in profile and ventral ¼ produced anteriorly as a convexity, regulose except weakly regulose on medial area and smooth on ventral ¼, shiny, pile white and not scale-like; with small white microtrichose subtriangular macula laterally, positioned immediately ventral to antennal base and widely separated from it. Scape and pedicel darkened yellow, pedicel 2 × longer than scape, post-pedicel oval elongate and 1.5 × longer than pedicel; pile on pedicel black. Mala produced apico-ventrally, mostly smooth. Gena shiny, smooth, and with white pile. Frontal triangle metallic-green, regulose smooth only on lunule, bare except for inconspicuous white pile anterior to eye contiguity and laterally following the eye margin. Vertical triangle isosceles-shaped and long, 3 × longer than eye contiguity, metallic-green, bare but with very few, long black pile on ocellar triangle and posterior to it, with fine microsculpturing; ocellar triangle as shiny as remaining of vertical triangle, isosceles triangle-shaped. Occiput not visible laterally on dorsal ½, ventral ½ homogeneously covered in white microtrichia which extends until dorsal to gena, with a row of black pile, which becomes very short in the middle and longer and white on ventral 1/5. Eyes holoptic; with sub-anterior and medial sinuous vittae (sub-anterior less sinuous dorsally), and medial fascia, eyes darker on anterior and posterior margins, anterior dark margin connecting the ends of the sub-anterior vitta ( Fig.15a, b View FIGURE 15 ).

Thorax ( Fig. 15a, b View FIGURE 15 ): metallic green, pile very short and inconspicuous, white, appressed and sparsely distributed, slightly longer on notopleuron; scutum with four dark matte vittae, and with a short narrow lateral vittate macula posterior to transverse sulcus; scutellum mostly metallic-green but with a dark matte spot medially, base smooth and slightly convex, with a sub-apical transversal depression, inconspicuous pile on tubercles. Pleuron wholly metallic, smooth on proepimeron, anterior anepisternum, katepimeron, and medially on anepimeron, remaining with a coarse texture, with white microtrichia on antepronotum, with white pile on proepisternum, antepronotum, posterior anepisternum, anterior anepimeron, dorsal and ventral patches on katepisternum, katatergum, and metasternum. Dorsal lobe of calypter white with long white marginal pile, ventral lobe similar but pile 3 × longer than dorsal pile. Plumule white. Halter yellowish.

Legs ( Fig. 15b View FIGURE 15 ): dark with metallic blue reflections, except tarsi just dark without reflections; pale on apex of femur, and first two tarsomeres, tibiae overall paler but moreso on apex and basal ½ to 1/3. Legs covered with short white pile, longer on coxa, apex of mesotibia and mesotarsomeres with ventral black setulae, metafemur with short black setulae ventrally.

Wing ( Fig. 15b View FIGURE 15 ): R2+3 abruptly bent towards C at the end, ending at level where M1 meets R4+5; with dark short vitta sub-apically on r1 and a narrow dark vitta from bend on R2+3 to where M1 meets R4+5, and with two fasciate maculae in r4+5 and a very subtle fasciate darkening medially in cell r2+3, mostly microtrichose but with narrow bare areas baso-anteriorly on cua immediately posterior to pseudovein; basicosta with dense appressed dark pile, with two more prominent black setae apically. Alula slightly wider than cell c, wholly microtrichose.

Abdomen ( Fig. 15a, b View FIGURE 15 ): metallic light blue, terga 2 and 3 with matte black areas medially and apico-laterally, tergum 4 matte black medially, pile sockets as small protuberances, pile black, appressed and very short, but longer and white on baso-lateral ½ of tergum 2; sterna metallic, with similar pilosity but slightly longer and all white; sternum 4 unmodified.

Genitalia ( Fig. 15e–h View FIGURE 15 ): surstylus bent in a right angle at basal 1/3, apical portion curving towards a hooked apex, medial surface extended as a triangular carina, with short pile sparsely distributed ( Fig. 15e, f View FIGURE 15 ); cercus triangular. Hypandrium with ventral triangular carina joining each postgonite ( Fig. 15h View FIGURE 15 ); postgonites sub-oval in shape but with a short extension on apex, directed apically, densely short pilose dorsally and apico-laterally; phallus with beak-like apex, with paired lamina medio-ventrally that have an acute apex, and another pair of shorter lamina anterior to basal tubular process ( Fig. 15g View FIGURE 15 ).

FEMALE. No females recorded.

Length. Body 5.31mm (n=1); wing 4.84mm (n=1).

Distribution. Brazil (São Paulo) ( Fig. 41 View FIGURE 41 ).

Altitudinal range. 1700m.

Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym for GFGM’s father, based on a personal nickname. It should be treated as a noun in the genitive case.

Comments. F. C. Thompson had noted this specimen as ‘ Orthonevra 5’ in his personal notes with drawings of this specimen’s genitalia. This species is similar to O. batman sp. nov., but can be differentiated by the dark metabasitarsomere and characters of the male genitalia.

Type material examined: BRAZIL. São Paulo, Campos do Jordão [ca 22°46’06.5”S 45°35’51.0”W], 29.xii.1944, F. Lane (male holotype gli MZUSP, USNMENT00028639 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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