Platycoelia Dejean, 1833

Paucar-Cabrera, Aura, 2005, A catalog and distributional analysis of the Rutelinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of Ecuador, Zootaxa 948 (1), pp. 1-92 : 22-26

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Felipe (2021-06-30 14:08:40, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 02:45:45)

scientific name

Platycoelia Dejean, 1833


Platycoelia Dejean, 1833

( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 )

Platycoelia butleri Smith, 2003

Distribution. Recorded at 2064 m. Temperate.

Locality Data. 1 specimen examined from Smith (2003): Loja (1) : Loja

Temporal Data. No data.

Platycoelia flavostriata (Latreille, 1813)

Distribution. Recorded from 960–2600 m. Temperate, subtropical east, tropical east.

Locality Data. 4 specimens examined from Smith (2003): Napo (1): Sierra de los Guacamayos. Tungurahua (1): Ambato. Zamora Chinchipe (1): Zamora. No data (1) .

Temporal Data. April (1), October (1).

Platycoelia forcipalis Ohaus, 1904 * ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 )

Distribution. Recorded at 500–2800 m. Tropical northwest, subtropical west, temperate.

Locality Data. 81 specimens examined from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Cotopaxi (57): Las Pampas, Latacunga, Los Libres , Otonga , Palo Quemado. Loja (5): Loja. Pichincha (18): Las Palmas , Palmeras , Pichincha, Quito , Santo Domingo de los Colorados , Tandapi. No data (1): Porvenir .

Temporal Data. January (1), February (6), March (2), April (2), June (7), August (1), October (6), November (44), December (1).

Platycoelia furva Smith, 2003 *

Distribution. Recorded at 3000 m. Temperate.

Locality Data. 4 specimens examined from QCAZ: Bolívar (4): Totoras .

Temporal Data. November (1), December (3).

Platycoelia galerana Smith, 2003 *

Distribution. Recorded at 829–3350 m. Subtropical west, temperate, high Andes, subtropical east, tropical east.

Locality Data. 56 specimens examined from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Loja (4): La Toma, Loja, Sabanillas, No data. Morona Santiago (2): Macas, Plan de Milagro. Napo (38): Baeza, Cosanga, Guacamayos, Las Palmas, Lumbaqui, Sumaco. Pastaza (3): Puyo, Río Pastaza, Sarayacu. Tungurahua (2): Baños. Zamora Chinchipe (1): Zamora. No data (6) .

Temporal Data. January (1), February (3), March (19), May (3), July (1), September (2), October (2), November (15).

Platycoelia gaujoni Ohaus, 1904 *

Distribution. Recorded at 960–2946 m. Temperate, subtropical east, tropical east.

Locality Data. 36 specimens examined from Smith (2003): Loja (28): Loja, Ornillos Cóndor , Villonaco. Tungurahua (1): Baños. Zamora Chinchipe (2): Zamora. No data (5) .

Temporal Data. August (1), September (1), October (9), November (2), December (3).

Platycoelia hiporum Smith, 2003

Distribution. Recorded at 1300–1650 m. Subtropical west.

Locality Data. 2 specimens from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Carchi (1): Chical. Esmeraldas (1): Cristal .

Temporal Data. August (1), December (1).

Platycoelia intermedia Ohaus, 1925 *

Distribution. Recorded at 1000–1100 m. Tropical east.

Locality Data. 3 specimens examined from Smith (2003): Morona Santiago (2). Macas. Napo (1): Chonta Yacu .

Temporal Data. December (1).

Platycoelia lutescens Blanchard, 1851

Distribution. Recorded from 500–3800m. Tropical northwest, temperate, high Andes.

Locality Data. 261 specimens from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Bolívar (4): Cashca Totoras. Cañar (18): El Tambo. Cotopaxi (25): El Boliche, Latacunga, Limpiopungo, Parque Nacional Cotopaxi. Esmeraldas (2): Mayronga. Imbabura (13): Otavalo. Pichincha (158): Aloag, Cayambe, Chillogallo, Conocoto, Cumbayá, Ilaló, Machachi, Nono, Palmeras, Píllaro, Píntag, Quito, Tambillo, No data. Tungurahua (4): Baños, Píllaro. No data (37) .

Temporal Data. January (20), February (6), March (2), April (1), May (1), August (1), October (28), November (11), December (30).

Platycoelia marginata Burmeister, 1844

Distribution. Recorded from 300–2900 m. Tropical northwest, subtropical west, temperate, subtropical east, tropical east.

Locality Data. 180 specimens examined from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Azuay (3): Cuenca, Valle de Yunguilla. Carchi (6): Maldonado, Tufiño, Tulcán. Chimborazo (2): Riobamba. Cotopaxi (5): Otonga. Imbabura (24): Atuntaqui, Chachimbiro, Cotacachi, Ibarra, Lago San Pablo, Otavalo, Peguche. Loja (11): Argelia, Loja, Rocafuerte, San Lucas. Napo (53): Baeza, Cosanga, Dureno, Hacienda San Isidro, Las Palmas, Lumbaqui, Papallacta, Puente Azuela, Río Salado, Río Chalpi Grande, Sebundoy, Sierra Azul. Pastaza (2): Canelos, Sarayacu. Pichincha (65): Aloag, Aloag­Santo Domingo (km 40), Chiriboga, Conocoto, Guayllabamba, Hacienda Le Esperie, La Armenia, La Virgen, Las Palmas, Los Chillos, Los Laureles, Machachi, Nayón, Palmeras, Puerto Quito, Quito, Río Guajalito, San Antonio de Pichincha, San Rafael, Tandapi, Tinalandia, Toachi. Sucumbíos (5): Reventador, Santa Bárbara. Tungurahua (1): Baños. Zamora Chinchipe (2): Zamora. No data (1).

Temporal Data. January (14), February (36), March (17), April (12), May (6), June (6), July (3), August (2), September (10), October (26), November (34), December (7).

Platycoelia nervosa Kirsch, 1870

Distribution. Recorded from 600–3800 m. Subtropical east, tropical east.

Locality Data. 5 specimens examined from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Morona Santiago (1): Macas. Napo (1): Lumbaqui. Pastaza (3): Canelos, Mera, Sarayacu .

Temporal Data. August (1), December (2).

Platycoelia parva Kirsch, 1885

Distribution. Recorded from 1000–4200. Temperate, high Andes, tropical east.

Locality Data. 116 specimens examined from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Azuay (2): El Cajas. Bolívar (3): Cashca Totoras. Cañar (2): Shical. Carchi (1): El Angel. Chimborazo (2): Volcán Chimborazo. Cotopaxi (8): Latacunga, Razuyacu, Rumiñahui. Loja (6): Loja. Morona Santiago (1): Macas. Napo (40): Antisana, Oyacachi, Papallacta, Salcedo­Tena (km 139). Pichincha (29): Alóag, El Chaopi, La Cocha, Pasochoa, Volcán Pichincha, Quito. Tungurahua (7): Baños. No data (15) .

Temporal Data. January (4), February (41), March (1), May (1), August (1), September (1), October (10), November (11).

Platycoelia paucarae Smith, 2003 *

Distribution. Recorded at 830–2000 m. Tropical southwest, subtropical west, temperate, subtropical east.

Locality Data. 12 specimens examined from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Bolívar (2) : Balzapamba. Chimborazo (4): Huigra, Riobamba. Cotopaxi (1): Otonga. Loja (2):

Chinchas, Loja. Morona Santiago (1): Limón­Méndez. Pastaza (1): Río Pastaza. Pichincha (1): Tandapi.

Temporal Data. January (4), March (2), December (2).

Platycoelia penai Frey, 1967 *

Distribution. Recorded from 1800–2400 m. Subtropical west.

Locality Data. 19 specimens examined from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Cotopaxi (4): Otonga. Pichincha (12): Los Laureles, Quito (Santo Domingo) .

Temporal Data. February (12), March (4).

Platycoelia puncticollis Ohaus, 1904

Distribution. Recorded from 1450–2800 m. Subtropical east, temperate.

Locality Data. 37 specimens examined from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Loja (10): Loja. Napo (25): Baeza, Cosanga, Sierrazul. Sucumbíos (1): La Bonita. No data (1) .

Temporal Data. February (1), September (2), October (22), November (11).

Platycoelia quadrilineata Burmeister, 1844

Distribution. Recorded from 300–3800 m. Tropical northwest, temperate, high Andes, tropical east.

Locality Data. 96 specimens examined from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Azuay (41): Gima. Bolívar (4): Cashca Totoras. Cañar (2): El Tambo. Carchi (3): Impuera. Chimborazo (1): Parque Nacional Shangay. Cotopaxi (3): El Boliche, volcán Cotopaxi. Loja (1): Loja. Morona Santiago (3): Macas. Napo (12): Papallacta. Pichincha (15): Alóag, La Cocha, Lloa, Machachi, Quito, San Juan. Tungurahua (2): Ambato, Cevallos. No data (9) .

Temporal Data. February (6), March (7), April (4), May (1), June (45), September (2), October (2), November (12).

Platycoelia sandia Smith, 2003 *

Distribution. Recorded at 800–2000 m. Temperate, tropical east.

Locality Data. 10 specimens from QCAZ and Smith (2003): Morona Santiago (3). La Esperanza, Macas. Napo (6): Cosanga, Guacamayos, Puente Azuela. No data (1) .

Temporal Data. March (3), April (1), October (2).

Platycoelia steinheili Ohaus, 1904

Distribution. Recorded at 610–1450 m. Subtropical east, tropical east.

Locality Data. 2 specimens from Smith (2003): Napo (2): Baeza, Cosanga .

Temporal Data. March (1).

Platycoelia traceyae Smith, 2003 *

Distribution. Recorded at 1450–2600 m. Temperate, subtropical east.

Locality Data. 10 specimens from Smith (2003): Napo (4): Baeza, Cosanga. Pastaza (1): Sarayacu. Tungurahua (3): Ambato, Baños , Yunguilla. No data (2) .

Temporal Data. March (3), April (1), October (3).

Ohaus, F. (1925) Beitrang zur Kenntnis der Ruteliden (Col. Lamell). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1925, 75 - 83.

Smith, A. B. T. (2003) A monographic revision of the genus Platycoelia Dejean (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Anoplognathini). Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum, 15, 1 - 202.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 14. Habitus of Platycoelia forcipalis Ohaus (from Smith 2003).


Museo de Zoologia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador









