Cleobulia Mart. ex Benth., Comm. Legum. Gen.: 67. 1873.

Queiroz, Luciano Paganucci de & Snak, Cristiane, 2020, Revisiting the taxonomy of Dioclea and related genera (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae), with new generic circumscriptions, PhytoKeys 164, pp. 67-114 : 67

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Cleobulia Mart. ex Benth., Comm. Legum. Gen.: 67. 1873.


3. Cleobulia Mart. ex Benth., Comm. Legum. Gen.: 67. 1873.


Cleobulia multiflora Mart.ex Benth. [= Cleobulia coccinea (Vell.) L.P. Queiroz]


Woody vines. Stipules basifixed, not prolonged beyond their base. Leaves pinnately trifoliolate, the rachis reduced, sometimes absent, stipellate. Inflorescence a pseudoraceme, arcuate, nodes multiflorous, sessile, globose, secundiflorous; bracteoles fleshy. Flowers resupinate because of the arching inflorescence; calyx fleshy, cylindrical, the 4 lobes much shorter than the tube, upper lobe truncate to slightly emarginate, lower lobe triangulate and acute; petals firmly chartaceous, pink to purple, standard petal spreading or reflexed, ecallose, provided with two basal and reflexed auricles, pubescent towards the apex on the outer surface, wing petals dwarf, ca. 1/3 of the keel length, sagittate, keel petals upcurved with truncate apices; androecium pseudomonadelphous, staminal tube pubescent at the base, anthers monomorphic, all 10 stamens fertile; intrastaminal nectary disc 10-lobed; pistil straight then upcurved ca. 90° in the middle, ovary 6-8-ovulate, sessile, style not swollen. Fruits linear-oblong, 3-5 × longer than wide, elastically dehiscent, the thin woody valves explosively twisting to release the seeds, upper margin straight to undulate, with thin ribs. Seeds small, under 10 mm long and 6 mm wide, lenticular (slightly biconvex); testa hard (bony), smooth; hilum linear encircling almost half of the seed’s circumference (Fig. 2A-D View Figure 2 ).

Discussion. Since first being described, Cleobulia was distinguished from Dioclea by having dwarf wings with a semi-sagitate blade ( Bentham 1837; see Fig. 2B View Figure 2 ). Cleobulia could likewise be diagnosed by having an inflorescence with a long and arching peduncle, leaving its flowers resupinate (i.e. with the standard petal in a lower position and the keel above), a pseudomonadelphous androecium, the base of the staminal tube pubescent, with uniform anthers, a 10-lobed intrastaminal disc, and a sessile and straight ovary.

Three species are found from eastern Brazil to the eastern Brazilian Amazon and one species from western-central Mexico, all mostly in semi-deciduous forests.









