Labidostoma (Pseudocornutella) electri, Three specimens from the Baltic, 2013

Three specimens from the Baltic, ing the mid-Tertiary., 2013, M, Acarologia 53 (1), pp. 25-39 : 25-39

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scientific name

Labidostoma (Pseudocornutella) electri

sp. nov.

Labidostoma (Pseudocornutella subgen. nov.) electri n.sp.

( Figures 3, 4)

Type designation, paratypes, and repository. The holotype female of Labidostoma electri n. sp. is a Baltic amber inclusion with the inventory number MGCP Ar-294. The piece is rectangular, circa 8 x 2 x 2 mm, labeled (etched and in ink) " MGCP Ar 294 HOLOTYPE Labidostom. electri ". It is Epo-Thin varnished, stored in a Parafilm-sealed Eppendorf tube and is currently on loan to the first author. The holotype will be housed in the Museum of Helmintological Collections in the Center of Parasitology of the Severtsov’s Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution , Russian Academy of Sciences. Inclusions in Baltic amber piece Ar-97 (female, two complementary pieces of amber and a slide with preserved cuticle fragments), Ar-2 (male?), Ar-382 and Ar-410 (females), (pieces of amber embedded in Epo-Thin) are designated as paratypes and will be deposited at the same institution .

Paratype 922-6 (female) from the Hoffeins collection, will eventually be housed along with the other Arachnida inclusions in one of the German museums having significant amber collections (Christel Hoffeins, pers. comm. 2012).

Etymology — "Electrum" is the Latin transcription of the Greek "OElektron" (ηλεκτρ o ν = amber), an-

A – Dorsal, legs not shown; B – Ventral, legs not shown. Long arrows point to pores, short arrow-to possible podocephalic canal;

C – Anterior trichobothrium; D – Posterior trichobothrium; E – Gnathosoma, ventro-lateral view; F – Tip of the right chelicere, ventral view; G – Right palp, ventral view; H – Tarsus IV right, antiaxial terminal view; I – Leg I left, paraxial view (not all setae visible); Scale bars: A, B – 100 µm, C-D, E-G – 20 µm, H, I – 50 µm.

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