Agrilus ivetteae, Curletti, Gianfranco, 2010

Curletti, Gianfranco, 2010, New species of the genus Agrilus Curtis, 1825, from Nicaragua and Panamá (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilinae), Zootaxa 2333, pp. 59-68 : 61-62

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.275491


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Agrilus ivetteae

sp. nov.

Agrilus ivetteae View in CoL n. sp.

( Figure 5 View FIGURES 1 – 7. 1 )

Type specimens. Holotype Ƥ: Nicaragua, Dept. Granada, Domitila, 26– 30.12.2003, leg. E. van den Berghe, auf Caelespina sp. ( Fabaceae ) ( SMNS). Paratypes: 2 Ƥ, Nicaragua, Granada, Domitila, 20.V.2004, leg. v. d. Berghe, Dauber Heinz ( CMNG and MCCI), 2 3, idem, 20–30.X. 2004 and 29– 31.05.2004, van den Berghe leg. ( MCCI), 1 3, Nicaragua, Playa la flor, 0 5.2004 ( MCCI), leg. Eric van den Berghe und Dauber Heinz ( MCCI); 1 3 and 1 Ƥ, Costa Rica, Palo Verde, 10 m, P.N. Palo Verde, Prov. Guanacaste, A. Gutierrez, 25 mar. a 21 abr. 1992, L-N 259000, 388400 ( INBC); 2 3, idem, M. Ortiz ( INBC); 1 Ƥ, idem. 17.07.1990, Acacia, D.S. Verity coll.; 1 3, Prov. Guanacaste, Los Almedros, P.N. Guanacaste 23.03– 18.04.1994 E. López ( INBC); 1 3, Prov. Punta[renas], R.B. Carara, Est Quebrada Bonita, R. Guzman ( INBC).

Description of holotype. Length 5.0 mm. Dorsally tri-colored: head red, pronotum green, elytra brown. Vertex rounded longitudinally sculptured, width 1/3 of length of anterior margin of pronotum. Frons gold, glabrous, with transverse sculpture. Clypeus without basal carina. Antennae short, serrate from antennomere 5. Cheeks very small, pubescent, with a sulcus on base where the first two antennomeres are lodged at rest. Pronotum wider in middle, sinuate before posterior angles which are acute. Disc glabrous, with sculpture composed of transversal striae. Slightly longitudinally furrowed in middle. Premarginal carinulae curved, not entire, as long as ¼ of pronotum. Marginal carinae separate from base. Scutellum bronze, transversely carinate. Elytra with apices rounded and microdenticulate. Disc with two (1+1) white elongated spots of pubescence at 1/3 of length; a line of brilliant white pubescence coats the suture before apex. Ventral surface bronze, brilliant, almost glabrous. All claws mucronate. Metatarsus shorter than metatibia, with first metatarsomere shorter than sum of following two (1<2+3).

Description of paratypes. Sexual dimorphism is very marked and I add the males to typical series only because I am supported by the shared opinion of H. Hespenheide. In males (from 4.4 to 4.9 mm) elytral pubescence is uniform, and color of pronotum is bronze, as elytra; aedeagus thin, lengthened and parallel (figure 14). Females: length 5.4 and 5.6 mm. No differences are observable from the holotype.

Comments. A. ivetteae n. sp. may be compared with A. biformis Hespenheide, 1988 described from Mexico, for having a similar color pattern, with pronotum green and elytra bronze with a pubescent spot at 1/ 3 of the length. The species described by Hespenheide is immediately and easily distinguishable by having the head more rounded, basal angles of pronotum not acute, pruinose pubescent spots on humeral callus and at basal laterotergum, and for not having a perisutural pubescent line at apex.

Etymology. This species is named after wife of one of collectors: Ivette van den Berghe for her help and assistance in research of her husband.


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Museo Civico di Storia Natural de Carmognola


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