Protosmia (Nanosmia) trifida Griswold, 2013

Griswold, Terry L., 2013, New Palearctic bee species of Protosmia subgenus Nanosmia (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Journal of Melittology 2013 (20), pp. 1-9 : 6-8

publication ID 10.17161/jom.v0i20.4530

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scientific name

Protosmia (Nanosmia) trifida Griswold

sp. nov.

Protosmia (Nanosmia) trifida Griswold View in CoL , new species


( Figs. 4–6, 15, 20)

DIAGNOSIS: Males are easily distinguished from all other Nanosmia by the tridentate T6 ( Fig. 20 View Figures 17–20 ). In addition, the forms of S5 and S6 ( Figs. 5, 6) are distinctive. Females differ from all other Nanosmia by the labrum without apical tuft of setae, with long, rather dense, erect setae bent apically toward the apex of the labrum.

DESCRIPTION: ♂: Length, 4.5 mm; forewing length, 3.5 mm. Color: Black except mandible apically, flagellum, tegula, distal tarsi, apical margin of T6, S1–S2 reddish brown. Wings hyaline. Pubescence: White; dense, obscuring integument on face, pronotum dorsally, scutum anteriorly, dorsal margin of hindtibia, ventral fringe on midfemur absent; long, abundant on apical margin of scutellum. T1–T5 with apical fasciae. Structure: Head as broad as long. Mouthparts in repose reaching forecoxa, galea as long as head. Labrum with transverse basal ridge. Mandible with acetabular carina prominent basally, forming prominent rounded angle. Clypeus strongly convex in profile, apical margin with narrowly rounded, ventrally directed, lateral projection and submedian denticle. Preoccipital ridge not carinate. F1 as long as broad; F2 broader than long; remaining segments one and one-third times as long as broad. Fore femur stout, sparsely punctate posteroventrally. Forebasitarsus parallel-sided. Midfemur stout, unmodified. Apical margin of T6 tridentate. S1 broader than long, apical margin truncately produced, not reflexed, covering apex of S2 medially, dorsal pubescent surface not visible when metasoma in normal position. S2 with disk flat, densely pubescent medially, apical margin convex with deep, fringed emargination on medial one-half. S3 with disk depressed, densely clothed with erect pubescence, margin very shallowly concave with distinctive hyaline flap, laterally without notch, with weak, straight fringe. S4 with moderately dense short setae on disk, margin strongly convex, without lateral notch, without paired tufts, with medial spike. Genitalia and associated sterna as in figures 4–6.

♀: Length, 4.5 mm; forewing length, 3 mm. Color: Black except mandible apically, flagellum, distal tarsi, dark reddish brown; tegula, apical margins of T1–T5 amber. Wings hyaline. Pubescence: White; dense, obscuring integument on paraocular area, pronotum dorsally, scutum anteriorly, mesepisternum along omaulus, metanotum medially; long, abundant on apical margin of scutellum. T1–T5 with apical fasciae. Structure: Head slightly longer than broad. Mouthparts in repose reaching forecoxa; galea slightly shorter than head. Labial palpus without long hooked setae. Labrum with long, rather dense, erect setae bent apically toward apex of segment, without apical tuft of setae. Mandible with second tooth twice as far from first tooth as from third, ratio = 1.5 ( Fig. 15 View Figures 13–16 ). Clypeus with moderately rounded convexity, apical margin with several denticles, scarcely concave. F3 width approximately four-fifths width of F10. Preoccipital ridge not carinate. Propodeal basal zone with fine, not coarse, longitudinal carinae. Forebasitarsus slender, slightly broader apically, ratio of length to apical width 2.1. Scopal setae pointed apically.

HOLOTYPE: ♂: Türkei, Hakkari: Suvari-Halil Pass , 27.6.1985, 2500 m, leg. Max. Schwarz [Ansfelden].

PARATYPES: TURKEY: 1♂, same data as holotype [Logan] ; 1♂, 1♀, Hakkari, Suvari-Halil Pass Beytüssebap , 2300 m, 3 Aug 1982, M. Schwarz [Ansfelden] ; 1♂, Hakkari, Suvari - Halil Pass Beytüssebap , 2300 m, 2 Aug 1982, M. Schwarz [Ansfelden] ; 1♀, 15 km E Yuksekova , 2100–2200 m, 20 Jul 1986, A.W. Ebmer [Leiden] ; 1♀, same data [Logan] .


ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin trifidus, three-parted, referring to the unique form of the sixth tergum.













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