Heringina guttata ( Fallén 1814 ), Fallen, 1814

Namin, Saeed Mohamadzade & Korneyev, Severyn V., 2015, Revision of Heringina Aczél, 1940 (Diptera: Tephritidae), with description of a new species from Iran and Turkey, Zootaxa 3949 (1), pp. 111-122 : 114-117

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3949.1.5

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Plazi (2016-04-19 05:55:01, last updated 2024-11-27 15:01:32)

scientific name

Heringina guttata ( Fallén 1814 )


Heringina guttata ( Fallén 1814) View in CoL

( Figs. 1–12 View FIGURES 1 – 12 )

Tephritis guttata Fallén 1814: 170 View in CoL ; 1820: 11; Zetterstedt 1835: 46; 1847: 2245; Schiner 1858: 48; 1864: 167; Loew 1862: 109; Jaroszewski 1876: 42; Becker, 1905: 138; Persson 1958: 116;

Trypeta guttata: Meigen 1826: 61 ; Loew 1844: 400; Boie 1847: 327;

Euaresta guttata: Hendel 1927: 173 ; Séguy 1934: 151; Kryshtal 1949: 204; Mihályi 1960: 57;

Heringina guttata: Aczél 1940 View in CoL ; Richter 1965: 148; 1970: 163; Korneyev 1983: 21; Kabos & Aartsen 1984: 27; Foote 1984: 93; Nowakowski 1991: 178; Merz 1994: 52; 1999a: 215; Kinkorová 1997: 71; Norrbom et al. 1999: 158; Pakalniškis et al. 2006: 87; Heřman & Kinkorová 2009; Smit 2010: 105; Koçak & Kemal 2013: 34; Kaganpaa & Winquist 2014: 267.

Trypeta gemmata Meigen 1826: 339 ; Boie, 1847: 328 (misidentification).

Material examined. Type. Lectotype ♂ Tephritis guttata : “ T. guttata Fall. ♂” ( NRS). Syntype ♂ Trypeta gemmata : “ gemmata / Wiedemann”, “alte Sammlung” ( NHMW). Non-type. Germany: Usedom, 20.ix.1899, 2♀ (Lichtwardt); Berlin, Finkenkrug, 5.vii.1900, 1♂, 3♀; 13.vii.1902, 1♂; 13.vi.1907, 1♂ (Enderlein); Potsdam, 2.vi.1912, 1♀ ( BMHU); Brandenburg, Strausberg, 19.viii.1917, 2♂ (Bollow); Brodowin, 14.vi.1918, 1♀; Mittenwalde, 8.ix.1919, 3♂, 1♀ (Bollow) ( BMHU); Ukraine: Kyiv Region: Khodosievka, 50º16.00'N 30º31.40'E, h= 131 m, 5.viii.2006, 3. ♂, 1 ♀ (V. Korneyev); Irpin, 50º30.25'N 30º15.29'E, h= 108 m 5.viii.2007, 5♂, 1♀ (V. Korneyev); 30.vii.2008, 2♂, 2♀ (S. & V. Korneyev); 11.vi.2009, 2 ♂ (Kameneva) ( SIZK); Sumy Region, Akhtyrka Distr., Kuzemin, 13.06.2011, 1♂, 2♀ (Guglia); Kharkiv Region, Zmiyiv Distr., vic. of Haydary, 04.vi.2011, 1♀; Vovchansk Distr., Rubizhne, 26.viii.2012, 1♂; Balakliya Distr., vic. of Petrivske, 11.viii.2013, 1♀; Chuhuyiv Distr., vic. of Kytsivka, 26.vii.2014, 1♂ (Guglia) ( SIZK); Mykolaiv Region: Kuripchine, 26.vi.2010, 1♂ (Guglia) ( SIZK); Turkey: Pr. Kars, Bahnstation Soganli, W. Sarikamis, 2100 m, 5.vii.1985, 1♂, 1♀ (W. Schacht) ( ZSSM); Kars, Karakurt, 1400 m, 4.vii.1985, 1♂, 1♀ (C. J. Zwakhals); Kars, 25 km W Sarikamis, 6.vii.1985, 2100 m, 2♀ (C. J. Zwakhals); Erzurum, Palandoken Dagl, Kayak, 2200 m, 3.viii.1989, 1♀; idem, 26.vii.1992, 1♀ (J. A. W. Lucas) ( RMNH); Azerbaijan: Naxçevan: Ordubad, 30.v.1924, 1♀ (S. Paramonov); Talysh: Kalvaz, 21– 23. vi.2008, 8 ♂, 6 ♀; 24.viii.2008, 3♂, 5♀; Zuvand, Ghimdara, 27.vi.2008, 1♂, 2♀ (Pljusch) ( SIZK); Iran: Ardebil: Khalkhal, 13.07.2010, 1♀ (Mohamadzade); East Azerbaijan Province: Sahand ski resort, 30 km of Tabriz, 37°45.850' N 46°30.754' E, 2900 m, 30.viii.2010, 4♀, 2♂ (Mohamadzade) ( SMNC); Dizmar Protected Area, Chichakli Valley, 38º40.50' N 46º32.05' E, h= 2215 m, 26.vi.2014, 2♂, 2♀ (S. & V. Korneyev) ( SIZK); West Azerbaijan: Ziveh, 10 km W Ziveh, 2630m, 37°08'N, 44°52'E, 24.vii.2011, 1♂, 2♀ (Mohamadzade); idem, 31.viii.2011, 1♀ (Mohamadzade); Mazandaran Province: 2♀, Rineh, South mountainside of Damavand, 2500m, 35°52'N, 52°06'E, 27.vi.2013 (Mohamadzade) ( SMNC), idem, 35º52.29'N 52º06.40'E, h= 2560 m, 10.vii.2014, 1♀ (S. & V. Korneyev) ( SIZK); Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek, Chon-Aryk, 42º47.12' N 74º34.20' E, h= 1075 m, 29.vi.1996, 1♂, 2♀ (V. Korneyev) ( SIZK).

Redescription. Head ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 12 ): Yellowish brown, whitish microtrichose, distal 2/3 of arista and V-shaped mark on upper part of occipital foramen blackish. Flagellomere 1 yellowish brown. Frons above lunule with setulae. Setulae whitish-yellow, on frons and anterior part of gena. Postocular setae whitish-yellow mixed with brownish setulae. Length: height: width ratio = 1: 1.14: 1.57. Frons subquadrate, twice as wide as eye, which is about 1.35 times as high as long. Gena 0.7 times as high as length of flagellomere 1. Flagellomere 1, 1.5 times as long as wide, rounded apicodorsaly.

Thorax ( Figs. 1 & 4 View FIGURES 1 – 12 ): Black (only postpronotal lobe, notopleura, proepisternum and only stripe in anterior half of anepisternum yellowish brown), densely white microtrichose with very indistinct longitudinal lines on the scutum. Bristles on small black dots. Scutellum blackish in the middle and yellowish in the corners. Setae yellowish brown; posterior notopleural seta yellow. Setulae white; scutellum with white marginal setulae on each side. Calypteres white. Halter yellow.

Legs: Yellowish brown, fore femur with 2 rows of white posterodorsal and one row of yellowish brown posteroventral setae; legs with brown setae and setulae ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 12 ).

Wing ( Figs. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 12 ): Cell bc hyaline, humeral crossvein dark brown. Pterostigma brown with one hyaline spot in the middle, radial fork brownish, cell r1 hyaline at very basal part and distally brown, small hyaline spot present at the level of apex of vein Sc, with (3-)4 apical hyaline spots that separated by brown rays, the posterior fused with subapical spot in cell r2+3; br hyaline in basal one third except two brownish and narrow spots, the first one at the level of humeral crossvein and the second is a ray from middle part of bm to anterior margin of the wing, in apical two third completely dark, with one round hyaline spot at the level of apex of r1 that touching vein M; cell r4+5 with round hyaline spot touching vein M or near it, at or near level of dm-cu, and long apical spot bordered by 2 narrow apical rays extending to apices of veins R4+5 and M, two anterior and posterior subapical hyaline spots in r4+5 extending cells r2+3 and m cells respectively. Cell bm and bcu hyaline, with brown pattern in apical part. Cell dm completely brown, with three small spots (one proximal, one in the middle and one subapical, all of them near Cu1 vein), and one large round hyaline spot at the level of r-m crossband. Cell m with three large hyaline spots, the most distal extending into cell r4+5; cell cua1 brown with one proximal, one central (at the end of Sc level) and three marginal hyaline spots. Anal lobe brownish with three marginal and several small hyaline dots. Vein R4+5 with 1–5 setulae dorsally and with 6–15 setulae ventrally (usually reaches middle of cell r4+5).

Abdomen: Black, grayish microtrichose, with very narrow yellowish band on posterior part of tergites. Tergites 1–5 in female entirely microtrichose, with both black and white setulae; white setulae occur in posterior margins and also on lateral part of Syntergite 1+2. Tergite 6 shining black with narrow yellowish band on posterior part and brown setulae and long brown setae on posterior part. Oviscape shining black in the middle and shining yellow in lateral part with black setulae. Aculeus brown, 4.6 times as long as wide ( Figs. 7–8 View FIGURES 1 – 12 ). Eversible membrane as in Fig. 9 View FIGURES 1 – 12 . Spermathecae as in Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1 – 12 . Epandrium oval, as in Figs. 11–12 View FIGURES 1 – 12 ; glans ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 1 – 12 ) long, mostly membranous. Ejaculatory apodeme as on Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 12 .

Measurements. Female. Body length 4–5.4 mm, wing length 3.75–4.5 mm, aculeus length 1–1.2mm; Male. Body length 3.9–4.3 mm, wing length 3.5–4.3 mm.

Distribution. Germany ( Boie 1847; Merz 1999a), The Netherlands ( Kabos & Aartsen 1984; Smit 2010); Sweden ( Fallén 1820; Zetterstedt 1847), Denmark ( Zetterstedt 1847), Finland ( Persson 1958; Kaganpaa & Winqwist 2014), Czech Republic ( Dirlbek & Dirlbek 1985; Kinkorová 1997; Heřman, & Kinkorová 2009), Hungary ( Mihályi 1960), Poland ( Nowakowski 1991), Lithuania ( Pakalniškis et al. 2006), Ukraine ( Jaroszewski 1876; Kryshtal 1949; Korneyev 1983; 2004); Turkey ( Zaitzev 1947; Koçak & Kemal 2013); Georgia ( Zaitzev 1947); Armenia ( Zaitzev 1947); Azerbaijan ( Zaitzev 1947); Iran: West Azerbaijan ( Zaitzev 1947); Ardabil, East Azerbaijan, Tehran, Mazandaran (this study); Kazakhstan ( Richter 1965), and Kyrgyzstan (this study).

Host plants. Unknown. This species is collected only in association with Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench ( Zetterstedt, 1847: as Gnaphalium arenarium ; current study), which is a possible host plant. Flies have never been reared from the flower heads, which can imply that they live either in stems or in rhizome, possibly as gall-formers.

Remarks. This species occurs in the Baltic countries exclusively in dry and well-insulated sand dunes. In the southern part of its distribution, from Caucasian countries and Iran to Kyrgyzstan, its possible host plant prefers grasslands on the slopes of hills and low mountains with medium or moderately low humidity. In Ukraine, it occurs in both dunes and warm and moderately dry undisturbed meadows or steppes. In the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, the records of H. guttata are based on almost 150-year old specimens.

Aczel, M. L. (1940) Neue Beitrage zur Systematik und Okologie der palaarktischen Trypetiden. Bohrfliegen-Studien II. Zoologisches Anzeiger, 130, 234 - 242.

Becker, T. (1905) Katalog der palaarktischen Dipteren; Cyclorrhapha schizophora: Holometopa. IV. Budapest, 328 pp.

Boie, F. (1847) Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte mehrer Trypeta - Arten. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 8, 326 - 331.

Dirlbek, K. & Dirlbek, J. (1985) Occurrence of Tephritidae (Diptera) in West Bohemia. Folia Musei rerum naturalium Bohemiae occidentalis, Plzen, Zoologica, 22, 1 - 28.

Fallen, C. F. (1814) Beskrifning ofver de i sverige funna tistel-flugor, horande till dipter-slagtet Tephritis. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapakademiens Handlingar, 35, 156 - 177.

Fallen, C. F. (1820) Ortalides sveciae. I. Berling, Lundae, 34 pp.

Hendel, F. (1927) 49. Trypetidae. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region. Vol. 5. Stuttgart, 221 pp. + 17 pls.

Herman, P. & Kinkorova, J. (2009) Tephritidae Newman, 1834. In: Jedlicka, L., Kudela, M. & Stloukalova, V. (Eds.), Checklist of Diptera of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Electronic version 2. CD-ROM: ISBN 978 - 80 - 969629 - 4 - 5. Available from: http: // www. edvis. sk / diptera 2009 / families / tephritidae. htm (accessed 1 April 2015)

Jaroszewski, W. A. (1876) List of the dipterous insects (Diptera) collected mainly in Kharkov and its environs. Trudy obschestva ispytateley prirody, Kharkov, 10, 1 - 49.

Kabos, W. J. & Aartsen, B. van (1984) De Nederlandse boorvliegen (Tephritidae) en prachtvliegen (Otitidae). Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen van de KNNV, 163, 1 - 64.

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Kryshtal, O. P. (1949) Materials on the study of entomofauna of the Middle Dnipro valley. Kyiv, 249 pp.

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Pakalniskis, S., Bernotiene, R., Lutovinovas, E., Petrasiunas, A., Podenas, S., Rimsaite, J, Saether, O. A. & Spungis, V. (2006) Checklist of Lithuanian Diptera. New and Rare for Lithuania Insect Species, 18, 16 - 149.

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Gallery Image

FIGURES 1 – 12. Heringina guttata, 1. Habitus, ♂. 2. Wing. 3. Head in profile. 4. Mesonotum. 5. Ejaculatory apodeme. 6. Spermatheca. 7. Aculeus apex. 8. Aculeus. 9. Apex of oviscape and eversible membrane. 10. Glans of phallus, lateral. 11. Epandrium and hypandrium, lateral left view. 12. Epandrium, posterior view.


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