Plagiodontes weyenberghii (Doering, 1877)

Pizá, Julia & Cazzaniga, Néstor J., 2012, Barrels and pagodas: clarifying the identity and variability of two nominal taxa of carinated land snails in the genus Plagiodontes (Gastropoda: Orthalicidae: Odontostominae), Journal of Natural History 46 (7 - 8), pp. 383-410 : 390-393

publication ID 10.1080/00222933.2011.640440

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scientific name

Plagiodontes weyenberghii


Plagiodontes weyenberghii ( Doering, 1877 [“1875”])

Bulimus (Plagiodontes) weyenberghii Doering, 1877 [“1875”], p. 241; Doering 1878 [“1876”]: 322.

Bulimus (Plagiodontes) weyemberghii: Doering 1877 [“1875”], p. 241; Doering 1878 [“1876”]: 322 (lapsus calami); Kobelt 1878. p. 133.

Bulimus weyenberghii: Kobelt 1880, p. 289 ; Breure 1974, p. 126.

Odontostomus (Plagiodontes) weyenberghi: Pilsbry 1901, p. 100 –101; Holmberg 1912, p. 25–26; Parodiz 1939, p. 728.

Odontostomus (Plagiodontes) weyemberghi: Parodiz 1943 [“1942”], p. 340.

Cyclodontina (Plagiodontes) weyemberghi: Parodiz 1957, p. 28 .

Plagiodontes weyenberghi: Hylton-Scott 1965, p. 24 .

Scalarinella (Plagiodontes) weyemberghi: Zilch 1971, p. 199 .

Plagiodontes weyemberghi: Fernández 1973, p. 154 .

Odontostomus weyemberghii: Breure 1974, p. 126 .

Plagiodontes weyemberghii: Breure and Schouten 1985, p. 17 ; Cuezzo and Dragh 1995, p.196.

Odontostomus weyemberghi: Richardson 1993, p. 52 .


Cylindrical to pagoda-shaped by the presence of a sutural keel, brownish shell of medium size, with a short, wide and obtuse apex. Protoconch and teleoconch sculptures forming a transition area. Teleoconch sculpture with strong axial ribs and minor undulated axial striae in between. Aperture with an expanded and slightly reflected peristome. Pallial complex moderately vascularized. Free portion of the fertilization pouch–spermathecal complex long and straight. Bursa copulatrix duct markedly swollen distally. The penial papilla has an accessory lobe slightly shorter than the papilla. Vagina with a medial longitudinal depression.

Type series

Holotype, SMF 9354 About SMF 28.44 mm long, 14.35 mm wide ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ); four paratypes, SMF 9355 About SMF .

Type locality

Chancaní, Sierra de Pocho. Córdoba province, Argentina.


Endemic to Sierra de Pocho , north-western Córdoba province .


Shell ( Figures 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 6 View Figure 6 ). Cylindrical to pagoda-shaped, rimate, solid, light-brown to brown. 20.14–28.5 mm long by 10.25–13 mm wide. It has 6.25 to 8.25 flattened whorls, almost straight, with a suprasutural carina of variable development. Spire cylindrical trapezoid in shape, occupying 29–45% of shell length. The apex is a short and obtuse cone. Aperture subvertical, ovate, 9.29–13.24 mm long by 7.14–10.39 mm wide with a widely expanded and reflected peristome in adult specimens.

Protoconch and teleoconch sculpture ( Figure 7 View Figure 7 A–D). Protoconch of 2 to 2.5 whorls with conspicuous axial ribs, crossed by spiral lines less marked with an internal depression in most specimens ( Figure 7A,C View Figure 7 ). Protoconch-teleoconch boundary not well defined, forming a transition area ( Figure 7A,B View Figure 7 ). Teleoconch with strong, straight axial ribs with minor undulated spiral elements in the intercostal space ( Figure 7B,D View Figure 7 ).

Apertural lamellae and folds ( Figures 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 ). The studied specimens had 9 to 13 apertural lamellae and folds (mode = 11) similar to those of the remaining Plagiodontes species ( Pizá and Cazzaniga 2003, 2009; Cazzaniga et al. 2005; Pizá et al. 2006). Angular fold joined to the parietal lamella; a supracolumellar denticle present in 50% of the specimens. Frequencies of lower palatal folds distributed as shown in Figure 8 View Figure 8 .

Pallial complex ( Figure 9 View Figure 9 ). General arrangement similar to that already described for other Plagiodontes species ( Pizá and Cazzaniga 2009, 2010), 30 and 35 mm long in the studied specimens. The pericardium, 4.73 and 4.76 mm long, occupied 52 and 60% of the kidney length. The kidney, triangular in shape, occupied 20 and 30% of the pallial complex length. The ureteric pore opened at the level of the midpoint of the kidney in one specimen and above it in the other. Pulmonary vein 19 and 25.7 mm long; the afferent marginal vein branched near the midpoint of the pulmonary vein. The vascularization was conspicuous in the adrectal area and weaker in the area between the pulmonary vein and the marginal afferent vein. Marginal vein poorly vascularized. The mantle collar included a spongy pallial gland and some dents corresponding to the position of the apertural lamellae and folds.

Genital system ( Figures 10–13 View Figure 10 View Figure 11 View Figure 12 View Figure 13 ). It followed the general arrangement found in the remaining Plagiodontes species, and presented a general whitish pigmentation. Creamcoloured ovotestis, composed of seven and eight groups of digitiform acini. White and conspicuous fertilization pouch–spermathecal complex, its free portion composed of a long, straight blind sac ( Figure 11A,B View Figure 11 ). Albumen gland elongated and whitish. Spermoviduct long, with two circumvolutions in both studied specimens. Vas deferens emerges just above the point where the vagina bifurcates in the free oviduct and the bursa copulatrix duct, and ends in the epiphallus–flagellum boundary after running through the retractor muscle. Bursa copulatrix a round sac, 1.8 and 3 mm in diameter; its duct 25 and 31 mm long and distally swollen ( Figure 10A,B View Figure 10 ). Inner surface with straight folds or lamellae. Bifurcation of the vagina in the free oviduct and the bursa copulatrix duct with a marked constriction and a distal widening. Vagina shorter than the penis (penis length / vagina length, 1.48 and 1.74), subcylindrical, thin (vagina length / vagina width 2.10 and 3.75), with a longitudinal medial depression; its inner surface is reticulated by anastomosed lamellae ( Figure 12A,B View Figure 12 ).

Penial complex 35 and 38 mm long. The club-shaped penis was 2.5 and 5 times longer than wide, and shorter than the epiphallus (epiphallus length / penis length 1.24 and 1.38). Internal penial papilla with an accessory lobe almost as long as the papilla ( Figure 13A,B View Figure 13 ). Inner surface of the penis with longitudinal and undulated pilasters with several branches. Penis sheath short and muscular. Epiphallus with a proximal cylindrical portion with internal thin and straight longitudinal lamellae, and a distal swollen portion, separated by a partition with a hollow minute papilla. The swollen part continued in a cylindrical tube with elevated and anastomosed folds that run into the fleshy penial papilla ( Figure 13B View Figure 13 ). Cylindrical flagellum with a longitudinal lamella and two longitudinal parallel thickenings. Epiphallus diameter larger than the flagellum diameter.














Plagiodontes weyenberghii

Pizá, Julia & Cazzaniga, Néstor J. 2012

Odontostomus weyemberghi:

Richardson 1993: 52

Plagiodontes weyemberghii

: Breure and Schouten 1985: 17

Odontostomus weyemberghii:

Breure 1974: 126

Plagiodontes weyemberghi: Fernández 1973 , p. 154

Fernandez 1973: 154

Scalarinella (Plagiodontes) weyemberghi:

Zilch 1971: 199

Plagiodontes weyenberghi

: Hylton-Scott 1965: 24

Cyclodontina (Plagiodontes) weyemberghi:

Parodiz 1957: 28

Odontostomus (Plagiodontes) weyemberghi:

Parodiz 1943

Odontostomus (Plagiodontes) weyenberghi:

Pilsbry 1901: 100

Bulimus weyenberghii

: Kobelt 1880: 289

Bulimus (Plagiodontes) weyenberghii

Doering 1877

Bulimus (Plagiodontes) weyemberghii

: Doering 1877
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