Crematogaster yaharai, Hosoishi & Ogata, 2019

Hosoishi, Shingo & Ogata, Kazuo, 2019, Fig. 7 in Effect of Kleptoparasitic Ants on the Foraging Behavior of a Social Spider (Karsch, 1891)., Zoological Studies 58 (11), pp. 1-15 : 7-8

publication ID 10.6620/ZS.2019.58-11

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scientific name

Crematogaster yaharai


Crematogaster rothneyi Mayr, 1879 View in CoL ( Figs. 3 View Fig , 5A View Fig )

Crematogaster rothneyi F. Smith, 1873 View in CoL : viii. Nomen nudum, attributed to Mayr.

Crematogaster rothneyi Mayr, 1879: 685 View in CoL . Worker.

Crematogaster rothneyi var. civa Forel, 1902: 203 View in CoL . Worker.

Type material of Crematogaster rothneyi Mayr, 1879 (examined): Lectotype worker (by present designation) and two paralectotype workers, INDIA, Calcutta (Rothney leg.) ( NHMW). Type locality: INDIA, Calcutta (Rothney) ( NHMW). Karyotype by Imai et al., 1984: 6. Combination in C. ( Acrocoelia ) by Emery, 1922: 151; in C. ( Crematogaster ) by Blaimer, 2012: 55.

Type material of Crematogaster rothneyi civa Forel, 1902 (examined): Five syntype workers, INDIA, Poona (Wroughton leg.) ( MHNG). Type locality: INDIA, Poona (Wroughton) ( MHNG). Combination in C. ( Acrocoelia ) by Emery, 1922: 151. Syn. nov.

Additional Specimens examined: INDIA: 1 worker, Calcutta, West Bengal, 23.ix.1978 (H. Imai leg.) ( KUEC); BANGLADESH: 5 workers, Chitragong, FRI, 23.i.1995 (K. Ogata leg.) ( KUEC); MYANMAR: 4 workers, Bagan, 23.ii.2002 (MM02-SKY-01) (Sk. Yamane leg.) ( KUEC); THAILAND: 2 workers, 500- 600 m alt., Doi Chiang Dao, nr Chiang Mai, 2.iv.2005 (Sk. Yamane leg.) ( KUEC); 2 workers, 650-700 m alt., leaf litter, Doi Chiang Dao, nr Chiang Mai, 3.iv.2005 (Sk. Yamane leg.) ( KUEC); VIETNAM: 1 worker, Hat Lot, Mai Son Dist., Son La Prov., 26.xi.1999 (K. Ogata leg.) ( KUEC); INDONESIA: 4 workers, coconut log, Pulau Sebesi, Lampung Prov., Sunda Strait, 11.viii.2005 (RK05-SKY-12) (Sk. Yamane leg.) ( KUEC); 4 workers, foraging on ground, Sulawesi, Mts. Tilongkabila, 100 m alt., Gorontalo Prov., 27.i.2010 (CE10-SKY-37) (Sk. Yamane leg.) ( KUEC); PHILIPPINES: 1 worker, Apolong, Valencia, near Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, 30.xii.1998 (Sk. Yamane leg.) ( KUEC).

Diagnosis: This species is very similar to C. yaharai sp. nov., but can be distinguished by the broader than long antennal segments V to VI, sculptured mesopleuron, and reticulately or areolately sculptured propodeum. The Indian specimen examined does not have distinctly developed longitudinal rugulae on the higher half of the dorsal surface of the head ( Fig. 3B View Fig ). The Thai specimens have broader or as broad as long antennal segments V and VI and a sculptured propodeal dorsum.

Measurements and indices of worker: HW 0.6- 0.84; HL 0.63-0.85; CI 95-105; SL 0.66-0.85; SI 99- 117; EL 0.14-0.22; PW 0.4-0.53; WL 0.72-1.01; PSL 0.05-0.14; PtL 0.22-0.30; PtW 0.24-0.33; PtH 0.16- 0.21; PpL 0.16-0.21; PpW 0.24-0.36; PtHI 60-80; PtWI 103-132; PpWI 150-188; WI 96-116 (Fourteen workers measured).

General description of worker: Polymorphic workers with moderate size variation.

Head subquadrate in full-face view, with weakly concave posterior margin, angular posterior corners and convex sides. Occipital carinae developed. Mandible with four teeth, apical and subapical teeth large. Anterior margin of clypeus convex with slightly impressed median portion; anterolateral margins of clypeus protruded anteriorly; posterior margin of clypeus rounded between frontal lobes. Frontal carinae almost parallel. Antennae 11 segmented; relative scape length variable with worker size (SI, 99-117); SI lower in larger specimens; antennal club 3-segmented. Scape exceeding posterior corner of head by 1/4 of its length or more. Antennal segments V and VI each broader than long or as broad as long. Compound eyes distinctly projecting beyond lateral margins of head in full-face view, especially in large workers.

Pronotum and mesonotum fully fused without defined suture. In lateral view, posterior half of dorsolateral margin of mesonotum forming triangleshaped process, anterior half forming almost flat outline. Mesothoracic spiracle reduced to form small pit dorsoventrally. Metapleural gland opening slit-shaped. Propodeal spiracle elliptical, situated at posterolateral corner, apart from metapleural gland bulla. Metanotal groove straight in dorsal view, deep and forming concave region between mesonotum and propodeum. In dorsal view, longitudinal rugulae not connecting between mesonotum and propodeum; the boundary distinct. Propodeal spines developed; length variable in several specimens.

Petiole scoop-shaped, broader anteriorly, longer than broad in dorsal view; spiracle situated at midportion between dorsal and ventral margin of petiole in lateral view, directed posterolaterally. Postpetiole with distinct longitudinal median sulcus, bilobed in dorsal view; spiracle situated anteriorly on lateral surface in lateral view.

Dorsum of head sculptured with longitudinal rugulae, but weakly developed on posterior half. Clypeus with longitudinal rugulae. Promesonotum sculptured reticulately or areolately. Mesopleuron densely sculptured in Indian specimen, or central region of mesopleuron smooth with weakly sculptured surrounding in other specimens. Dorsal surface of propodeum sculptured reticulately. Lateral surface of propodeum sculptured reticulately or areolately. Dorsal and lateral surface of petiole sculptured. Dorsal and lateral surface of postpetiole sculptured. Median sulcus of postpetiole smooth.

Standing pilosity sparse. Dorsum of head with short and erect setae. Clypeus with some pairs of erect setae. Anterior clypeal margin with one pair of long setae mixed with short setae laterally. Mesonotal dorsum with sparse erect setae. Petiole with suberect setae. Postpetiole with suberect setae. Fourth abdominal tergite with sparse erect setae.

Body almost entirely yellow, or brown, except for antenna yellowish.

Distribution: This species is known from India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia (Pulau Sebesi, Sulawesi) and the Philippines ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). Tiwari (1999) collected this species in Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and West Bengal States of India.

Remarks: The syntype workers of C. rothneyi civa match well with syntype workers of C. rothneyi . We treated C. rothneyi civa as a junior synonym of C. rothneyi .


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Kyushu University Entomology Collection














Crematogaster yaharai

Hosoishi, Shingo & Ogata, Kazuo 2019

Crematogaster rothneyi var. civa

Forel A. 1902: 203

Crematogaster rothneyi

Mayr G. 1879: 685
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