Goniopteris windischii Salino, 2016

Salino, Alexandre, Leroy, Carolina Jesus, Moura, Luiza Costa & Moura, Ingridy Oliveira, 2016, Four new species of the fern genus Goniopteris C. Presl (Thelypteridaceae) from Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Phytotaxa 255 (3), pp. 249-258 : 255-257

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.255.3.6

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Goniopteris windischii Salino

sp. nov.

4. Goniopteris windischii Salino View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 )

Goniopteris windischii is most similar to G. litoralis and G. subdimorpha by the slightly dimorphic fronds (fertile with longer petioles), but differs from those species mainly by the short- to medium-creeping rhizomes, rachises with a mixture of short (to 0.1 mm) and long (0.3–0.6 mm) hyaline hairs, rounded to obtuse segment apices, and medial to inframedial sori.

Type: — BRAZIL. Bahia. Ilhéus, Distrito de Rio do Braço, Fazenda Estrela da Manhã, na estrada para Banco do Pedro, 09 December 2014, A. Salino 15990, L. A. A. Goes Neto, R. S. Viveros, J. M. Costa & J. F. Souza (Holotype, BHCB, Isotypes, CEPEC, RB, UC).

Plants terrestrial. Rhizomes short- to medium-creeping, scales lanceolate with filiform apices, castaneous, 3.6–5.5 mm long, with acicular and furcate hairs 0.07–0.10 mm long. Fronds 32–72 cm long, monomorphic to subdimorphic with fertile fronds with longer petioles and contracted pinnae; petioles stramineous, sulcate adaxially, 16–41 cm long, 1–3 mm diam., sparsely scaly, scales like those of rhizomes, and pubescent with a mixture of stipitate, furcate, and stellate hairs (0.08–0.12 mm long), rarely some simple hairs. Laminae 16–34 cm long, triangular to oblong, chartaceous, verrucose, 1-pinnate-pinnatifid with a confluent, pinnatifid apex. Buds absent; rachises pilose in adaxial grooves with furcate and stellate hairs 0.05–0.20 mm, abaxially hirsute with a mixture of simple hairs 0.3–0.6 mm and furcate and stellate hairs 0.06–0.15 mm; pinnae 7–13 pairs, 5.5–10.5 × 1.7–2.2 cm, slightly to strongly ascending, the proximal pair perpendicular or ascending, linear to linear-lanceolate, incised 1/2–2/3 their width, sessile to short-stalked to 0.1 mm, apices acute to short-acuminate, bases truncate or oblique in the proximal pinnae; costae and costules abaxially hirsute with a mixture of simple hairs 0.3–0.5 mm long and furcate and stellate hairs 0.06–0.1 mm long, veins and laminar surfaces between veins with only short simple hairs 0.15–0.25 mm long, adaxially on costae with only moderate to dense simple hairs 0.1–0.45 mm; segments 2.5–5 mm wide, entire, rounded to obtuse apically, very rarely acute; veins 5–11 pairs per segment, unbranched, the basal vein pairs from adjacent segments connivent at sinuses or just above the sinus, distal vein of pair arising from costule. Sori round, inframedial; indusia round or round-reniform, margins with acicular hairs 0.19–0.30 mm; sporangia glabrous.

Distribution and habitat: — Goniopteris windischii is endemic to the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, Brazil, where it grows inside or in the edges of the semideciduous and evergreen forests, sometimes along streams, at 665– 1000 m.

Etymology: —Epithet is in honor of the Brazilian pteridologist Dr. Paulo Günter Windisch, who encouraged me to study Thelypteridaceae .

Additional specimens examined (paratypes): — BRAZIL. Bahia: Almadina. Fazenda São José, estrada Coaraci- Almadina, Serra do Corcovado , 14°43’12”S, 39°36’11” W, 320m, 10 December 2014, A. Salino et al. 16000 ( BHCB, UC) GoogleMaps ; Caatiba, rodovia BA-265, trecho Caatiba / Barra do Choça , a 6km a W de Caatiba, ca. 1000 m, 15 March 1979, S. A. Mori & T. S. dos Santos 11565 ( CEPEC) ; Camacã, Assentamento Conjunto Recordação , 05 September 2001, D. L. Santana 757 et al. ( CEPEC) ; Camacã, estrada Camacan-Jacaraci, Serra Bonita , 15°24’15”S, 39°32’06” W, 190 m, 12 December 2014, A. Salino et al. 16031 ( BHCB) GoogleMaps ; Ibicaraí , 3 km W da cidade, 14°52`S, 39°38´W, 16 February 1988, J. R. Pirani 2328 et al. ( BHCB, SPF) GoogleMaps ; Ilhéus, BR-415 Km 22, 14 October 1986, J. C. Hage 2128 & E. B. dos Santos ( CEPEC, SJRP), ibidem, Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau , 24 May 1965, R. P Belém & M. Magalhães 1106 ( CEPEC, UB, US), ibidem, 05 December 1968, J. Almeida & T. S. Santos 288 ( CEPEC, NY), ibidem, 15 May 1965, R. P. Belém & M. Magalhâes 987 ( US), ibidem,1821, Riedel s.n. ( P00167488 ), ibidem, 28 October 1978, S. A. Mori 10978 ( CEPEC, NY) ; Itacaré, ramal à esquerda da Rod. BR-101, com entrada no Km 11 do trecho, 12 June 1979, L. A. Mattos Silva et al. 437 ( CEPEC) ; Jussari, RPPN Serra do Teimoso, 15°09’15.8”S, 39°31’24.2”W, 02 November 2002, A. Salino 8163 & J. Jardim ( BHCB), ibidem, 432 m, 03 November 2013, L. L. Giacomin et al. 1978 ( BHCB) GoogleMaps ; Santo Amaro, saída de Santo Amaro ao entroncamento de Valença , Rod. BR-101, 07 May 1969, J. S. de Jesus 351 & T. S. dos Santos 400 ( NY) .

Notes:— Goniopteris windischii is most similar to G. littoralis and G. subdimorpha by having slightly dimorphic fronds (fertile with longer petioles), but differs from those species mainly by the short- to medium-creeping rhizomes, rachises with a mixture of short (to 0.1 mm) and long (0.3–0.6 mm) hyaline hairs, rounded to obtuse segment apices, and sori medial to inframedial. Goniopteris littoralis has erect rhizomes, rachises with short, furcate and stellate red hairs 0.1–0.3 mm, rarely with some simple hairs, acute (rarely rounded) segment apices, and sori always inframedial. In addition, G. windischii has pinnae usually linear to linear-lanceolate, and the proximal pinna pair perpendicular to the rachis, while G. littoralis has pinnae usually lanceolate, sometimes linear-lanceolate, and the proximal pair strongly deflexed. Goniopteris subdimorpha has erect rhizomes and dense, simple pluricellular tortuous hairs 1.1–2.7 mm along the abaxial costae, costules, veins, and laminar surfaces between veins, and these hairs are always arched, covering the sori.

Goniopteris biformata ( Rosenstock 1909: 300) Salino & Almeida (2015: 37) View in CoL View Cited Treatment , from Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, has fronds subdimorphic and very similar indument on blade abaxially, but differs from G. windischii View in CoL by having erect to suberect rhizomes, usually with buds in the axils of distal pinnae, non-verrucose laminae, and denser indument abaxially; it also has a conform or confluent pinnatifid, abruptly reduced blade apex. In Brazil, G. biformata View in CoL is known only in semideciduous forests of the Cerrado Domain, while G. windischii View in CoL occurs exclusively in Atlantic Rain Forest close to the coast.

Goniopteris gemmulifera ( Hieronymus 1907: 326) Vareschi (1969: 450) View in CoL , from Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana, and Ecuador, is somewhat similar to G. windischii View in CoL , but G. gemmulifera View in CoL has suberect rhizomes, buds in axils of distal pinnae, usually glabrous laminar surfaces, and simple hairs on sporangial stalks.


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Upjohn Culture Collection


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William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden














Goniopteris windischii Salino

Salino, Alexandre, Leroy, Carolina Jesus, Moura, Luiza Costa & Moura, Ingridy Oliveira 2016

Goniopteris biformata ( Rosenstock 1909: 300 )

Salino, A. & Almeida, T. E. & Smith, A. R. 2015: 300

Goniopteris gemmulifera ( Hieronymus 1907: 326 )

Hieronymus, G. H. E. 1907: 326
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