Gyrodactylus magadiensis, Santos & Maina & Avenant-Oldewage, 2019

Santos, Quinton Marco Dos, Maina, John Ndegwa & Avenant-Oldewage, Annemariè, 2019, Gyrodactylus magadiensis n. sp. (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) parasitising the gills of Alcolapia grahami (Perciformes, Cichlidae), a fish inhabiting the extreme environment of Lake Magadi, Kenya, Parasite (Paris, France) 26 (76), pp. 1-13 : 6

publication ID 10.1051/parasite/2019077

publication LSID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gyrodactylus magadiensis

sp. nov.

Gyrodactylus magadiensis View in CoL n. sp.

Type host: Alcolapia grahami (Boulenger, 1912) ( Perciformes , Cichlidae )

Type locality: Lake Magadi , Eastern Rift Valley, Kenya (1 ° 53, 28.4 ,, S, 36 ° 18, 09.6 ,, E)

Infection site: Gills

Type material: Holotype: Mounted in Canada Balsam and deposited in the Iziko South African Museum , Cape Town , South Africa (accession no. SAM – A091374 View Materials ) . Paratypes: four specimens deposited in the Iziko South African Museum , Cape Town, South Africa (accession no. SAMC – A091375 View Materials to SAMC – A091378 View Materials ) ; four specimens deposited in the Natural History Museum , London, UK (accession nos. NHMUK 2019.12 View Materials .6.1 to NHMUK 2019.12.6.4); and four specimens deposited in the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium (accession nos. M. T.39080 to M. T.390803) .

ITS rDNA sequences: Representative sequence submitted to GenBank (accession no. MN 738699).

Etymology: The species is named after Lake Magadi from which the specimens were collected.


South African Museum


Iziko Museums of Cape Town


Natural History Museum, London


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

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