Cernotina fossilinova, Wichard & Correspondence, 2021

Wichard, Wilfried & Correspondence, Christian Neumann, 2021, The polycentropodid genus Cernotina (Insecta, Trichoptera) in Miocene Dominican amber, Fossil Record 24 (1), pp. 129-133 : 130

publication ID 10.5194/fr-24-129-2021

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scientific name

Cernotina fossilinova

sp. nov.

Cernotina fossilinova sp. nov. is named after the new discovery in Dominican amber.


Cernotina fossilinova sp. nov. corresponds to the general characteristics of the genus and is characterized by the combination of male genital structures. The genital structures correspond to those of the endemic C. danieli of Hispaniola in the shape of the inferior appendage with apicodorsal blackened hook and without basodorsal lobe. The new species shows further similarities to C. danieli by the shape of the broad pre-anal appendage (the dorsolateral processus sensu Camargos, 2020) but is rod-shaped at the tip and not pointed. The intermediate appendages of C. fossilinova sp. nov. are not membranous but erect and sclerotic.


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