Cernotina calcea Ross, 1938

Wichard, Wilfried & Correspondence, Christian Neumann, 2021, The polycentropodid genus Cernotina (Insecta, Trichoptera) in Miocene Dominican amber, Fossil Record 24 (1), pp. 129-133 : 130

publication ID 10.5194/fr-24-129-2021

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scientific name

Cernotina calcea Ross, 1938


Cernotina calcea Ross, 1938 View in CoL .

Genus diagnosis (detailed in Camargos, 2020)

Ocelli absent. Maxillary palps five-segmented, first and second segments short, third segment twice as long, fourth segment about as long as third segment. The fifth segment about twice as long as third or fourth segment; this terminal segment is narrower and annulated. Labial palps threesegmented, first and second segments short, third segment clearly longer and annulated. Forewing venation with forks II, IV, and V; discoidal closed. Hind wing venation with forks II and V; discoidal cell open. Tibial spurs: 2/4/4.

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