Cernotina fossilinova, Wichard & Correspondence, 2021

Wichard, Wilfried & Correspondence, Christian Neumann, 2021, The polycentropodid genus Cernotina (Insecta, Trichoptera) in Miocene Dominican amber, Fossil Record 24 (1), pp. 129-133 : 130

publication ID 10.5194/fr-24-129-2021

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scientific name

Cernotina fossilinova

sp. nov.

Cernotina fossilinova sp. nov. corresponds in general characteristics to the genus described in the genus diagnosis.

Wings: length of forewing: 3.8 mm. General wing venation typical of the genus ( OlAEh and Johanson, 2010, table 1; Camargos, 2020). However, in forewing discoidal cell probably open; crossvein m not visible. Forks II, IV, and V present, in which fork V short stalked; crossvein m-cu1 diagonal running; thyridium cell closed. Hind wing venation with forks II and V; discoidal cell open; hind wing without crossveins. The wings are uniformly fine hairy.

Male genitalia: this species bears similarities with C. danieli by the general shape of the inferior appendages with the blackened hook apicodorsal but without a dorsomesal row of small spinose setae. In side view the pre-anal appendage looks like a scale (dorsolateral process of the pre-anal appendage sensu Camargos, 2020), at the base wide and almost as long as the inferior appendage. In the middle of the rounded apical margin, a rod-shaped structure emerges mesad, which protrudes clearly above the scale and is darkly marked at apex. As far as visible as an amber inclusion, the intermediate appendage looks like a strong erect structure as long as the inferior appendage and is not membranous. The apex of the intermediate appendage is slightly capped and probably bearing very small warts.

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