LYCIDAE, Laporte, 1836

Ferreira, Vinicius S. & Ivie, Michael A., 2023, The First Extant Species of Falsoceratoprion Ferreira, with a Key to the West Indian Lycidae Genera (Coleoptera: Elateroidea), The Coleopterists Bulletin 77 (1), pp. 101-109 : 105

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-77.1.101

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Note: This key follows the taxonomic changes proposed in Ferreira and Ivie (2022): Nanolycus Kazantsev, 2013 was placed in synonymy with Cessator Kazantsev, 2009 , and the subgenus Leptolycus (Baholycus) Bocak, 2001 was placed in synonymy with Leptolycus Leng and Mutchler, 1922 . The record of Metapteron from Cuba ( Pic 1922) is rejected and the genus is not included in the key (see Discussion below).

1. Basal half of elytra orange or red and apical half metallic blue or greenish, bearing three elytral costae; The Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Montserrat........ ......... Thonalmus Bourgeois, 1883 ( Fig. 3I View Fig )

1′. Elytra never with the above color combination, apical half of elytra never metallic, bearing two, three, four, or an indistinct number of elytral costae ......................................... 2

2. Mandibles and labium normally developed; elytral shape variable ................................ 3

2′. Mandibles and labium strongly reduced, seemingly absent; elytra strongly dehiscent .......... 5

3. Pronotum with distinct, complete median longitudinal carina; elytra with three longitudinal costae, strongly reticulated, bearing small, subquadrate cells; Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada......... ........ Mesopteron Bourgeois, 1905 ( Fig. 3F View Fig )

3′. Pronotal median carina absent; elytral costae and cells not as above ................................ 4

4. Antenna distinctly serrate ( Figs. 1A, B View Fig ); elytral costa I medially discontinued, costae II + III fused apically; elytral cells absent ( Fig. 1A View Fig ); Cuba............................................ .... Falsoceratoprion Ferreira, 2022 ( Fig. 1A View Fig )

4′. Antenna filiform; elytra with distinct costae; elytra with small, subcircular cells; Grand Bahama (WIBF), Cuba, St. Vincent............. ............. Plateros Bourgeois, 1879 View in CoL ( Fig. 3G View Fig )

5. Antennomere 2 small, antennomere 3 multiple times longer than 2 .............................. 6

5′. Antennomeres 2 and 3 small, subequal in length ......................................................... 7

6. Antenna in lateral view dorsoventrally flattened; elytral cells circular, distinct and strongly developed; pronotum longer than wide, widest at base, lateral margins bearing strongly developed sulci; Dominican Republic.................... ...... Dominopteron Kazantsev, 2013 ( Fig. 3B View Fig )

6′. Antenna in lateral view tubular, not dorsoventrally flattened; elytral cells indistinct, seemingly absent, elytral surface with a granulate texture; pronotum transverse, the base and apex subequal, lateral margins simple; Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands............................................... ............ Cessator Kazantsev, 2009 ( Fig. 3A View Fig )

7. Elytra remarkably dehiscent, narrowed, tapered towards apex; metatrochanters distinctly elongate and tubular; antenna filiform, flabellate, serrate, or subserrate; Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands............. Leptolycus Leng and Mutchler, 1922 ( Fig. 3E View Fig )

7′. Elytra moderately or weakly dehiscent, not narrowed, width similar throughout; metatrochanters short, semi-triangular; antenna variable, never flabellate ........................... 8

8. Elytra and pronotum densely setose, bearing moderately long and decumbent setae; antennomeres 4–11 short, as long as wide; scutellar shield distinctly bifurcated posteriorly, tips of bifurcations acute; Cuba, Dominican Republic....................................................... ...... Electropteron Kazantsev, 2013 ( Fig. 3D View Fig )

8′. Elytra and pronotum with setae weakly developed, seemingly glabrous or with only short setae throughout; antennomeres 4–11 longer than wide, elongate, parallel-sided; scutellar shield variable, but not bearing acute tips ................................................... 9

9. Pronotum strongly transverse, lacking lateral margins; elytral costae weakly developed, disappearing towards apex; antenna bearing long-bristle like setae; scutellar shield subquadrate, apically notched; small, short, body length <1.75 mm; Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico............................................. ...... Tainopteron Kazantsev, 2009 ( Fig. 3H View Fig )

9′. Pronotum longer than wide, all margins distinct; elytral costae strongly developed and visible throughout, fused apically; antenna bearing short, decumbent setae; scutellar shield heart-shaped; large, long, body length> 4.88 mm; Puerto Rico............................... Dracolycus Ferreira and Ivie, 2022 ( Fig. 3C View Fig )











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