Chamaecrista hispidula (Vahl) Irwin & Barneby (1982: 661)

Souza, Alessandro Oliveira De, Cavalcante, Raphael Guarda & Silva, Marcos José Da, 2022, Taxonomic revision of Chamaecrista sect. Absus subsect. Absus (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae) with adjustments in the new classification, Phytotaxa 565 (1), pp. 1-82 : 46-50

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Plazi (2022-09-20 07:39:02, last updated 2023-12-08 23:59:22)

scientific name

Chamaecrista hispidula (Vahl) Irwin & Barneby (1982: 661)


11. Chamaecrista hispidula (Vahl) Irwin & Barneby (1982: 661) View in CoL Cassia hispidula Vahl (1807: 10) Grimaldia hispidula (Vahl) Britton & Rose (1930a: 299) . Type:—“ Habitat in America meridlonali. von Rohr. ”, s. dat., (fl.), J.P.B. von Rohr s. n.(holotype C 10011980!). (Figs. 21 and 22)

= Cassia tetraphylla Martyn (1797: 44) View in CoL . Type :— MEXICO. s. loc., s. dat. (fl.), W. Houstoun s. n. (holotype BM000952125 !) .

= Cassia hispida Colladon (1816: 118) View in CoL . Type:—” Hab. Cayennae. (Patris v.s. sp. h. DC.) ”, s. dat., (fl.), s. col., s. n. (holotype G-DC).

= Cassia pauciflora Kunth (1823: 360) View in CoL . Type:— MEXICO. Guerrero: Venta del Peregrino , between Acapulco and Chilpancingo, on the seaward slope, 180m, s. dat., (fl.), A.J.A. Bonpland & F. W. H. A . von Humboldt 3907 (holotype P00679253 !) .

= Cassia lotoides Humboldt (1823: 361) View in CoL . Type:— VENEZUELA. “ Crescit prope Caripe Cumanensium [Estado Sucre, Venezuela], alt. 412 hex; item locis arenosis prope El Capuchino, ad ripam Orinoci ”, s. dat, (fl.), s. col., s. n. (holotype P00679254 !, isotypes HAL0120706 About HAL !, P02436097 !).

= Cassia leiantha Bentham (1840: 78) View in CoL . Type :— GUIANA. s. loc., 1836, (fl.), R.H. Schomburgk 64 (holotype K000555604 !, isotypes G00440149 !, LE00002341 !, P00836040 !) .

= Grimaldia confusa Britton & Rose (1930a: 300) View in CoL . Type:— MEXICO. Oaxaca: Near City of Oaxaca. 16 June 1899, (fl.), J.N. Rose & W . Hough 4654 (holotype US 00002182!, isotype NY00004394 !) .

Subshrubs perennial, creeping or decumbent, in this case diffusely branched. Root nodules absent. Branches greenbrown, hispid-viscous and puberulent, including stipules, petiole and rachis, or rarely glabrous; non-exfoliating bark. Stipules 1–2.5 × 0.4–0.5 mm, lanceolate, persistent or deciduous.Leaves alternatespiral, regularly distributed along the stem, plagiotropic; petiole 1.5–3.5 cm long; rachis 2.5–6 mm long; leaflets 2 pairs, 0.6–3 × 0.4–2.2 cm, distal pair slightly larger than proximal pair, oboval, oboval-elliptic, oblong-elliptic, suborbicular or elliptical, apex emarginate or rounded, base rounded or subcordate on the proximal pair and cuneate or oblique on the distal pair, chartaceous to papyraceous, concolorous, olive or dark green, sometimes variegated, glabrous or sometimes sparsely puberulent on the adaxial surface, margin entire, flat, not ciliated; secondary veins 4–5 pairs, inconspicuous or conspicuous only on the abaxial side and imprinted on both sides. Leafy appendix inter-petiolule absent. Racemes 4–17 cm long, peduncle 4–10 mm long, 5–30 flowers, lax, terminal or opposite the leaves, when the branch grows after flowering, suberect with straight or flexuous axis, setulose-viscous and villous, including pedicel, outer surface of bracts, bracteoles and sepals. Bracts 0.7–1.8 × 0.4–1 mm, lanceolate, persistent. Bracts 0.8–1.8 × 0.5 mm, similar to bracts. Buds 4–10 × 3–6 mm, ovoid or ellipsoidal, apex acute or apiculate. Flowers 1.4–2 × 1.5–2.5 cm; pedicel 1–3 cm long, straight and ascending, recurved when fruited; sepals 8–13 × 3–5 mm, elliptical, apex acute or obtuse, yellow reddish externally; 4 flat oblong or oboval petals and 1 falcate-curled inner petal, 0.7–1.7 × 0.8–2 cm, yellow; stamens 10, 4–5.5 mm long, anthers not barbulate; ovary 3–4 × 1.5 mm, setulose-viscous and puberulent; stylet 9–13 mm long, curved in upper third, glabrous. Legumes 2.8–5 × 0.5–0.7 cm, linear-oblong, hispid-viscous and sparsely puberulent, dark brown. Seeds 5–8, 3–4.5 × 3–4.5 mm, obovoid, blackened.

Etymology: —epithet in reference to the hispid trichomes present on the branches of the species.

Geographical distribution and habitat:— Chamaecrista hispidula occurs from Mexico, including the Caribbean, to southeastern Brazil (Fig. 38D). It inhabits seasonally dry vegetation such as savannahs and caatingas, up to restingas, mangroves, edges of riparian or ombrophilous forests, in conserved or anthropic environments. It is still used as an ornamental in city beds throughout Brazil, especially in the Northeast region between 13–500 m altitude.

Flowering and fruiting:—Species with abundant flower and fruit throughout the year.

Conservation status: —Species categorized as Least Concern (LC) given its wide range of occurrence (ca. 13,000,000 km 2), great capacity to colonize environments and expressive populations with more than 50 mature individuals.

Taxonomic history:— Cassia hispidula was described by Vahl in 1807, transferred to the genus Grimaldia by Britton & Rose (1930a), reclassified into Cassia by Irwin & Barneby (1978) and combined into the genus Chamaecrista by the latter authors in 1982.

Species described later as Cassia hispida by Colladon (1816), Cassia pauciflora by Kunth (1823), Cassia lotoides by Humboldt (1823), Cassia leiantha by Bentham (1840) and Grimaldiaconfusa Britton & Rose (1930a) were interpreted as synonyms of C. hispidula by Irwin & Barneby (1978). Based on the analysis of the types of these taxa, we agree with all the synonyms proposed for the species, as they share the same morphological continuum observed in Ch. hispidula .

Characterization and morphological relationships: — Chamaecrista hispidula is morphologically more related to Ch. amiciella , as discussed in the comments of the latter. It can be reliably identified by its decumbent subshrub habit with hispid-setose and viscous branches, petiole 2.5–5 times longer than the rachis, leaflets oboval, oboval-elliptic, oblong-elliptic or suborbicular, concolorous, usually variegated with a flat margin, as well as by the inflorescences with a peduncle of 4–15 mm long, ovoid or ellipsoidal buds with an acute or apiculate apex; yellow petals and legumes 2.8–5 cm long. Most of these characteristics are constant throughout the distribution of Ch. hispidula ; with some extremes of variation observed in specimens from Mexico, such as narrower leaflets (oblong-elliptical) and glabrescent branches.

Specimens examined:— BELIZE. Belize: At turn-off from Northern Highway (ca. Mile 7) to Belize International Airport , 23 January 1974, (fl.), J . D. Dwyer et al. 12153 ( NY); Baker’s Pine Ridge, July 1936, C. L . Lundell 7014 ( NY) . BOLIVIA. Santa Cruz: Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff M . Serrania de Caparuch , sobre farellon en el norte, 21 April 1993, (fr.), T. J . Killeen et al. 5404 ( NY) . BRAZIL. Acre, Rio Branco, Boa Vista , praça pública no centro urbano, 29 November 1958, (fl.), A . Aubreville & W . Rodrigues 707 ( INPA) . Amapá: Porto Grande, Fazenda Governador, Aporema , 10 November 1982, (fl.), M . Dantas 1432 ( IAN); Pracuúba, between rios Cujubim and Flechal, 01°45’00’’N, 50°58’00’’W, 07 August 1962, (fl.), J. M GoogleMaps . Pires & P. B . Cavalcante 52393 ( F, NY) . Alagoas: Piaçabuçu, Cruiri Seco , 24 September 1987, (fl.), M. N . Rodrigues 1043 ( MAC) . Bahia: Abaré, distrito de Ibó , 06 April 2003, (fl., fr.), C. M . Menezes 219 ( IBGE); Alcobaça, 08 December 1981, (fl.), G. P . Lewis 816 ( NY); Campo Formoso, Morro do Cruzeiro east of town, 10°30’00’’S, 40°20’00’’W, 31 January 1993, (fl.), W GoogleMaps . Thomas et al. 9686 ( NY); Conde, estrada Conde / Siribinha , 14°46’31”S, 37°31’49”W, 17 November 2005, (fl.), S. F GoogleMaps . Conceição et al. 385 ( HUEFS, NY); Feira de Santana, Campus da UEFS , 13 May 1983, (fl.), L. R . Noblick & M. J . Lemos 2634 ( NY); Jacobina, estrada para Morro Velho, 17 February 1986, (fl., fr.), A . Fernandes & Matos s. n. ( EAC 14101); ib., BR-324, Tanquinho – Feira de Santana km 1, 11º59’S, 39º05’W, 180m, 09September 1994, (fl.), G. P GoogleMaps . Silva et al. 2733, 2759 ( CEN); Jandaíra, mangue seco, 22 March 1998, (fl.), C. B . Nascimento & J . Costa 67 ( IBGE); Lauro de Freitas , 24 February 1989, (fl.), R . Soeiro 05/89 ( IBGE); Monte Santo, 20 February 1974, (fl.), R. M . Harley et al. 16405 ( NY); Morpará, caminho para a torre, 2 km, 11°33’00”S, 43°16’00”W, 24 January 2001, (fl.), M. L GoogleMaps . Guedes & D. Paulo Filho 7870 ( IBGE); Mucuri, Rodovia Mucuri-Nova Viçosa , km 6, March 1995, (fl., fr.), O. J . Pereira et al. 5392 ( VIES); Nova Viçosa, Arredores , 20 October 1983, (fl., fr.), G. G . Hatschbach & O . Guimarães 47054 ( NY); Porto Seguro, estrada entre Eunápolis e Trancoso, cerca de 10 km após o Arraial D’Ajuda , 23 May 2006, (fl., fr.), V. C . Souza 32173 ( ESA); Salvador, Itapuan , areias dunares, 25 November 1989, (fl.), G. C. P . Pinto 50/89 ( IBGE) . Ceará: Aquiraz, Tapera , s.d., (fl., fr.), E . Nunes & P . Martins s. n. ( EAC8765 About EAC ); Caucaia , 11 June 2006, (fl.), A. S. F . Castro 1799 ( EAC); ib., APA Lagamar do Cauípe, Dunas litorâneas, 3m, 01 February 2014, (fl.), F. R. S . Tabosa et al. 16 ( EAC); Crato, Chácara Metilde , 21 September 2008, (fl., fr.), J. R . Souza 75 ( EAC 44162); Fortaleza, Alagadiço , Campo da Escola de Agronomia , 16 January 1941, (fl.), P . Bezerra 145 ( EAC); ib., Campus do Pici , 16 May 1987, (fl.), E . Nunes & Aparecida s. n. ( EAC 15305) ; Guaraciaba do Norte , 27 February 1981, (fl., fr.), A . Fernandes & P . Martins ( EAC9781 About EAC ); Granja, CE-362, entre Martinópolis e Granja , ca. 9 km de Granja , 03°10’54”S, 40°45’10”W, 50m, 13 June 2014, (fl.), E. B GoogleMaps . Souza et al. 3122 ( EAC); Icapuí, APA de Redonda, 09 September 2000, (fr.), Oliveira et al. 21 ( EAC); Jardim, Novo Horizonte , 30 December 2004, (fl.), T. B . Granjeiro & W. M . Bezerra s. n. ( EAC 34769); Pracajus, EMBRAPA, 30 April 2004, (fl.), Gislane & J . Paulo s. n.( EAC 33905); Trairi, Áreas de dunas/áreas interdunares, próximo à estrada Fleixei , 23 May 1999, (fl.), L. Q . Matias et al. 158 ( EAC) . Maranhão: Barreirinhas, Village of Barreirinhas, 40 km SW along the road to the village of Urbano Santos , 02°45’00”S, 42°48’00”W, 08 November 1982, (fl.), G. K GoogleMaps . Gottsberger 28-81182 ( NY); São Luíz, “Calhau”, 6 km NNE from the center of the city, 16 October 1982, (fl.), I. S . Gottsberger 12-161082 ( NY). Pará: Bragança, Península de Ajuruteua , km 30,5, 00°50’00”S, 46°38’00”W, 24 November 1988, (fl., fr.), N. M. S GoogleMaps . Costa et al. 2411 ( CEN); ib., dunas e campos ao noroeste da Vila Bonifácio, 00°50’08”S, 46°37’01”W, 20 June 2003, (fl.), C. C. L GoogleMaps . Santos 41 ( HBRA); ib., 00°50’08”S, 46°37’08.4”W, 24 February 2004, (fl.), R. M GoogleMaps . Silva 118 ( HBRA); ib., 00°50’08”S, 46°37’01”W, 17 July 2005, (fl., fr.), R. M GoogleMaps . Silva 170 ( HBRA); ib., 00°50’08”S, 46°37’01”W, 23 March 2005, (fl.), C. C. L GoogleMaps . Santos 137 ( HBRA); ib., 00°50’17.3”S, 46°37’01.6”W, 20 August 2006, (fl., fr.), L. O GoogleMaps . Santos 14 ( HBRA); ib., 00°49’55.1”S, 46°37’26.8”W, 23 January 2007, (fl.), L. O GoogleMaps . Santos 158 ( HBRA); ib., 00°50’19”S, 46°37’34.3”W, 10 May 2007, (fl., fr.), U GoogleMaps . Mehlig 320 ( HBRA, IAN); Marajó, Vila Maracá e Salvaterra, September 1969, (fl.), P . Lacerda & T . Guedes 123 ( IAN); ib., Joanes, 27 January 1979, (fl.), N. T . Silva & C . Rosário 4961 ( NY); Vigia, Campina do Livramento , 30 September 1948, (fl.), G. A . Black 40-3229 ( L / U, NY); ib., Campina do Caimbê , 03 May 1958, (fl., fr.), J. M . Pires & N. T . Silva 6749 ( IAN); ib., Itapuã , 04 June 1976, (fl.), P. R. P . Bouças & J . Medeiros 84 ( IAN); ib., ca. 9 km southeast of Vigia along higway (PA-140) to Bélem, 00°55’00”S, 48°04’00”W, 50m, 31 March 1980, (fl.), G GoogleMaps . Davidse et al. 17659 ( NY) . Paraíba: Mamanguapé, Reserva Biólogica Guaribas , área-I, 06°41’51”S, 35°07’22”W, 25 November 2002, (fl.), A. C GoogleMaps . Sevilha & G . Pereira-Silva 2541 ( CEN); São Gonçalo, 22 September 2005, (fl., fr.), E . Nunes s. n. ( EAC0037476 About EAC ) . Pernambuco: Camocim de São Félix , 12 April 1997, (fl., fr.), A. M . Mirandam et al. 2630 ( FUEL); Garanhuns, 26 November 1924, (fl., fr.), M. A . Chase 7802 ( NY); Petrolina, entre Rajada e Dormentes , km 6, 0 April 1979, (fl.), L . Coradin et al. 1340 ( CEN, NY) . Piauí: Piracuruca, Parque nacional de Sete Cidades , 14 October 32007, (fl.), M. R. A . Mendes et al. 451 ( UB); ib., 04°05’18”S, 41°44’55”W, 24 September 2007, (fl.), M. R. A GoogleMaps . Mendes et al. 341 ( IBGE); São Raimundo Nonato, São Victor, 02 August 1979, (fl., fr.), A . Fernandes & E . Nunes s. n. ( EAC6881 About EAC ) . Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro, Grumari , 30 October 1978, (fl.), M. A . Furto 24710 ( OUPR) . Rio Grande do Norte: Caiçara do Norte, 05°05’19’’S, 36°05’07’’W, 13m, 19 May 2016, (fl.), E. O GoogleMaps . Moura & A. S . Soares 672 ( UFRN); Grossos, Salina Caenga , 12 May 2007, (fl., fr.), A. A . Roque & A. C. P . Oliveira 90 ( UFRN); Jardim do Seridó, Sírio Catururé , 14 March 2009, (fl.), A. A . Roque 696 ( UFRN); Jucurutu, RPPN Stoessel de Brito , 29 December 2008, (fl.), A. A . Roque 367 ( UFRN); Macau, Ponta do Tubarão , Ilha da Missa , 20 November 2011, (fl.), A. P. C . Oliveira 1411 ( UFRN); Natal, Campus UFRN , 28 July 2005, (fl.), R. T . Queiroz 494 ( UFR); Parque Estadual das Dunas do Natal, Via costeira, próximo ao Restaurante Tábua de Carne , 05°47’37’’S, 35°11’05’’W, 15 July 2007, (fl.), M. I. B GoogleMaps . Loiola & M. A . Loiola 1121 ( UFRN); ib., em frente ao Hotel Vila do Mar , 05°49’49’’S, 35°10’58’’W, 15 July 2007, (fl.), M. I. B GoogleMaps . Loiola & M. A . Loiola 1138, 1142, 1143 ( UFRN); ib., Pium, Barreira do Inferno , 05 August 2007, (fl., fr.), A. R . da Cruz et al. 01 ( UFRN); ib., Campus da UFRN , 05°50’27’’S, 35°12’04’’W, 26 September 2007, (fl.), P. S GoogleMaps . França & R. O . Medeiros 01 ( UFRN); ib., Parque da Cidade Dom Nivaldo Monte , 05°50’57’’S, 35°13’46’’W, 68m, 11 June 2016, (fl.), A. A GoogleMaps . Roque 1808 ( UFRN); Parnamirim, Barreira do Inferno , 11 November 2003, (fl., fr.), A . Ribeiro & I . Loiola 06 ( UFRN); Patu, área de pastagem, inselberg próximo a BR 226 , 06°05’47’’S, 37°36’39’’W, 537m, 03 August 2014, (fl.), T. P GoogleMaps . Boeira et al. 61 ( UFRN) ; Serra Negra do Norte, Estação Ecológica do Seridó ( ESEC), ib., afloramento, 06°34’33’’S, 37°15’59’’W, 225m, 15 April 2006, (fl., fr.), R. T GoogleMaps . Queiroz 684 ( BHCB, UFRN), ib., lagoa do junto, 06°36’72’’S, 37°15’01’’W, 342m, 16 April 2006, (fl.), R. T . Queiroz 738 ( BHCB); ib., 06°34’21’’S, 37°16’02’’W, 277m, 25 May 2006, (fl.), R. T GoogleMaps . Queiroz 974 ( UFRN); Tibau do Sul, Praia de Pipa , próximo a Pousada Paraiana , 06°13’57’’S, 35°02’33’’W, 15 July 2006, (fl.), R. C GoogleMaps . Oliveira et al. 1703 ( MOSS) Touros, 05°09’07’’S, 35°31’34’’W, 14m, 11 June 2016, (fl.), E. O GoogleMaps . Moura et al. 793 ( UFRN) . Roraíma: Boa Vista, parte sul do Igarapé Cachangá , 22 February 1964, (fl.), M . Silva 25 ( NY); ib., rio Murupu, 28km NW of Boa Vista, road to Taiano , 08 January 1969, (fl., fr.), G. T . Prance 9132 ( INPA, NY); ib., Cauamé region, along Boa Vista – BV 8 road (BR-174) km 9, 14 October 1977, (fl., fr.), L . Coradin & M. R . Cordeiro 666 ( CEN, NY); ib., 200m à esquerda do km 98 da BR-401, direção à Boa Vista-Bonfim, 24 January 1995, (fl.), I. S . Miranda 385 ( INPA); ib., 100m à direita do km 11 da estrada que liga a Vila Brasil a Vila do Tepequém , 24 May 1995, (fl.), I. S . Miranda 756 ( INPA); Normandia, Fazenda Guariba , rio Branco , October 1955, (fl., fr.), W. A . Rodrigues 42 ( INPA); ib., grade de Savana do PPBio na região do Água Boa (próximo da parcela WE 01 – 4250), 27 December 2007, (fl.), R. L . Barbosa 209 ( INPA) . Sergipe: Barra dos Coqueiros, Estrada para Barra dos Coqueiros, próximo ao Bar e Restaurante R-Dantas, 10°53’54”S, 37°00’38”W, 19 November 2014, (fl., fr.), A. O GoogleMaps . Souza et al. 1569, 1570 ( UB, UFG); Brejo Grande, brejão dos Negros, 10°29’07’’S, 36°28’05’’W, 18 September 2015, (fl., fr.), M. A. M GoogleMaps . Figueiredo & M. C. V . Farias 91 ( ASE); Japaratuba, povoado São José, no entorno da caverna das Vespas , 10°37’58’’S, 36°52’57’’W, 06 November 2015, (fl.), J. A. S GoogleMaps . Júnior et al. 474 ( ASE); Pirambu, Rebio Santa Isabel, 10°39’16”S, 36°45’34”W, 22 February 2013, (fl.), T GoogleMaps . Carregosa et al. 357 ( ASE); São Cristóvão, Câmpus universitário São Cristóvão, 23 February 1987, (fl.), G . Viana 1691 ( ASE); ib., Câmpus da UFS , 29 July 1987, (fl.), Licia & Maria 10821 ( ASE) . COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: Up to 300 m. west of the Inter American Highway at juction with dirt road to the coast, about 5 km south of La Cruz, 10 June 1967, (fl.), A. S . Weston 5010 ( NY) . Puntarenas: Osa. Distrito: Sierpe, Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce ; Rancho Quemado , camino a Drake , 800 m. Oeste del cruce a cruce a Junta Quebradas , sobre el camino muestra hecha a ambos lados, 08°42’04”N, 83°36’11”W, 29 December 2001, (fl.), R GoogleMaps . Aguilar 6778b ( NY) . CUBA. Champ d’aviation, 01 May 1944, (fl., fr.), M . Victorin & Alain 119 ( MT) ; Cienfuegos: Aguada de Pasajeros. Ciénaga de Alcalde Maioor al este de Yaguaramas, 25°15’29”N, 80°39’48”W, 17 February 2002, (fl.), W. R GoogleMaps . Greuter et al. 25889 ( NY); Abreus, Yaguaramas, noreste del Pueblo , 20 February 2009, (fl.), W. R . Greuter et al. 26847 ( NY) ; Isla de la Juventud: Reserva Natural Los Indios Norte, 21°42’53”N, 83°00’05”W, 27 February 2002, (fl.), W GoogleMaps . Greutter et al. 25916 ( NY); Nueva Gerona, 26 December 1903, (fl., fr.), A. H . Curtiss 255 ( L) ; pinar del Río: Savannas near Laguna de Asiento Viejo , 23 December 1937, (fl.), E. K . Killip 32312 ( NY); Herradura, 10 April 1920, (fl., fr.), E. L . Ekman 10699 ( NY) ; Villa Clara, Santa Clara. District of Cienfuegos. Cienaguita St. , 04 March 1896, (fl., fr.), R . Combs 732 ( NY) . EL SALVADOR. Santa Ana, Vicinity of Santa Ana, 30 January 1922, (fl.), P. C . Standley 20417 ( NY) . GUATEMALA. El Progreso, Vicinity of El Progreso village, 28 November 1969, (fl., fr.), A. M . Rositto 24974 ( NY) . FRENCH GUIANA. Savane en contre bas de la route entre PK 20 et 21 à l’Est d’Iracoubo , 23 March 1979, (fl.), G . Cremes 5502 ( NY) . GUYANA. Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo. In woods between Lake Surama and Surama village, 22 February 1990, (fl.), T . D. McDowell 1997 ( NY); Lethem, Southwestern Guyana , vicinity of Lethem, 130 m, 19 October 1977, (fl.), L . Coradin & M. R . Cordeiro 780 ( CEN, IAN); Rupununi, Shea Village , 09 February 1994, (fl., fr.), M. J. J . Jacobs 3605 ( NY) . MEXICO. Chiapas: 1 km al NW de Jerico, en la carr. a La Concordia , 11 December 1980, (fr.), M. S . Sánchez et al. 11463 ( NY); Chicoasen, El Zapote, 1 km al SE, frente a la Presa Chicoasen, 16°56’40”N, 93°07’07”W, 03 December 2000, (fl., fr.), R. A GoogleMaps . Palestina et al. 2557 ( XAL); Cintalapa, Near the microwave station of La Mina, 12 km south of Mexican Highway 190 near Rizo de Oro , 16 October 1981, (fl.), D. E . Breedlove 20580 ( NY); Ocozocoautla De Espinosa, Torre de Microondas , 1km aprox. al E . município, 16°42’41”N, 93°31’16”W, 29 November 2000, (fl.), R. A GoogleMaps . Palestina 1930 ( XAL) . Guerrero: Acapulco de Juárez, 4-7 mi S of Pto. Marquez , 29 October 1977, (fl., fr.), R. C . Barneby & G. K . Barneby 17774 ( NY) . Jalisco: Cabo Corrientes, Alrededores de las bascula por el caminho a El Cuale , 20°21’00”N, 105°18’00”W, 815m, 23 February 1993, (fl.), G GoogleMaps . Castillo C . et al. 10164 ( XAL); ib., 7 km al norte del poblado Provincia, por caminho a El Cuale, 20°23’30”N, 105°15’00”W, 1000m, 25 February 1993, (fl., fr.), G GoogleMaps . Castillo C . et al. 10303 ( XAL); La Huerta, 4.5 mi S of El Rincón (12 -13 mi S of La Huerta ), 13 November 1960, (fl., fr.), R . McVaugh et al. 21044 ( NY); Talpa, Cercano a Arroyo , a 25 km al W . de la carr. Pto. Vallarta – Barra de Navidad , 03 February 1979, (fl., fr.), A. S . Magallanes 1443 ( XAL); Tomatlan, 20°05’53”N, 105°32’27”W, 50m, 19 July 1993, (fr.), G GoogleMaps . Castillo-Campos & P . Zamora C . 12066 (XAL). NAYARIT, Compostela, km 60 de la carreta Compostela-Las Varas , 22 January 1994, (fl., fr.), J. I . Calzada et al. 19127 ( XAL); Tepio, a 9 km de Tepio, rumbo a Los Ruíz , 23 January 1977, (fl.), A . Delgado S . 423 (XAL). Oaxaca: 17 km NW of tha village of La Ventosa, along the Trans-Isthmian highway (route 185), 16 July 1958, (fl.), R. M . King et al. 597 ( NY); Matias Romero, Matías Romero, Juchitan , 08 March 1972, (fl.), T. B . MacDougall H . 328 ( NY), Santa María Huatulco, 1.8 km de la entrada de la estación El Sabanal, 15°45’58.3”N, 96°11’27.8”W, 150m, 07 September 2004, (fl.), A GoogleMaps . Saynes V. & A . Sánchez 4241 ( XAL) . Tabasco: Balancan, Achotal, Balancan , 09 May 1939, (fl.), E . Matuda 3045 ( NY); Huimangullo, Carretera Huimanguillo-Francisco Rueda, km 15, 25 August 1983, (fl.), F . Ventura A . 20625 (XAL); Veracruz: Actopan , Estación Biologica El Morro de la Mancha, 19°36’00”N, 96°22’00”W, 19 March 1982, (fl., fr.), B GoogleMaps . Guerrero C . 2151 ( XAL); Coatzacoalcos, Coatzacoalcos, Hacia la Costa de Agua Dulce , 18°08’36”N, 94°08’36”W, 11 April 1997, (fl.), G GoogleMaps . Castillo-Campos & I . Acosta R . 16216 ( XAL); Zacualpan: Zacuapan , sulphur spring, June 1906, (fl.), C. A . Purpus 1884 ( NY) . NICARAGUA. Rivas, Las Piedras, costa del Lago de Nicaragua, a 11 km de la Carretera Panamericana , 15 July 1981, (fl., fr.), P . Moreno 9893 ( NY) . SURINAME. in savannis Paraensis , 01 May 1838, (fl., fr.), F. L . Splitgerber 1149 ( L); Tibiti savanne, near km 1.5, 05 January1949, (fl.), J . Lanjouw & J. C . Lindeman 1597 ( NY) . TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Piarco Savanna, within the perimeter fence of airport on Mausica Road side, 02 May 1979, (fl., fr.), D. Philcox & V . Stoelzel 8370 ( NY) . VENEZUELA. Bolivar: Betweeb Ciudad Piar and morichal at base of Cerro Bolívar, 01 May 1953, (fl., fr.), B . Maguire et al. 35742 ( NY) . Sucre: Summit of Montaña de Mochima, south of Mochima , 18 km Southwest of Cumaná, 16 September 1973, (fl.), J. A . Steyermark et al. 108600 ( NY) .

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Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


University of Helsinki


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


University of the Witwatersrand


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


University of Copenhagen


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Embrapa Amazônia Oriental


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Nanjing University


Instituto do Meio Ambiente


Reserva Ecológica do IBGE


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


Laboratorio de Ictiologia


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Universidade Federal do Ceará


EMBRAPA Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Federal University of Espírito Santo


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Universidade de São Paulo


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Universidad Central


Royal Botanic Gardens


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus Bragança


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland


Universidade Estadual de Londrina


Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie


Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Campus Universitário


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Entomological Society of Egypt


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido


Universidade Federal de Goiás


Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Nyabyeya Forestry College


Mus. Tinro, Vladyvostok


Instituto de Ecología, A.C.











