Minocapsidae O’Dogherty, Goričan & Gawlick 2017

Dumitrica, Paulian, Dieni, Iginio & Massari, Francesco, 2022, Valanginian Radiolarians Of Ne Sardinia (Italy) In The Frame Of The Weissert Event, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 18 (2), pp. 97-159 : 125

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.35463/j.apr.2022.02.06

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scientific name

Minocapsidae O’Dogherty, Goričan & Gawlick 2017


Family Minocapsidae O’Dogherty, Goričan & Gawlick 2017

Type genus. Minocapsa Matsuoka, 1991

Remarks. O’Dogherty et al. (2017) included in this family nassellarians with pyriform shell consisting usually of four segments with or without distal aperture and lattice shell composed of small rounded to polygonal pore frames. There was no mention on the cephalic structure that has, as it is well known, a primary value in nassellarian taxonomy at generic level. Or, besides the genera Minocapsa Matsuoka 1991 , Doliocapsa O’Dogherty, Goričan & Gawlick 2017 , Hiscocapsa O’Dogherty 1994 , Praewilliriedellum Kozur 1984 , and Quarkus Pessagno, Blome & Hull 1993 , that have a simple cephalis, they also included the genus Crococapsa O’Dogherty, Gorican & Gawlick 2017 , that has a two-chambered cephalis, as we shall show in this article, and for which we erect the new family Crococapsidae Dumitrică n. fam.

Range. Middle Jurassic to early Cretaceous

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