Hiscocapsa ventriosa Dumitrică, 2022

Dumitrica, Paulian, Dieni, Iginio & Massari, Francesco, 2022, Valanginian Radiolarians Of Ne Sardinia (Italy) In The Frame Of The Weissert Event, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 18 (2), pp. 97-159 : 127-128

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.35463/j.apr.2022.02.06

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hiscocapsa ventriosa Dumitrică

sp. nov.

Hiscocapsa ventriosa Dumitrică n. sp.

Figs. 11c, c View Fig 1 View Fig , d, g

1982 Gen. et sp. indet. – Okamura & Uto, pl. 5, fig. 12.

Description. When entire, shell consists of three external morphological parts: a short proximal conical part, a big spherical or ovoid central part, and a distal cap-shaped part. Inner structure not known but supposed to be four-segmented. The proximal conical part consists of a simple cephalis and thorax. Boundary between them and between thorax and abdomen difficult to trace because usually it is not marked by any change in outline. Cephalis smooth-surfaced and generally imperforate. Thorax trapezoidal in outline and short, its pores irregularly disposed. Abdomen large, ovoid with pores of honeycomb structure (fig. 11c). With mature specimens, surface of abdomen is smooth and opening of pores is small and circular due to an external layer of silica that narrows the diameter of pores (fig. 11b, g). For most specimens the abdomen represents the last segment of shell, and its distal part is straight, as if transversally cut. The distal opening of this part is rather large with protruding rim. Complete specimens (fig. 11g) have a hemispherical or inverted cupola-shaped fourth segment that is closed distally; it is thin-walled and easily dissolved or broken off, or not yet built in most specimens.

Studied material. Three specimens in OZ836 and OZ839

and many in the Valanginian of Svinița, Romania.

Holotype. Fig.11c View Fig , OZ839, coll. MGP-PD, stub PD120 - OZ836- R08-13 .

Paratype. Fig. 11b View Fig , OZ839-coll. MGP-PD, stub PD120 - OZ839- R03-02 .

Dimensions. Length of shell without the fourth segment 164-180 µm, with fourth segment 205-220 µm, maximum diameter of abdomen 124-142 µm.

Etymology. From the Latin adjective – ventriosus, - a, - um – round-bellied.

Remarks. All specimens from the Ozzastru section, although very well preserved, have the last segment dissolved or broken off. To have a complete image and description of the species we included on Fig. 11 View Fig the pyritized specimen g from the Valanginian of the Murguceva Formation, Vodinițki valley, Svinița ( Romania), where complete specimens are not rare and very well preserved in pyrite.

Range and occurrence. Valanginian of Sardinia, Japan and Romania.

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