Doliocapsa O’Dogherty, Goričan & Gawlick, 2017

Dumitrica, Paulian, Dieni, Iginio & Massari, Francesco, 2022, Valanginian Radiolarians Of Ne Sardinia (Italy) In The Frame Of The Weissert Event, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 18 (2), pp. 97-159 : 128

publication ID 10.35463/j.apr.2022.02.06

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scientific name

Doliocapsa O’Dogherty, Goričan & Gawlick, 2017


Genus Doliocapsa O’Dogherty, Goričan & Gawlick, 2017

Type species. Stichomitra (?) stecki O’Dogherty, Goričan & Dumitrică, 2006.

Remarks. According to the original diagnosis, we include in this genus species with small, hornless, simple and usually poreless spherical cephalis, and conical shell consisting usually of four or maximum five segments, the last one larger than the others and with a large terminal aperture. Aperture is either funnel-shaped (11k1) or has a protruding circular rim separated from the shell of the distal segment by a circular depression ( Fig. 11m View Fig 1 View Fig ). This type resembles the segmental partitions of many multicyrtid nassellarians (see, for example, Pessagno 1977b, pl. 7, figs. 19, 21, 26), suggesting that the distal segment should have had a small, or a very thin-walled terminal inverted conical or cap-shaped fifth segment usually dissolved after the death of the organism, or some distal projections.

The species included in this genus can be assembled into 2 groups:

a) one group is similar to the type species and consists of conical species with chambers increasing regularly in diameter as added and with a large distal aperture. This group can include: Stichomitra (?) stecki O’Dogherty, Goričan & Dumitrică, 2006, Doliocapsa erbae Dumitrică n. sp., D. favopora Dumitrică n. sp. and D. mediterranea Dumitrică n. sp.

b) the second group includes species with the last segment much greater and the distal aperture simple, without a protruding rim surrounded by a circular depression. It would comprise the following species: Doliocapsa aitai Dumitrică n. sp. D., lagunculoides Dumitrică n. sp., D. tuberculata Dumitrică n. sp., D. weisserti Dumitrică n. sp. and D. utoi Dumitrică n. sp.

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