Arcanicapsa simplicissima, 2022

Dumitrica, Paulian, Dieni, Iginio & Massari, Francesco, 2022, Valanginian Radiolarians Of Ne Sardinia (Italy) In The Frame Of The Weissert Event, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 18 (2), pp. 97-159 : 117

publication ID 10.35463/j.apr.2022.02.06

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scientific name

Arcanicapsa simplicissima

sp. nov.

Arcanicapsa (?) simplicissima Dumitrică n. sp.

Figs. 9k, k View Fig 1 View Fig

2017 Crococapsa tansinhoki (Hull) – O’Dogherty et al., p. 39, fig. 8.46,?8.47.

Description. Shell probably tetracyrtid with a pointed apical part and a globular distal part. Conical apical part consists probably of cephalis, thorax and abdomen. Cephalis conical imperforate except a circular pore with slightly protruding rim, well visible in the Fig. 9k View Fig 1 View Fig . Thorax and, probably, abdomen, in case of a tetracyrtid shell, truncated conical with irregularly distributed small pores which increase in size distally. Collar boundary not marked by a change in outline. Last segment globular, thick-walled, with circular or subcircular pores of irregular size and arrangement, and polygonally framed on the surface. It is armed with very few short three-bladed spines of irregular positions. Lumbar or postlumbar boundary, in case of a tetracyrtid shell, could be supposed in the place where there is a rapid increase in the size of pores and the shell has a concave outline due to the rapid increase in diameter. Distal end without an evident aperture but with a small central pore surrounded by a rosette of 6 small pores of variable shapes and sizes (fig. 9k1).

Studied material. A single specimen in sample OZ836.

Holotype. Fig. 9k View Fig , coll. MGP-PD, stub PD120 -OZ836- R07-18 .

Dimensions. Length 147 µm, diameter of last segment 113 µm.

Etymology. From Latin, superlative form of simplex = the simplest.

Remarks. This species, of which we have only the illustrated specimen, seems to be related to Sethocapsa leiostraca Foreman, 1973 , S. trachyostraca Foreman, 1973 , and other Tithonian and Lower Cretaceous taxa assigned before to the genus Sethocapsa , from which the new species differs by its smaller size, simple test with wide pores and absence of tuberculate or spiny last chamber. One of the specimens illustrated as Crococapsa tansinhoki (Hull) by O’Dogherty et al. (2017, fig. 8.46) resembles very well the specimen from Sardinia by having a very similar shape, pores of variable size and irregularly arranged, pointed apical part and intersegmental boundaries not marked outside by constrictions. The oth- er specimen illustrated under the same species by these authors (fig. 8.47) differs by having a rather arounded apical part, more regularly sized pores and intersegmentary boundaries marked by constriction. The only resemblance with our specimen concerns the presence of a rosette of distal pores.

Range and occurrence. Upper Valanginian of Sardinia, sample OZ836 .

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