Atherigona (Atherigona) mulleri Deeming, 2024

Deeming, John C. & Kirk-Spriggs, Ashley H., 2024, A contribution to the knowledge of Namibian Atherigona Rondani (Diptera: Muscidae), with the descriptions of four new species and two new subspecies, Zootaxa 5536 (4), pp. 501-535 : 518-519

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5536.4.1

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scientific name

Atherigona (Atherigona) mulleri Deeming

sp. nov.

Atherigona (Atherigona) mulleri Deeming , sp. nov.

Figs 9–12 View FIGURES 1–23

Etymology: The specific epithet mulleri is a noun in apposition, named in honour Burgert S. Muller, in recognition of his contribution to the taxonomy of Afrotropical Atherigona .

Description: Male. Body length: ca 3.0 mm; wing length: 3.0 mm. Golden yellow species with vibrissa, adjacent setae, weak genal setulae and apical papal setulae golden; remaining setae and setulae and arista black; median part of scutum and scutellum weakly infuscate, with heavily grey pruinescence; anaterite and metanotum black, the latter shiny in lower 2 / 5 of height; tergites 3 and 4 with pair of small, round dark maculae.

Head: With frontofacial angle slightly less than right angle; parafacial broad, almost as broad at level of vibrissa as at insertion of arista, but not as broad as genal height.

Thorax: With 1 long and 1 short proepisternal seta; proepimeral setula minute; weak, short ventral katepisternal seta inserted slightly closer to insertion of more anterior of two dorsal setae. Legs: Fore leg with row of 4–5 fine setulae, both anteriorly and posteriorly, these longer than tarsal diameter; fore femur with preapical posteroventral seta longer than 2 preapical posterodorsal setae; mid femur with strong posterodorsal preapical seta; mid tibia with short posterior seta at mid length; hind femur with row of short, weak anterodorsal setae; hind tibia with strong preapical dorsal seta, anterodorsal seta at 0.4 of its length and ventral and posterodorsal setae at mid length. Wing: Membrane hyaline, with yellow veins and even distribution of microtrichia, absent in basal costal cell (bc); calypters hyaline with yellow rims; haltere yellow.

Abdomen: Tergites 3 and 4 with pair of small, dark maculae; hypopygial prominence (in lateral view) ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 1–23 ), with simple, rounded knob-shape (in dorsal view) ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 1–23 ), slightly projecting, with slight medial concavity, pilose above; trifoliate process ( Figs 9, 10 View FIGURES 1–23 ), with lobes black, pale on stem and hood, median lobe with basal 3 / 4 broad and apex constricted, apex less than 1 / 2 as broad as at base, lateral lobes each with prominent flange on inner surface, outer surface bearing fine dark pilosity, stem 21 / 2 × as long as lobes.

Female: Unknown.

Affinities: The golden vibrissae, male fore tarsus bearing long setae anteriorly and posteriorly and the yellow pleura separate the new species from all other described species.

Type material examined: Holotype ♂, “ Namibia: OPUWA DIST. Ekuju / village: Kunene R. / 17°19'30''S 13°48'56''E / 11–12.x.1999 / [A.H.] Kirk-Spriggs [T.] Pape [W.] Hauwanga / Malaise trap, riverine forest [printed] // Namibian National / Insect Collection / National Museum / P.O. Box 1203 / Windhoek, Namibia [printed; blue card] // HOLOTYPE ♂ / Atherigona (s. str.) / mulleri sp. nov. / J.C. Deeming 2024 [printed; red border]” (NMNW; type series #663). In good condition, micro-pinned and staged; dissected, male terminalia in micro-vial pinned beneath specimen. GoogleMaps Paratype ♂, same data as holotype, except: // “ PARATYPE ♂ / Atherigona (s. str.) / mulleri sp. nov. / J.C. Deem



















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