Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis Leach 1821

Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Chiroptera - Family Phyllostomidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 395-426 : 418

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.7316519


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scientific name

Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis Leach 1821


Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis Leach 1821 View in CoL

Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis Leach 1821 View in CoL , Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., 13: 75.

Type Locality: Jamaica.

Vernacular Names: Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat.

Synonyms: Artibeus (Artibeus) macleayii Dobson 1878 .

Subspecies: :

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. jamaicensis Leach 1821

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. aequatorialis K. Andersen 1906

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. fallax Peters 1865

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. grenadensis K. Andersen 1906

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. hercules Rehn 1902

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. parvipes Rehn 1902

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. paulus Davis 1970

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. planirostris Spix 1823

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. richardsoni J. A. Allen 1908

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. schwartzi Jones 1978

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. trinitatis K. Andersen 1906

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. triomylus Handley 1966

Subspecies Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis subsp. yucatanicus J. A. Allen 1904

Distribution: Michoacan, Sinaloa, and Tamaulipas ( Mexico) to Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, N Argentina, and E Brazil; Trinidad and Tobago; Greater and Lesser Antilles, S Bahamas. Perhaps Florida Keys; see Lazell and Koopman (1985), but see also Humphrey and Brown (1986).

Conservation: IUCN 2003 and IUCN / SSC Action Plan (2001) – Lower Risk (lc) as A. jamaicensis and A. planirostris .

Discussion: Subgenus Artibeus . Does not include obscurus (= fuliginosus ); see Handley (1989), Brosset and Charles-Dominique (1990), Lim and Wilson (1993), and Simmons and Voss (1998). There is little agreement about whether jamaicensis includes planirostris (supported by Handley [1987, 1991] and Marques-Aguiar [1994]) or if planirostris (including fallax and hercules) represents a distinct species (supported by Koopman [1978 b], Lim and Wilson [1993], and Lim [1997]). Pumo et al. (1996) treated planirostris and jamaicensis as separate species in their analysis of mtDNA sequences, but their data are more consistent with recognition of these as members of a single species. Accordingly, I have retained planirostris in jamaicensis pending further study. Includes fallax, hercules, and praeceps; see Koopman (1968), Handley (1987), and Marques-Aguiar (1994). Subspecies limits and relationships discussed by Jones and Phillips (1970), Jones (1978), Hall (1981), Handley (1987), and Genoways et al. (1998); also see Pumo et al. (1988, 1996), Phillips et al. (1991), Lim (1997), and Timm and Genoways (2003). Reviewed by Ortega and Castro-Arellano (2001), but note that they excluded planirostris , fallax, hercules, aequatorialis, and schwartzi. Ortega and Castro-Arellano (2001) mapped the range of A. j. richardsoni as including most of South America (extensively overlapping the ranges planirostris , fallax, hercules, and aequatorialis), implying that jamaicensis and planirostris (if distinct) are broadly sympatric throughout much of South America. However, this was probably an error because such sympatry has never been proposed in the primary systematic literature (see Lim and Wilson [1993] and Lim [1997]).


Sacramento State University














Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis Leach 1821

Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn 2005

Artibeus (Artibeus) jamaicensis

Leach 1821: 75
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