Entogoniopsis gleseri P.A. Sims, J. Witkowski, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams, 2015

Witkowski, Jakub, Sims, Patricia A., Strelnikova, Nina I. & Williams, David M., 2015, Entogoniopsis gen. nov. and Trilamina gen. nov. (Bacillariophyta): a survey of multipolar pseudocellate diatoms with internal costae, including comments on the genus Sheshukovia Gleser, Phytotaxa 209 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.209.1.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Entogoniopsis gleseri P.A. Sims, J. Witkowski, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams

sp. nov.

12. Entogoniopsis gleseri P.A. Sims, J. Witkowski, N.I. Strelnikova & D.M. Williams , nov. sp.

(SEM: Figs 161–167 View FIGURES 161–167 , LM: Figs 168–170 View FIGURES 168–170 )

TYPE (here designated): —‘DODO-123-D1 dredging, Mascarene Ridge, Indian Ocean’ (BM101699, holotype! = Fig. 170 View FIGURES 168–170 ).

Valve outline tripolar ( Figs 168–170 View FIGURES 168–170 ), with slightly rounded poles, and straight to gently convex sides ( Figs 161, 165 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Valve face undulate, with a pronounced trifolium that bears a broad, irregular hyaline area at its centre ( Figs 161–162 View FIGURES 161–167 ). At each pole, there is a low polar elevation, terminated in a flat hyaline plate bearing a pseudocellus ( Figs 162–163 View FIGURES 161–167 ). A distinct hyaline marginal ridge extends between each polar elevation, its crest level with the summits of the elevations ( Fig. 162 View FIGURES 161–167 ). The valve face-marginal ridge junction is marked with a row of large openings through the hyaline marginal ridge that follow the undulation of the valve face ( Fig. 162 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Additionally, the hyaline marginal ridge is supported by series of fine external costae that protrude a short distance toward the valve face centre ( Figs 161–162 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Near the margins of the central hyaline area, there is a group of rimoportulae, sometimes in the form of a poorly defined ring ( Fig. 161 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Rimoportulae open to the outside as long, slender tubes ( Fig. 167 View FIGURES 161–167 ), and to the inside as short straight slits across slightly raised papillae ( Fig. 165 View FIGURES 161–167 ). The density of areolation on the valve face varies: near the valve centre areolae are smaller and sparse ( Fig. 161 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Within the depressed sectors, areolae are evenly spaced and arranged in radial rows, locally curved ( Figs 161–162 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Mantle extremely shallow, steeply downturned, entirely hyaline, except for pseudocelli and scattered poroids on the distal faces of the polar elevations ( Figs 162–163, 165 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Mantle margin is hyaline, smooth, slighty expanded inwardly ( Fig. 164 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Along each side on the valve interior, there is a series of inconspicuous costae ( Fig. 164 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Valvocopula is closed, deeper than the mantle ( Fig. 162 View FIGURES 161–167 ), and hyaline, except for a single row of poroids adjacent to the fossa ( Figs 165–166 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Valvocopula attaches by means of small clasping devices that hold the internal costae, and the fossa, which clasps the inward expansion of the mantle margin ( Figs 165–166 View FIGURES 161–167 ). Measurements (n =6): average side length: 128.5–182.0 µm; 4 internal costae in 10 µm; 3 external costae in 10 µm; 5–6 areolae in 10 µm measured in the central part of a depressed sector; 2–25 rimoportulae.

Etymology:— named in memory of the late Zoya Il’inichna Gleser (1929–2006), the respected Russian siliceous microfossil worker, who proposed the genus Sheshukovia .

Geographic and stratigraphic distribution ( Fig. 10, sites 2, 16):

(a) specimens:

Eocene: Indian Ocean, DODO-123-D1 dredging, Mascarene Ridge: BM stub P.1324 ( Figs 161–167 View FIGURES 161–167 ), BM101699 ( Figs 168–170 View FIGURES 168–170 ).

Early-middle Eocene: Western North Atlantic Ocean: ODP Site 1051: SZCZ18906>25µm B, 21654>25µm D.

(b) records:

Locality and age unspecified: Cooper & Harvey (2003: fig. 15, as ‘ Trigonium dobreanum (Norman ex Greville) Hustedt').

Observations: — Entogoniopsis gleseri bears some resemblance to Triceratium rzehakii Pantocsek (1889: 94) . Pantocsek’s illustration appears to show the presence of external costae on the valve face ( Pantocsek 1892: taf. I, fig. 14). However, T. rzehakii seems to lack a trifolium, whose presence can sometimes be successfully interpreted from illustrations (see Entogoniopsis foveata , below). Instead, the valve face in T. rzehakii seems to rise toward the poles, which appear to be distinctly cut off from the valve face centre. Pantocsek (1889, 1892) recorded T. rzehakii in deposits from Veľký Krtíš (formerly Nagy-Kürtös), Slovakia, and two Moravian localities. Unfortunately, no material from any of these deposits is available, and type slide no longer exists in BP (K. Buczkó, personal communication, 2013).

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