Melanopa grandis Roewer, 1910

Trilikauskas, L. A. & Sergeev, M. E., 2023, New records of spiders and harvestmen (Arachnida: Aranei, Opiliones) from Khingansky State Nature Reserve and adjacent territories, Amurskaya oblast, Russia, Far Eastern Entomologist 476, pp. 8-19 : 17-18

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Felipe (2023-07-03 13:57:13, last updated 2024-04-08 17:19:03)

scientific name

Melanopa grandis Roewer, 1910


** Melanopa grandis Roewer, 1910 View in CoL

MATERIAL. Khingansky Reserve , 7 km SE of Uril village, Dyrovatka River Valley, 06.VIII.2022, 3♂ .

DISTRIBUTION. Russian Far East (Amurskaya Oblast, Primorsky Krai), China, Korea, Japan.

An annotated list of spiders (65 species from 48 genera in 17 families) and harvestmen (five species from 5 genera in two families) of the Khingansky Reserve and adjacent territories of Arkhara District is given. Two spider species ( Cyclosa ginnaga and Diaea gyoja ) are new for the fauna of Russia. Twenty six species of spiders and four species of harvestmen are new for the fauna of the Amurskaya Oblast. Thirty seven species of spiders and all harvestmen were recorded from Khingansky Reserve for the first time.

Based on the present study and published data, 117 spider species are currently known from the Khingansky Reserve. Due to the wide distribution of forestless habitats with diverse floristic composition herbage in this region, high species diversity is represented by the families of jumping and crab spiders, as well as representatives of several web-building spider families, mainly of small and medium sizes. The analysis of published data ( Azheganova & Stenchenko, 1977; Marusik, 1989; Kurenshchikov, 1994) in combination with our own data indicates a high regional diversity of species and genera in the families Tetragnathidae and Araneidae .


The work of first author was supported by the Federal Fundamental Scientific Research Programme for 2021-2025 (No FGWS-2021-0002 Ecological foundations of the organization, functioning and dynamics of animal communities in Northern Eurasia). The research by M.E. Sergeev was carried out within the state assignment of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (theme no. 121031000151-3). The authors are grateful to D. V. Logunov and Yu.M. Marusik for help in identifying females of Xysticus saganus and Cyclosa ginnaga accordingly, also thank D.N. Kochetkov (Arkhara) for his help in field collections. Dmitri V. Logunov (Manchester, UK) improved the English of an early draft.

Azheganova, N. S. & Stenchenko, T. I. 1977. To the spider fauna of the Amur Area. P. 106 - 111. In: Issues of arachnoentomology. Perm: Perm University. [In Russian]

Kurenshchikov, D. K. 1994 The spider genus Tetragnatha Latreille, 1804, from the southern Far East of Russia (Aranei Tetragnathidae). Arthropoda Selecta, 3 (1 - 2): 57 - 64.

Marusik, Yu. M. 1989. New data of the fauna and synonymy of the spiders of USSR (Arachnida: Aranei). P. 39 - 52. In: Lange, A. B. (Ed.). Fauna and ecology of spiders and scorpions. Arachnological collection. Moscow: Nauka. [In Russian]


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