Neoperla salakot, Sivec & Stark, 2011

Sivec, Ignac & Stark, Bill P., 2011, New Species Of Neoperla Needham And Phanoperla Banks (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From The Philippine Islands, Illiesia 7 (24), pp. 264-279 : 271-272

publication ID


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Felipe (2021-05-14 03:37:28, last updated 2021-05-14 04:37:43)

scientific name

Neoperla salakot

sp. n.

Neoperla salakot sp. n.

( Figs. 24-30)

Material examined. Holotype ♂, 1♂ paratypes, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Palawan, Salakot Falls Road, 300 m, 19 March 1996, (Holotype PZ), 1♂ paratype ( PMSL) Additional paratypes: Palawan, type locality but 23-24 March 1996, 2♂, 1♀ ( PZ), 1♀ ( PMSL). Palawan, Salakot Falls Road to Napsan , 9° 42’ 9.6” N, 118° 31’ 18” E, 7 March 1998, 1♂, 1♀ ( PZ). Palawan, Mt. Salakot Heli-Pad , 720 m, 18 March 1996, 2♂ ( PZ). Palawan, San Rafael , Ulanguan , end of February 1996, 2♂ ( PZ). Palawan, Irawan , 22 April 1996, 1♀ ( PZ). Specimens deposited in the PZ collection, or the PMSL as indicated. GoogleMaps

Adult habitus. General color brown with areas of pale pigment. Head mostly brown with pale M-line ( Fig. 27). Ocelli about 2 diameters apart. First two antennal segments pale brown, rest dark brown; palpi brown. Pronotum brown with scattered pale areas on disc. Femora banded, dark brown in distal half; tibia brown. Wings brown, veins slightly darker.

Male. Forewing length 10 mm. Tergum 7 with a rounded, subtriangular, posteromedian lobe, and a median sclerotized area which extends onto lobe ( Fig. 24); apex of lobe armed along ventroapical margin with thick sensilla basiconica. Tergum 8 with a small median sensilla patch covering a narrow sclerotized band. Tergum 9 with a pair of low median humps sparsely covered with sensilla. Hemiterga broad at midlength; hemitergal lobes slender, curved slightly laterad and somewhat expanded near apex. Penis tube slender, dorsal sclerite well developed; sac bearing an unarmed, dorsobasal, finger-like lobe, and a more distal, unarmed ventral lobe ( Fig. 25). Large spines occur in a dorsolateral band distal to ventral lobe, and a smaller patch of large spines occurs distal to the first. Sac apex very slender and armed along much of length to tip.

Female. Forewing length 13-15 mm. Subgenital plate poorly developed, not projecting beyond posterior margin of sternum 8 ( Fig. 26). Vagina and spermatheca membranous ( Fig. 28).

Egg. Outline oval, collar absent. Length ca. 290 μm, width ca. 245 μm. Chorionic surface irregularly vermiculate throughout ( Figs. 29-30). Micropyles with large sessile orifices located near anterior end of egg.

Larva. Unknown.

Etymology. The species name, used as a noun in apposition, is based on the type locality.

Diagnosis. The penis of this species is generally similar in outline to that of N. atropennis Banks, 1924 . However, in that species a prominent, ventroapical, spiny lobe occurs on the penis sac margin ( Sivec 1984), whereas in N. salakot , the penial sac lobes lack spines.

Banks, N. 1924. Descriptions of new neuropteroid insects. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 65: 421 - 455.

Sivec, I. 1984. Study of genus Neoperla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from the Philippines. Scopolia, 7: 1 - 44.


Slovenian Museum of Natural History (Prirodosloveni Muzej Slovenije)











