Olcinia Stål, 1877

Bresseel, Joachim & Vermeersch, Xavier H. C., 1877, The first record of the genus Olcinia Stål, 1877 from Cambodia and Vietnam with the description of two new species (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Pseudophyllinae: Cymatomerini), Belgian Journal of Entomology 56, pp. 1-16 : 1-16

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13271310

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scientific name

Olcinia Stål, 1877


Genus Olcinia Stål, 1877 View in CoL

Type species: Olcinia erosifolia Stål, 1877 .


Differing from all other known genera of Cymatomerini by the following combination of characters ( DE JONG, 1939; 1960):

1) Costal margin of tegmina distinctly crenulated.

2) Tegmina broadest before the middle.

3) Tegminal apex broadly rounded to broadly truncate.

4) Preradial area of tegmina broadly rounded.

5) Ovipositor straight.

DISTRIBUTION. Currently known from Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and the Philippines.

Species included constanti sp. nov. crenifolia (Haan, 1843) dentata de Jong, 1939

erosifolia Stål, 1877 [ Cambodia, Kirirom National Park]

[Borneo, Loeroentoer]

[Borneo, Bloe-oe, Kalao; Sumatra, Tandjong Merah Estate near Medan]

[ Philippines]


excisa Karny, 1923

grandis de Jong, 1939 View in CoL mahakamensis de Jong, 1939 View in CoL nuichuana View in CoL sp. nov. pallidifrons Karny, 1926 View in CoL

= tuberculata de Jong, 1939 [Borneo]

[Borneo, Bloe-oe, Mahakam]

[Borneo, Mahakam; Mahakam River; Long Bloe-oe] [ Vietnam, Nui Chua National Park]

[Perak, Batang Padang; Sumatra, Benkoelen, Boekit Itam] [Borneo, Sugut, Pandakan Bay]

Key to the species of Olcinia View in CoL (adapted from DE JONG, 1960)

1. Head with 2 small thorns on dorsal surface, one on each side close to the eye .................... 2

- Dorsal surface of the head without such thorns..................................................................... 4

2. Forehead dark brown.......................................................... O. mahakamensis De Jong, 1939 View in CoL

- Forehead pale......................................................................................................................... 3

3. Pronotum of normal shape.............................................................. O. dentata De Jong, 1939 View in CoL

- Pronotum deeply and broadly incised on posterior margin................. O. excisa Karny, 1923 View in CoL

4. Middle tibiae with small thorn on dorsal surface below knee............................................... 5

- No thorn on dorsal surface of middle tibiae near knee.......................................................... 6

5. Pronotum crenulated but without a crenulated median crest or distinct median row of tubercles in the basal half ............................................................... O. grandis De Jong, 1939 View in CoL

- Pronotum with a strongly crenulated crest or a distinct indication of such in the posterior half of the disc ............................................................................ O. pallidifrons Karny, 1926 View in CoL

6. Ala ........e with transparent part distinctly shorter than the coloured part. Alae with AL/AW ratio about 2.5 ( Fig. 5 View Fig ) ......................................................................... O. nuichuana View in CoL sp. nov.

- Alae with transparent part more or less continuous with the coloured part. Alae with AL/AW ratio less than 2........................................................................................................ 7

7. Apex of the coloured part of the alae crenulated ( Fig. 2 C View Fig ) ................... O. constanti View in CoL sp. nov.

- Apex of the coloured part of the alae obtusely rounded........................................................ 8

8. Tegmina with the first cell formed by radius and first radial vein distinctly shorter than the following; the subcostal and radial veins run together to about the middle of the tegmina, then they diverge slightly and touch again at short distance .............. O. erosifolia Stål, 1877 View in CoL

- Tegmina with the first cell formed by radius and first radial vein distinctly longer than the following; the subcostal and radial veins run together to about the middle of the tegmina, then they diverge and continue diverged to just before the apex, when diverged there are transverse connecting branches .................................................... O. crenifolia (Haan, 1843) View in CoL


Olcinia constanti sp. nov.


Figs 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig ; 7 A–B. View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species is dedicated to Jérôme Constant (RBINS) for supporting both authors in their taxonomic studies.


TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ♀ ( Figs 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig ): Cambodia, Kampong Speu, Kirirom N.P., 11°18’37’’N 104°03’04’’E, night collecting/ light trap, 9-12.V.2015, leg. J. Constant & V. Sougnez, I.G.: 33.022 ( RBINS). GoogleMaps


Olcinia constanti sp. nov. has a distinctly crenulated fore margin of the tegmina. It can be distinguished from most species in the genus by the almost parallel radius and subcosta, only diverging slightly distally. The combination of previous characters with the crenulated apex of the alae ( Fig. 2 View Fig ) differentiate this species from all other members of the genus.


FEMALE ( Figs 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Measurements: see Table 1.

Body: General colour ochreous brown speckled with darker markings. Tegmina with some larger pale spots.

Head. ( Fig. 1 D–F View Fig ) Head as seen from above roundish. Frons and mouthparts pale. Frons with a dark line on anterolateral margins; strongly flattened and slightly concave centrally. Fastigium verticis elongated, not reaching apex of scapi, sulcate, tapering towards apex; apex notched. Eyes strongly rounded and projecting almost spherically. Antennae more than 2 times longer than body length, brownish with irregular paler markings along whole length. Vertex and occiput with numerous black dots and behind the antennae with a bent black longitudinal line passing above eye and reaching occiput.

Thorax. ( Fig. 1 D–E, G View Fig ) Pronotum rugulose, disc relatively flat. Anterior margin rounded with two blunt spines near middle. Posteriorly on prozona a pair of tubercles. Lateral margin of prozona incised medially; prozona narrowing towards mesozona. Mesozona constricted and distinctly narrower than pro- and metazona, sulcate posteriorly. Anterior margin of metazona concave and with two blunt spines near middle. Metazona with blunt cone medially and rounded anteriorly. Lateral lobes of pronotum shallow, about twice as long as deep and borders with disc raised; ventral margin tuberculose and slightly concave. Prosternum unarmed. Fore border of mesosternum slightly concave with rounded angles. Metasternum broader than mesosternum, with posterior edge slightly concave. Sterna wider than long.

Legs. ( Fig. 3 A–C View Fig ) Legs brown with black markings; mid- and fore legs setose. Femora laterally flattened. Profemora short, about as long as head; anterodorsal carina raised and strongly developed. Outer ventral carina quadrilobate. Mesofemora with strong, smooth dorsal carina, about as long as pronotum and trilobate ventrally. Metafemora about as long as corresponding tibiae with five teeth ventrally.

Protibiae flat dorsally and slightly widening towards apex, laterally near base with conchiform auditory tympana. Auditory tympanum almost completely covered by lobe-like processes. Outer ventral carinae with some minute spines. Mesotibiae laterally flattened and with a well developed carina dorsally and ventrally. Ventral carina with few minute spines. Metatibiae dorsally rounded, carinate near apex with few evenly spaced granules. Outer ventral carinae developed with some minute spines. Spines more numerous and slightly bigger near apex.



Wings. ( Fig. 2 View Fig ) Tegmina rugose, ochreous brown with pale and darker markings; strongly crenulated at fore margin; crenulations consisting of larger semicircular lobes alternating with smaller ones. Hind margin nearly straight, only faintly sinuate. Broadest part before middle. Preradial area rather broad. Subcostal and radial veins run parallel for almost complete length, connected by numerous crossveins. Subcosta ending in fore margin before apex; radius ends in the apex. Basal part of preradial area with a number of closed cells, formed by branches of costa and subcosta but more apically the cells are open to the fore margin. Most cells show a central dark patch. Postradial area divided by the large veins into four longitudinal fields not strongly differing in size, slightly narrower between medial veins. Branch of radial vein slightly angular. Anterior and posterior branch of medial vein sinuate. Apex broadly rounded, slightly undulate.

Alae with area between costa and Cu1 coloured much like tegmina but paler and semi-transparent, apex of coloured part rounded and crenulated. Other portion of alae almost completely continuous with coloured part, plica prima anterior (ppa) shallow, more transparent and with transverse veins thickened and infuscate. Infumation more distinct in basal part. Alae length/width ratio about 1.65.

Abdomen. All abdominal segments yellowish brown with black markings dorsally and laterally. Supra-anal plate dark brown, rectangular with a rounded apex and apical rim slightly thickened. Cerci yellowish brown, slightly curved and strongly curved upwards at top, with apex pointed and darkened. Ovipositor ( Fig. 3 D View Fig ) inflated and yellowish brown basally; strongly darkening towards apex. Borders darker than centre, apex almost black. Dorsally smooth at base, later with small serrations. Serrations becoming smaller near apex; apex unarmed. Ventral margin slightly curved upwards; dorsal margin straight and reaching apex of alae. Subgenital plate broad, slightly setose with mediolongitudinal carina and apically deeply incised; posterior angles rounded ( Fig. 3 E View Fig ).

DISTRIBUTION. Fig. 7 A View Fig .


Olcinia nuichuana sp. nov.


Figs 4–6 View Fig View Fig View Fig ; 7 A, C. View Fig

ETYMOLOGY. The species name refers to Nui Chua N.P. in Southeast Vietnam.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ♀ ( Figs 4–6 View Fig View Fig View Fig ): Vietnam, Ninh Thuan Prov., Nui Chua N. P., 11°42’N 109°09’E, 3-9.VII.2014, night coll., leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, G.T.I. Project, I.G.: 33.092 ( RBINS). GoogleMaps

Paratype ♀: Vietnam, Ninh Thuan Prov., Nui Chua N. P., 11°42’N 109°09’E, 3-9.VII.2014, night coll., leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, G.T.I. Project, I.G.: 33.092 ( VNMN) GoogleMaps .



O. nuichuana sp. nov. has relatively small crenulations on the fore margin of the tegmina and small lobes on the profemora compared to other members of the genus. It can be distinguished from all other species of Cymatomerini by the distinct plica prima anterior and the shape of the underdeveloped hind wing ( Fig. 5 View Fig ).


FEMALE ( Figs 4–6 View Fig View Fig View Fig ; 7 A, C View Fig ).

Measurements: see table 2.

Body: General colour brown-grey with green, speckled with darker markings.

Head. ( Fig. 4 D–F View Fig ) Head as seen from above roundish. Frons dark brown centrally, darkening towards lateral margins. Mouthparts slightly paler. Frons strongly flattened and slightly concave centrally. Fastigium verticis elongated, not reaching apex of scapi; base swollen, later flattened with longitudinal groove; tapering towars apex, apex notched. Eyes strongly rounded and projecting almost spherically. Antennae more than 2 times longer than body length, brownish with irregular paler markings along whole length. Vertex and occiput with numerous dark spots and behind antennae a black longitudinal line passing above eye and reaching occiput.

Thorax. ( Fig. 4 D–E, G View Fig ) Pronotum rugulose with median line, relatively flat on disc. Anterior margin trapezoidal with two blunt, conical spines near centre. Prozona anteriorly sulcate and with pair of tubercles. Lateral margin of prozona medially incised, prozona narrowing towards mesozona. Mesozona constricted and distinctly narrower than pro- and metazona. Mesozona posteriorly sulcate and rounded. Anterior portion of metazona concave, with two raised areas. Metazona with blunt cone posteromedially and slightly notched anteriorly. Lateral lobes of pronotum shallow, about twice as long as deep and along borders with disc raised; ventral margin carinate. Prosternum unarmed. Fore margin of mesosternum slightly raised, concave with rounded angles. Metasternum broader than mesosternum, with posterior edge concave. Sterna wider than long.

Legs. ( Fig. 6 A–C View Fig ) Legs brown-green with black markings and slightly setose. Femora laterally flattened. Profemora short, about as long as pronotum, anterodorsal carina raised and strongly developed. Outer ventral carina quadrilobate; between lobes, pale triangular markings. Mesofemora with strong, smooth dorsal carina, slightly shorter than profemora and quadrilobate ventrally. Metafemora about as long as ovipositor, with three teeth ventrally in posterior half; anterior half undulate. Protibiae flat dorsally and slightly widening towards apex, laterally near base with chonchiform tympana, almost completely covered by lobe-like process; outer ventral carinae with some minute spines. Mesotibiae laterally flattened; ventral carina with few minute spines. Metatibiae with dorsal carinae developed with few evenly spaced granules; outer ventral carinae developed with some minute spines; spines more numerous and slightly bigger near apex.



Wings. ( Fig. 5 View Fig ) Tegmina coloured as body; crenulated at fore margin, crenulations consisting of larger semicircular lobes alternating with smaller ones. Hind margin slightly sinuate. Broadest part before middle. Preradial area rather broad. Subcostal and radial veins run parallel for more than halfway their length, connected by numerous crossveins; then slightly diverging and later joining again, creating few narrow closed cells. Subcosta ending in fore margin before apex; radius ends in apex. Basal part of preradial area with a number of closed cells, formed by branches of costa and subcosta but more apically cells are open to the fore margin. Most cells show a dark patch. Postradial area divided by the main veins into four longitudinal fields not strongly differing in size; slightly narrower between medial veins. Branch of radial vein slightly angular. Anterior branch of medial vein sinuate and posterior branch of medial vein almost straight. Apex broadly rounded, slightly undulate. Alae with area between costa and Cu1 coloured much like tegmina but paler and semi-transparent, apex of coloured part rounded and slightly undulate. Other portion of alae more transparent and distinctly shorter than coloured part, transverse veins infuscate. Plica prima anterior (ppa) very distinct. Infumation more distinct in basal part. Alae length/width ratio about 2.64.

Abdomen. All abdominal segments yellowish brown with black markings dorsally and laterally. Sterna yellowish brown with two black markings. Supra-anal plate dark brown, slightly tapering with broadly rounded apex. Cerci pale, setose and slightly curved, with apex rounded. Ovipositor ( Fig. 6 D View Fig ) slightly inflated at base, yellowish to red-brown basally, strongly darkening towards apex. Apex blackish. Dorsally smooth at base, later with small serrations. Serrations becoming smaller near apex, apex unarmed. Ventral margin slightly curved upwards; dorsal margin straight and reaching apex of alae. Subgenital plate broad at base, slightly tapering and apically deeply incised; posterior angles rounded ( Fig. 6 E View Fig ).

DISTRIBUTION. Fig. 7 A View Fig .


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Vietnam National Museum of Nature












Olcinia Stål, 1877

Bresseel, Joachim & Vermeersch, Xavier H. C. 1877


de Jong 1939


de Jong 1939


Karny 1926


Bresseel & Vermeersch 1877
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF