Anurogryllus (Anurogryllus) carinatus, Горохов, 2019

Горохов, А. В., 2019, Преąваритеλьная Гипотеза Об Истории Поąсемейства Gryllinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) В Америке И Новые Таксоны Поąтрибы Anurogryllina И Роąа, Amurian Zoological Journal XI (4), pp. 279-308 : 297-298

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2019-11-4-279-308

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Anurogryllus (Anurogryllus) carinatus

sp. nov.

Anurogryllus (Anurogryllus) carinatus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 10–12 View Figs 1–12 , 85 View Figs 77–87 , 111–114 View Figs 100–119 ) C67875BD55

Material. Holotype — male, Ecuador, western slope of Andes , ~ 10 km E of Agua Blanca Vill. located near Puerto Lopez Town, San Sebastian Natural Boundary, cloud primary forest, ~ 700 m, 26– 29.10.2005, A. Gorochov & A. Ovtshinnikov ( ZIN) . Paratype — female, same data as for holotype ( ZIN) .

Description. Male (holotype). Body rath- er small for this subgenus. Colouration light brown with following marks: head with area between eyes and antennal cavities slightly darker (almost brown), with ocelli light brown to yellowish, and with distal halves of palpi almost whitish; pronotum with yellowish bands along ventral and posterior edges of lateral lobes and with almost brown rest parts of these lobes; legs with yellowish bases (from coxae to bases of femora) and wide band on outer and inner surfaces of hind femur along its ventral edge (this band not reaching apical part of this femur), with brown apical part of hind femur, and with intermediate (between brown and light brown) spots on fore and middle femora near their apices as well as areas at base of all tibiae and on most part of rest distal two thirds of hind femur; tegmina with similar (intermediate in colour: see above) basal area on dorsal field and band on lateral field (along its dorsal edge) as well as with yellowish-whitish rest of lateral field; sternites and genital plate as well as cercal bases yellowish. Structure of body typical of this subgenus and similar to that of Urogryllus and Pilosogryllus but with some characteristic features: rostrum between antennal cavities aproximately 1.5 times as wide as scape; ocelli moderately large (median ocellus transverse, lateral ones round) and located almost on one transverse line; inner tympanum rather long, but outer one absent; hind tibia with seven pairs of dorsal spines (one proximal pair of them very short); hind basitarsus with six inner and 5–8 outer dorsal denticles; tegmina reaching abdominal apex, with 29 teeth on stridulatory vein, with mirror clearly longer than apical area, with other structures of dorsal field as in Fig. 85 View Figs 77–87 , and with lateral field having 9–10 longitudinal and almost parallel veins (these veins slightly oblique and barely S-shaped, and one of them branching from Sc stock in its distal part) as well as lacking distinct crossveins; hind wings torn off or removed after flight period; genitalia very similar to those of other species of this subgenus ( Figs 10–12 View Figs 1–12 , 112–114 View Figs 100–119 ) but distinguished by posterolateral epiphallic lobe slightly wider in profile and having small (but distinct) keel-like fold (f) running from posteroventral projection of epiphallus to middle of this lobe ( Fig. 112 View Figs 100–119 ), and by endoparameres with rather short anterior (proximal) apodemes ( Figs 10–12 View Figs 1–12 ).

Female. General appearance as in male, but head with a few darkish longitudinal lines on posterior part of dorsum, pronotum with brown areas along posterior edges of lateral lobes, tegmina reaching middle part of fifth abdominal tergite and distinctly narrower (dorsal field with 7–8 slightly irregular longitudinal veins and moderately sparse crossveins; lateral field with sparse crossveins and 7–8 longitudinal veins, but latter veins straighter and without distal branch), and hind legs with armament of tibia and basitarsus hardly different; genital plate much small- er than last abdominal sternite, subquadratic with rounded posterolateral corners and shallow posteromedian notch; ovipositor strongly reduced (visible part of its valves shorter than genital plate; Fig. 111 View Figs 100–119 ).

Length in mm. Body: male 15.5, female 18; pronotum: male 3.2, female 3.4; tegmina: male 10, female 8; hind femora: male 9.3, female 10.3; visible part of ovipositor 0.6 mm.

Comparison. The new species differs from representatives of Anurogryllus s. str. with known male genitalia in the posterolateral epiphallic lobes having a distinct keel-like fold on each lateral surface, and in the endoparameres having short anterior (proximal) apodemes. From the species of this subgenus with unknown male genitalia, the new species is distinguished by the following set of characters: body rather small and light, inner tympanum absent, and tegmina of both sexes not strongly shortened.

Etymology. This species’ name is the Latin word “carinatus ” (carinated, with keel), because the epiphallic posterolateral lobes of the new species have distinct keel-like lateral folds.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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