Amblyceps mangois (Hamilton, 1822)

Darshan, Achom, Kachari, Akash, Dutta, Rashmi, Ganguly, Arijit & Das, Debangshu Narayan, 2016, Amblyceps waikhomi, a New Species of Catfish (Siluriformes: Amblycipitidae) from the Brahmaputra Drainage of Arunachal Pradesh, India, PLoS ONE (e 0147283) 11 (2), pp. 1-10 : 8

publication ID 10.1371/journal.pone.0147283

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scientific name

Amblyceps mangois


Amblyceps mangois View in CoL : ZSI-NRS / F2556 View Materials , 31 View Materials ,40.0– 49.4 mm SL, India: Uttar Pradesh, Saharanpur ,

Padhoe River at Kalsia Ghat, Ganga River basin, K.P. Singh, 20 January 1972. RGUMF, unreg-

istered, 3, 45.2–55.5 mm SL, India: Uttarakhand, Nainital district, Gola River at Kathgodam,

Ganga River basin, A. Darshan, 30 April 2011. MUMF 14301–14302, 2, 35.5–37.1 mm SL,

India: Barak River at Silchar (Assam), M. Shantakumar and K. Nebeshwar, 16 December 2000 .

MUMF 14061 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 48 mm SL, India: Arunachal Pradesh, Dikrong River , K. Nebeshwar .

Amblyceps arunachalensis : RGUMF 117 , 82.6–97.2 mm SL, 3, India: Arunachal Pradesh ,

Subansiri River at Daporijo, Brahmaputra basin, 7 June 2005.


Zoological Survey of India

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