Adiantum furcatum L. f.

Callmander, Martin W., Mazumdar, Jaideep & Jarvis, Charles E., 2019, Typification and nomenclature of the western Indian Ocean islands ferns and lycophytes described in Linnaeus filius’s Supplementum plantarum, Candollea 74 (2), pp. 223-234 : 229-232

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Carolina (2021-11-12 17:06:55, last updated 2023-11-08 18:34:39)

scientific name

Adiantum furcatum L. f.


Adiantum furcatum L. f. , Suppl. Pl.: 447. 1782.

Lectotypus (designated here): RÉUNION: “40. de l’Isle de Bourbon ”, s.d., Commerson s.n. ( LINN-HS nº 1629.15 image seen ; isolecto-: G [ G00341871 ]!, MPU [ MPU018221 ]!) ( Fig. 6 View Fig ) .

= Asplenium rutifolium (Berg.) Kunze View in CoL in Linnaea 10: 521 (1836). ≡ Caenopteris rutifolium Berg. in Acta Petropol. 1782: 249. 1786. ( Aspleniaceae View in CoL )

Notes. – The protologue of Adiantum furcatum included references to PLUKENET (1700: 83, tab. 350, fig. 4) and to two specimens as “Thunberg. Thouin” with the mention “Habitat in Cape. Bonae Spei & Insula Helenae”. Two specimens of original material are extant in LINN-HS: a specimen collected by Carl Peter Thunberg (1743–1828) in the Cape region [LINN-HS nº 1629.16] with duplicates in SBT [SBT10616] and UPS [UPS-THUNB nº 24774], and a specimen from Réunion originating from Thouin’s shipment in 1780 (see above) [LINN-HS nº 1629.15]. SWARTZ (1801, 1806) excluded the reference to “Filicula corniculata Insulae Sanctae Helenae” of PLUKENET (1700) which refers to a species of Elaphoglossum Schott ex J. Sm. , E. bifurcatum (Jacq.) Sw. , a fern endemic to St. Helena. CHRIST’s (1899) transfer of Adiantum furcatum to Elaphoglossum (as E. furcatum (L. f.) Christ) is a nom. illeg. currently treated as a synonym of E. bifurcatum (Jacq.) Sw. ( ROUX, 2009; VASCO et al., 2009).

The two specimens of original material extant in LINN-HS where Linnaeus f. added “Adianthum furcatum” are identifiable as a species of the genus Asplenium L. The combination of Adiantum furcatum in the genus Asplenium would be illegitimate, as it is preoccupied by Asplenium furcatum Thunb. (= A. aethiopicum (Burm. f.) Bech. ). Linnaeus f.’s name should be treated as a synonym of Asplenium rutifolium ( TARDIEU-BLOT, 1958), the first available name in the genus. Its basionym, Caenopteris rutifolium , was described by Peter Jonas Bergius (1730–1790) based on a Thunberg collection in SBT [SBT10616], a duplicate of original material (isosyntype) of Adiantum furcatum .

The Commerson s.n. collection [LINN-HS nº 1629.15] (bearing the number “40” corresponding to the younger Linnaeus manuscript list sent to Thouin) is here designated as lectotype. It is chosen over the Thunberg collection as Linnaeus f. added to the label “Adianthum furcatum ny”. Duplicates of original material are extant in G [G00341871] and MPU [MPU018221].

Asplenium rutifolium is distributed in Mauritius, Réunion, Madagascar, the Comoro islands and the Cape region to Malawi and Yemen in Continental Africa ( TARDIEU-BLOT, 2002).

CHRIST, H. (1899). Monographie des Genus Elaphoglossum. Neue Denkschr. Allg. Schweiz. Ges. Gesammten Naturwiss. 36.

PLUKENET, L. (1700). Almagesti botanici mantissa. London.

ROUX, J. P. (2009). Synopsis of the Lycopodiophyta and Pteridophyta of Africa, Madagascar and neighbouring islands. Strelitzia 23.

SWARTZ, O. (1801). Genera et species filicum. J. Bot. (Schrader) 2: 3 - 120.

SWARTZ, O. (1806). Synopsis Filicum. Kiel.

TARDIEU-BLOT, M. - L. (1958). Aspleniacees. In: HUMBERT, H. (ed.), Fl. Madagascar Comores 5 (7).

TARDIEU-BLOT, M. - L. (2002). Aspleniacees. In: BOSSER, J. et al. (ed.), Fl. Mascareignes, Pteridophytes 24: 365 - 402.

VASCO, A., R. A. MORAN & G. ROUHAN (2009). Monograph of the Elaphoglossum ciliatum group (Dryopteridaceae). Brittonia 61: 241 - 272.

Gallery Image

Fig. 6. – Lectotype of Adiantum furcatum L. f. in LINN-HS).











