Lycopodium verticillatum L. f.

Callmander, Martin W., Mazumdar, Jaideep & Jarvis, Charles E., 2019, Typification and nomenclature of the western Indian Ocean islands ferns and lycophytes described in Linnaeus filius’s Supplementum plantarum, Candollea 74 (2), pp. 223-234 : 232-233

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Carolina (2021-11-12 17:06:55, last updated 2023-11-08 18:34:39)

scientific name

Lycopodium verticillatum L. f.


Lycopodium verticillatum L. f. View in CoL , Suppl. Pl.: 448. 1782.

Phlegmariurus verticillatus (L. f.) A.R. Field & Testo View in CoL in Molec. Phylogenet. Evol. 94: 645 (2015). ( Lycopodiaceae View in CoL )

Lectotypus (designated here): RÉUNION: “nº 12. Lycos des Bois de l’Isle de Bourbon ”, s.d., Commerson s.n. ( LINN-HS nº 1649.12.1 image seen ; isolecto-: MPU [ MPU1054548 ]!, SBT nº image seen) .

Notes. – TARDIEU-BLOT (1971) mentioned the type as “ Maurice. Sonnerat in Herb. Thouin”. This cannot be accepted as an effective lectotypification as both the locality and collector are wrongly cited. BADRÉ (2002b), VERDCOURT (2005), ROUX (2009) and ROUX & COOPER-DRIVER (2016) cited this specimen at SBT as holotype but failed to indicate the term “ lectotype ”. Thus , none can be accepted as an effective lectotypification ( TURLAND et al., 2018: Art. 9.23). The original material carrying the epithet in Linnaeus f.’s hand “verticillatum” is in LINN-HS [LINN-HS nº 1649.12.1] and designated here as lectotype. Its identity agrees with the current usage of the name.

Two duplicates of this original material are extant in MPU [MPU1054548] and SBT [SBT nº].

Phlegmariurus verticillatus is known in continental Africa from South Africa to Zambia and in Cameroun and São Tomé and Príncipe, the Comoro islands, Réunion, and Madagascar ( BADRÉ, 2002b).

BADRE, F. (2002 b). Lycopodiacees. In: BOSSER, J. et al. (ed.), Fl. Mascareignes, Pteridophytes 3: 19 - 33.

ROUX, J. P. (2009). Synopsis of the Lycopodiophyta and Pteridophyta of Africa, Madagascar and neighbouring islands. Strelitzia 23.

ROUX, J. P. & G. COOPER-DRIVER (2016). The lycopods and ferns of the Drakensberg and Lesotho. Briza Academic books, Pretoria.

TARDIEU-BLOT, M. - L. (1971). Huperziacees. In: LEROY, J. F. (ed.), Fl. Madagascar Comores 13 bis.

TURLAND, N. J., J. H. WIERSEMA, F. R. BARRIE, W. GREUTER, D. L. HAWKSWORTH, P. S. HERENDEEN, S. KNAPP, W. - H. KUSBER, D. - Z. LI, K. MARHOLD, T. W. MAY, J. MCNEILL, A. M. MONRO, J. PRADO, M. J. PRICE & G. F. SMITH (ed.) (2018). International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Regnum Veg. 159.

VERDCOURT, B. (2005). Lycopodiaceae. In: BEENTJE, H. J. & S. A. GHAZANFAR (ed.), Fl. Trop. E. Africa.











