
MASSE, JEAN-PIERRE, FENERCI-MASSE, MUKERREM & BUCUR, IOAN I., 2024, New Species Of The Lower Cretaceous Genus Matheronia Munier-Chalmas (Bivalve Hippuritida) In Romania, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 20 (1), pp. 3-15 : 3-5

publication ID 10.35463/j.apr.2024.01.01

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The Matheronia bearing samples were collected from two regions of the Romanian Carpathians ( Fig. 1 View Fig ): Reşita- Moldova Nouă Zone in the Southern Carpathians (SW Romania), and Pădurea Craiului area in the Apuseni Mountains (NW Romania).

In the Reşiţa- Moldova Nouă area, the onset of the Lower Cretaceous ( Bucur, 1997) starts with the Lower Berriasian, represented by the Marila Limestones, and the Upper Berriasian-Lower Valanginian by the Crivina Marls, both formations corresponding to basinal deposits

1 Aix-Marseille University, Place Victor Hugo. 13331 Marseille Cedex 03, France, 3 2 Babeş- Bolyai University, Department of Geology and Center for integrated geological studies, Str. M. Kogalniceanu 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

with calpionellids and ammonites. The Valea Lindinei Limestones (upper Valanginian-Hauterivian), make the transition from the basinal to the overlying shallow carbonate platform deposits. The corresponding Urgonian beds ( Fig. 2a View Fig ) includes the Valea Nerei Limestone Member, which consists of bioclastic limestone, sometimes with corals, chaetetids and rudists, i.e. Pachytraga carpathica Masse et al. ( Masse et al., 2023) and Matheronia dacica sp. nov. The micropaleontogical assemblage of orbitolinid foraminifera and dasycladale algae: Moulladella jourdanensis , Cribellopsis thieuloyi and Salpingoporella muehlbergii , documents the Lower Barremian ( Bucur, 1997).

The overlying Valea Minişului Limestone Formation ( Fig. 2a View Fig ) consists of bioclastic limestones, with marly intercalations. The orbitolinid association is twofold: the lower assemblage consists of Paracoskinolina maynci , Montseciella? arabica , Palorbitolina lenticularis and Praeorbitolina cormyi , of late Barremian – early Aptian age, these beds yield Matheronia nerae sp. nov. and Matheronia carinata sp. nov. The content of the upper assemblage, Mesorbitolina parva , Mesorbitolina texana and radiolitids, indicates a late Aptian age; the overlying Golumbu sandstones may belong to the “Clansayesian” ( Bucur, 1997).

In the Pădurea Craiului Mountains, the Lower Cretaceous deposits start with bauxitic rocks, followed by micritic lacustrine-paludary limestones, i.e. the Dobreşti Member of the Blid Formation, of Berriasian-Hauterivian pro parte age ( Bucur, 2000; Cociuba, 2000) ( Fig. 2b View Fig ). The upper member of the Blid Formation, i.e. the Coposeni Member, consists of micritic-fenestral and bioclastic limestone, with rudists including Matheronia dacica sp. nov. Foraminifera and calcareous algae Pfenderina globosa , Moulladella jourdanensis , Salpingoporella genevensis , S. melitae , S. muehlbergii , document an early Barremian age. In its upper part, the Coposeni Member contains Palorbitolina lenticularis , so that the overall age of the Coposeni deposits is Hauterivian pro parte – Barremian.

New species of the Lower Cretaceous genus Matheronia Munier-Chalmas (Bivalve Hippuritida ) in Romania

The succession continues with the Ecleja Formation, its carbonate upper part, the Bobdei Valley Limestone Member contains Palorbitolina lenticularis, Akcaya capitata, Paracoskinolina maynci and Salpingoporella popgrigorei , an association that suggests a possible early Aptian age. The Ecleja formation is covered by the Măgurii Valley Limestone Formation with rudists including Matheronia silvaeregis sp. nov., Lovetchenia , Horiopleura and caprinids. The associated Orbitolinidae : Palorbitolina lenticularis , Orbitolinopsis cuvillieri , O. kiliani , O. buccifer , and O. pygmaea , document an early Aptian age ( Cociuba, 2000). This dating is corroborated by the age of the overlying marls, characterized by Dufrenoya , a late early Aptian ammonite.











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