Generic placement

MASSE, JEAN-PIERRE, FENERCI-MASSE, MUKERREM & BUCUR, IOAN I., 2024, New Species Of The Lower Cretaceous Genus Matheronia Munier-Chalmas (Bivalve Hippuritida) In Romania, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 20 (1), pp. 3-15 : 10

publication ID 10.35463/j.apr.2024.01.01

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scientific name

Generic placement


Generic placement . The RV myophores are represented by an anterior, low, protruding internal bulge ( Fig. 6a, b View Fig ) and a posterior, cross-sectional triangular marginal crest. LV myophores are on shell wall. This organisation is typical of Matheronia .

Specific assignment. LV myophores on shell wall, absence of radial bands on the posterior side of the LV, its short beak and the uncoiled RV are common attributes of the genus Matheronia . The overall transverse outline is subtriangular with an antero-posterior compression ( Fig. 6a, b View Fig ). Concentric growth lines issued from the dorsal side are characteristic features of the flat RV which ends by a ventral blunt carina ( Fig. 6d View Fig ). The LV has a lamellar, thick (up to 5 mm) concave anterior side, and a thin (about 1 mm) convex smooth or irregular posterior side. The carina is acute ( Fig. 6c View Fig ) asymmetric; it tends to slightly override the anterior shell side ( Fig. 6e View Fig ). Average dimensions and ranges are as follows: Dap = 30 mm (2.5 - 40 mm), Ddv = 27 mm (20-32 mm); RV length = 60 mm (55-65 mm), LV length= 35 mm.

Diagnosis. Matheronia with a medium size, toucasiform,

i.e. with an antero-posterior compression, LV anterior side concave, with an acute ventral carina.

Comparisons. The size of Matheronia carinata sp. nov. is in the range of that of M. aptiensis , i.e. smaller than M. munieri and M. virginiae . It also differs from the West European species by a more concave LV anterior side and a more acute carina. The radial bands of M. carinata sp. nov. are inconspicuous, hence different from that of Matheronia baksanensis and M. aptiensis , somewhat outlined. Due to its antero-posterior compression coupled with the acute carina, M. carinata sp. nov. looks like Toucasia , it is the only toucasiform Matheronia species known so far. Dap is larger than Ddv, two dimensions nearly equivalent in M. aptiensis .













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