Lavoisiera, Candolle, 1828

Martins, Angela B. & Almeda, Frank, 2017, A Monograph of the Brazilian endemic genus Lavoisiera (Melastomataceae: Microlicieae), Phytotaxa 315 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.315.1.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name



Key to the Species of Lavoisiera

(Variable species are keyed more than once. When a superscript integer follows the name of a species it indicates that the species is keyed multiple times. Putative hybrids have not been incorporated into the key. In most cases they will key out closest to one of the parents.)



Principal leaf blades (excluding margins) sparsely to densely beset with an indumentum of smooth trichomes, gland-tipped trichomes, subsessile glandular trichomes, or a mat of arachnoid trichomes on the abaxial and/or adaxial surface.... ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. Principal leaf blades (excluding margins) glabrous on both surfaces or glandular-punctate and sometimes viscous on one or both surfaces but typically lacking elongate well-defined trichomes (rarely in L. firmula with some but not all leaves with a single line of sparse glandular trichomes ca. 1 mm long with each one nestled in small clusters of sessile glands just in from the margin on the abaxial surface).......................................................................................................................... 22. 2.

- Upper branch internodes glabrous ........................................................................................................................................ 3. Upper branch internodes sparsely to copiously beset with spreading smooth trichomes, gland-tipped trichomes, or sessile to short-pedicellate clustered glands ................................................................................................................................... 12.


- Hypanthia essentially glabrous ............................................................................................................................................. 4. Hypanthia copiously or partially beset with spreading simple or gland-tipped trichomes ................................................... 7.


- Flowers 6-merous (rarely 7-merous), all stamens well-developed and fertile...................................................................... 5. Flowers 5-merous; larger (antesepalous) stamens well developed and fertile and the smaller (antepetalous) stamens staminodial and infertile ................................................................................................................................ 11. L. confertiflora 1 5.


Calyx lobes glandular-hirtellous on the abaxial surface; large (antesepalous) anthers red; small (antepetalous) anthers yellow ............................................................................................................................ ................................... 7. L. canastrensis 1 Calyx lobes essentially glabrous on the abaxial surface; large (antesepalous) and small (antepetalous) anthers yellow .... 6. 6.


Principal leaves on uppermost branchlets ovate to oblong, typically callose-margined and varying from serrulate or shortly ciliate-serrulate, or sparsely to copiously ciliate with the cilia 0.5–1 mm long, the blades typically rigid and coriaceous and commonly imbricate and concealing the internodes; calyx lobes persistent and commonly scarious...........21. L. imbricata 1 Principal leaves on uppermost branchlets linear-oblong to ensiform and lacking conspicuous callose margins that are sparingly beset with trichomes 2.5–3 mm long, the blades not rigid and coriaceous and typically not imbricate and not concealing the internodes; calyx lobes tardily caducous and not scarious....................................................................... 37. L. senae 1 7. Principal leaf blades sparsely to moderately covered with gland-tipped trichomes on both surfaces, the trichomes often accompanied by two to several sessile glands at their base .................................................................................................. 8.


Phytotaxa 315 (1) © 2017 Magnolia Press • 35 - Principal leaf blades glabrous or glandular-punctate abaxially, or beset with a few smooth trichomes along distal portions of the midvein abaxially ...................................................................................................................................................... 10.


- Flowers 5-merous, calyx lobes glabrous on the adaxial surface; petal margins eciliate; Minas Gerais .... 17. L. glandulifera Flowers 6(–7–8)-merous, calyx lobes glandular-puberulent or often with punctate dots on the adaxial surface; petal margins glandular-ciliolate or eciliate; Bahia, Goiás .................................................................................................................. 9. 9.


Principal leaf blades 3–5-nerved, the tertiary veins not evident on abaxial surface when dry; flowers sessile; calyx tube 1–1.5 mm long; petals magenta to magenta-pink with a yellow base and glandular-ciliolate margins, calyx lobes tardily caducous in post-anthesis...................................................................................................................................19. L. harleyi 1 Principal leaf blades 6–14-nerved, the reticulate tertiary veins conspicuous on abaxial surface when dry; flowers on pedicels 3 mm long; petals yellow with an asymmetrical red marking on one side abaxially (rarely pink to lavender) with eciliate margins; calyx tube 2–3 mm long; calyx lobes persistent ....................................................................... 27. L. nervulosa 1

10. Principal leaf blades 5–8 × 3–7.5 mm; flowers terminal and solitary; calyx tube 0.3 mm long; calyx lobes persistent and scarious on fruiting hypanthia........................................................................................................................21. L. imbricata View in CoL 2

- Principal leaf blades 35–100 × 7–30 mm; flowers terminal in congested dichasia of 6–10 flowers; calyx tube 1–3 mm long; calyx lobes caducous in post-anthesis or if persistent then not scarious on fruiting hypanthia..................................11.

11. Mature leaf blades lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, glabrous and punctate abaxially; adaxial surface of calyx lobes sparsely to moderately glandular-puberulent; petals white with translucent greenish venation and a yellow base ................ ...................................................................................................................................................................16. L. gentianoides View in CoL 1

- Mature leaf blades oblong to elliptic, glabrous but not punctate abaxially; adaxial surface of calyx lobes essentially glabrous or with a few eglandular trichomes at the lobe sinuses; petals pink with a yellow base............... 24. L. mellobarretoi View in CoL 1

12. Flowers 8-merous with an 8-locular ovary (or sometimes 6–7-merous with a 6–7-locular ovary).................................... 13.

- Flowers 5–6-merous............................................................................................................................................................ 14.

13. Principal leaf blades 7–9-plinerved, tertiary veins not evident as a reticulate network on abaxial surface when dry, the actual abaxial surface scattered punctate with a few smooth scattered trichomes 1–2 mm long; flowers on pedicels ca. 5 mm long; hypanthia fluted, petals pink to lavender (rarely white) without markings of any kind on abaxial surface, the margins sparsely and shortly glandular-ciliate; calyx tube 1 mm long; ovary 8-locular...........................10. L. cogniauxana

- Principal leaf blades 6–14-nerved, the reticulate tertiary veins conspicuous on abaxial surface when dry but not punctate and lacking smooth trichomes; flowers on pedicels 3 mm long; hypanthia not fluted, petals yellow with an asymmetrical red marking on one side abaxially (rarely pink to lavender), the margins eciliate; calyx tube 2–3 mm long; ovary 6–7-locular................................................................................................................................................................... 27. L. nervulosa View in CoL 2

14. Uppermost internodes, abaxial surfaces of uppermost leaves and hypanthia beset with an arachnoid indumentum; sinuses at the base of adjacent calyx lobes often forming a conspicuous ± circular opening .................................. 4. L. arachnoidea View in CoL

- Uppermost internodes, abaxial surfaces of leaf blades, and hypanthia variously pubescent to glabrate but never arachnoid; sinuses at the base of adjacent calyx lobes not forming a conspicuous circular opening ................................................... 15.

15. Hypanthia and abaxial surface of calyx lobes (excluding margins) glabrous........................................ 32. L. quinquenervis View in CoL 1

- Hypanthia and abaxial surface of calyx lobes (excluding margins) sparsely to copiously beset with ± sessile glands, elongate gland-tipped trichomes, or smooth, eglandular trichomes........................................................................................... 16.

16. All or most principal leaf blades with a short flattened petiole 1 mm long; both leaf surfaces copiously beset with ± appressed smooth eglandular trichomes; Pico do Itambé , Minas Gerais .............................................................41. L. vestita View in CoL

- All or most principal leaf blades sessile; one or both leaf surfaces sparsely to moderately beset with ± spreading gland-tipped trichomes or minute glands; not occurring on Pico do Itambé................................................................................. 17.

17. Abaxial surface of calyx lobes beset with minute ± sessile or clustered glands; petals white............................................ 18.

- Abaxial surface of calyx lobes beset with spreading gland-tipped trichomes; petals pink, magenta or lilac (if white in L. mucorifera View in CoL then mature hypanthia conspicuously constricted below the torus and both foliar surfaces beset with spreading simple and gland-tipped trichomes) .................................................................................................................................... 19.

18. Adaxial surface of leaf blades glabrous; abaxial surface of leaf blades sparsely to moderately beset with minute glands; calyx lobes glabrous on the adaxial surface and sparsely beset with sessile glands on the abaxial surface, the margin lacking stiff evenly spaced eglandular trichomes ................................................................................................... 28. L. pohliana View in CoL

- Adaxial and abaxial surfaces of leaf blades beset with scattered sessile solitary or clustered glands; calyx lobes sparsely to moderately beset with sessile glands on both surfaces, the margin with stiff evenly spaced eglandular trichomes 0.5–0.7 mm long......................................................................................................................................................... 14. L. daviesiana View in CoL

36 • Phytotaxa 315 (1) © 2017 Magnolia Press


19. Ovary always 2- or 4-locular.......................................................................................................................... 36. L. scaberula View in CoL

- Ovary always 5- or 6-locular............................................................................................................................................... 20.

20. Principal leaf blades 1-nerved or obscurely 3-nerved; large (antesepalous) anthers red; calyx lobes persistent to tardily caducous in post-anthesis; São Paulo, Paraná, and rarely Minas Gerais ( Serro do Cipó ) ............................. 29. L. pulchella View in CoL 1

- Principal leaf blades 5–7(–9)-nerved; large (antesepalous) anthers yellow, or yellow flushed with red, or yellow-orange; calyx lobes caducous in post-anthesis; Goiás and Minas Gerais ........................................................................................ 21.

21. Mature leaf blades ovate to ovate-oblong, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, spreading but recurved apically and tipped with a rigid and pungent trichome; adaxial leaf surface essentially glabrous on most mature blades; mature hypanthia not markedly constricted distally into a distinct neck, beset with scattered glandular trichomes 1 mm long and a mixture of minute trichomes or almost glabrous ............................................................................................................................... 38. L. setosa View in CoL

- Mature leaf blades oblong to elliptic-lanceolate or elliptic-ovate, membranaceous, flat and spreading with an apical trichome that is not rigid and pungent; adaxial leaf surface sparsely to moderately beset with simple and gland-tipped trichomes or with trichomes restricted to blade margins; mature hypanthia markedly constricted distally into a distinct neck, moderately to copiously glandular-puberulous below the neck with trichomes 0.25 mm long or less .......................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26. L. mucorifera View in CoL

22. Flowers prevailingly 8-merous (rarely 6–7-merous or 9–10-merous) ................................................................................ 23.

- Flowers prevailingly 5–6-merous (rarely 7-merous) .......................................................................................................... 33.

23. Margins of principal leaf blades densely and coarsely pectinate and broadly callose-thickened with gland-tipped trichomes; hypanthia moderately to densely beset with spreading gland-tipped trichomes 1 mm long.....35. L. sampaioana View in CoL

- Margins of principal leaf blades not pectinate and if callose-thickened not broadly so and lacking spreading elongate gland-tipped trichomes; hypanthia glabrous, slightly granulose, or glandular-punctate and somewhat viscid but not beset with elongate gland-tipped trichomes ................................................................................................................................. 24.

24. Petals yellow or white ......................................................................................................................................................... 25.

- Petals pink, pink-magenta, or magenta ............................................................................................................................... 26.

25. Petals lemon yellow; principal leaf blades 10–18 × 4–10 mm, randomly and sparingly glandular-punctate on both surfaces, the margins inconspicuously crenate to crenate-serrulate; hypanthia (at anthesis) 3.5–4 × 3 mm, moderately glandular-punctate and somewhat viscid; calyx lobes 1–1.2 × 1.2 mm, subrounded to subtriangular with a rounded apex, abaxial surface sparsely glandular-punctate, caducous in post-anthesis; fruiting hypanthia not strongly constricted distally below the torus .......................................................................................................................... ....................................... 22. L. itambana View in CoL

- Petals white; principal leaf blades 25–85 × 8–35 mm, glabrous on both surfaces, the margins entire; hypanthia (at anthesis) 7–12 × 6–10 mm, glabrous and somewhat granulose; calyx lobes 3 × 2–2.5 mm, triangular with an acute apex that frequently tapers to a caducous trichome 0.5 mm long, abaxial surface glabrous, persistent in post-anthesis; fruiting hypanthia strongly constricted distally below the torus............................................................................................. 30. L. pulcherrima View in CoL 1

26. Abaxial surface of leaf blades on uppermost branchlets conspicuously punctate, glutinous-verrucose, or beset with minute glandular trichomes along the distal portion of the blade ................................................................................................... 27.

- Abaxial surface of leaf blades on uppermost branchlets glabrous, not glutinous-verrucose and lacking punctations and minute glands ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30.

27. Principal leaf blades 6–9 mm long; large (antesepalous) anthers dark red with a yellow rostrum............. 1. L. adamantium View in CoL 1

- Principal leaf blades 10–40 mm long; large (antesepalous) anthers yellow with a white or yellow rostrum (but often turning brown at least distally following pollination) .............................................................................................................. 28.

28. Principal leaf blades 25–40 × 10–15 mm; the uppermost blades conspicuously conduplicate, the callose-thickened margin red, glabrous and conspicuous; hypanthia (at anthesis) conspicuously fluted longitudinally and glabrous, the calyx lobes entire and lacking glands .................................................................................................................................. 31. L. punctata View in CoL

- Principal leaf blades 10–20 × 6–12 mm; the uppermost blades not folded, the margin not red (if callose-thickened), entire but short glandular or glandular-punctate; hypanthia (at anthesis) not fluted longitudinally but sparsely to moderately glandular-punctate and somewhat viscid, calyx lobes entire but gland-edged or subcrenulate................................................. 29.

29. Principal leaf blade margins entire, minutely glandular and somewhat viscid to glutinous-verrucose; calyx lobes 1–1.5 × 2–3 mm, triangular-acute to somewhat cuspidate and sometimes tipped with a short glandular trichome, persistent in post-anthesis; ovary 8-locular ...................................................................................................................................... 33. L. rigida View in CoL

- Principal leaf blade margins shallowly crenulate-glandular; calyx lobes 5–6 × 3–4 mm, oblong to subspatulate, obtuse to broadly rounded at the apex, caducous in post-anthesis; ovary 6-locular.....................................................34. L. rundeliana View in CoL

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