Geranomyia neavocetta ( Alexander, 1938 )

Podenas, Sigitas, Byun, Hye-Woo & Kim, Sam-Kyu, 2015, Limoniinae crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) new to Korea, Journal of Species Research 4 (2), pp. 61-96 : 77-78

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2015.4.2.061

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Geranomyia neavocetta ( Alexander, 1938 )


Geranomyia neavocetta ( Alexander, 1938) View in CoL

Limonia (Geranomyia) neavocetta Alexander, 1938: 138 View in CoL .

General coloration brown. Body length of male 6.8 to 8.4 mm, female 6.4­8.5 mm. Wing length of male 8.1 to 9.3 mm, female 6.7­10.1 mm.

Head dark brown to black, covered with sparse grayish pruinosity. Anterior vertex very narrow in male, somewhat wider in female, covered with sparse erect grayish setae. Eyes large, reaching each other on ventral side of head. Length of male antennae 1.2­1.4 mm, that of female also 1.2­1.4 mm. Scape elongate, cylindrical. Ventral side of it reddish brown, dorsal side blackish, covered with grayish pruinosity. Pedicel nearly rounded, ventral side brownish. Flagellum 12­segmented, dark brown to black. Flagellomeres oval. Basal flagellomeres distinctly narrower, but approximately as long as pedicel, distal flagellomeres getting somewhat longer. Distal segment elongate, approximately 1.5 times as long as preceding segment. Verticils very short, shorter than respective segments. Erect grayish pubescence, covering segments is very short, denser on ventral side of flagellum. Rostrum light brown dorsally, blackish laterally, reaching approximately to the end of second flagellar segment. Mouth parts dark brown, covered with short erect brownish setae. Rostrum together with mouth parts is 2.30­3.55 mm long in male and 2.25­2.70 mm in female. Palpus very short, three­segmented. Basal and distal segments very short and narrow, second segment widely oval. Palpomeres dark brown to black, covered with very short stout setae. Position of palpus slightly varies in different specimens, from before to well behind level of antennal tip.

Thorax generally dark brown dorsally, reddish brown laterally and light brown to yellowish ventrally. Pronotum dark brown covered with rather dense grayish pruinosity, postero­lateral margin paller. Mesonotal prescutum nearly uniformly dark brown, covered with gray pruinosity, shoulders obscure yellow. Weak narrow blackish median prescutal stripe is visible in some specimens, but missing in others. Lateral stripes usually not expressed, but visible as narrow lines in light specimens. Lobe of scutum dark brown, margin at wing base widely reddish brown. Scutellum and mediotergite uniformly dark brown. Pleura rusty brown with yellowish brown ventral part. Wing ( Fig. 4C) brownish with distinct pattern of brown spots, which are most distinct at frontal wing margin. Spot at wing base, surrounding humeral vein and arculus, extends from costal to medial vein. Second spot is in the middle between spot at wing base and at base of Rs. It extends between veins C and M and is nearly quadrate in shape. It surrounds extra cross­vein in cell sc, but that vein is hardly visible. Spot at base of Rs is nearly rectangle in shape and nearly reaches vein M. Smaller spot surrounds Sc 1 and Sc 2. It reaches on vein Rs. The largest spot at tip of R 1 extends between C and R 2 + 3 and has narrower extension reaching R 4 + 5. Large spot at distal end of cell r 3 has light rounded window, which sometimes divides that spot in two. Distal end of Rs, cord and distal margin of discal cell are surrounded by dark areas. Dark spots also present at tips of CuA 2 and A 2, very light spots also present at tips of CuA 1 and A 1. Whole distal wing margin is slightly darker than remaining wing area. Subcostal cell yellowish. Wing veins brown, Sc and base of R yellowish. Venation: Sc 1 reaching wing margin at the middle of Rs, Sc 2 close to Sc 1 tip. Indistinct additional cross vein present in the middle between arculus and base of Rs. Rs arched or angulated and short­spurred at base. R 1 and R 2 transverse and starting at the same point. Discal cell twice as long as wide. Basal deflection of CuA 1 is slightly before branching point of M. Vein A 1 very slightly sinuous, A 2 distinctly arched at tip. Cell a 2 wide. Length of male halter 1.10­ 1.30 mm, that of female 1.05­1.30 mm. Stem of halter pale yellow, knob slightly darkened, brownish. Coxa brownish yellow, trochanters yellow with blackened distal margin. Femur yellow, distal end slightly darkened. Tibia light brown, distal end narrowly dark brown. Tarsus light brown at base, passing into dark brown distally. Male femur I: 5.4­5.8 mm long, II: 6.1­7.1 mm, III: 5.8­ 7.1 mm; tibiae I: 6.0­ 7.6 mm, II: 6.4­7.0 mm, III: 6.4­ 7.5 mm; tarsus I: 5.3­5.8 mm, II: 4.4­5.2 mm, III: 4.2­5.0 mm long. Female femur I: 6.7 mm long, II: 5.4­6.1 mm, III: 5.4­6.0 mm; tibiae I: 7.1 mm, II: 5.8 mm, III: 6.1­ 6.4 mm; tarsus I: 6.6 mm, II: 4.0 mm, III: 3.8 mm long. Claw with small subbasal spine in both sexes.

Abdominal tergites brown, just basal tergite dark brown. Posterior and lateral margins of tergites light, yellowish or grayish. Tergites covered with short scarse golden setae, which could be missing in older specimens. Sternites distinctly lighter than tergites, light brown. Male genitalia ( Fig. 4F, G) large. Ninth tergite transverse, dark brown, posterior margin with small median emargination. Lateral sides of tergite swollen and setose. Gonocoxite dark brown, slightly elongate, with large ventro mesal lobe, distal end of which widened, rounded and setose. Outer gonostylus short, hook­shaped, sclerotised, pale at base, blackened at tip. Inner gonostylus large, twice as long as gonocoxite, oval, covered with short setae, bearing short rostral prolongation. Two straight medium­long rostral spines starting from subapical tubercle. Both spines are very close together for their entire length. Paramere wide at base, narrow at distal end. Postero­lateral angles slightly extended laterally. Edeagus long, wide at base, narrow at apex, very tip distinctly turned downwards. Ovipositor ( Fig. 5C View Fig ) with cercus and hypovalve light brown to brown. Cercus nearly parallel­sided, slightly curved at middle, tip rounded. Hypovalvae wide and comparatively short, reaching to about middle of cercus. Vaginal apodeme extended into long narrow rod, which nearly reaches tip of valvae.

Elevation range in Korea. Specimens were collected at altitudes from 0 m to nearly 400 m.

Period of activity. Adults are flying through May and June in Korea.

Habitats. Adults were collected on wet rocks, where their larvae were found among other fauna hygropetrica organisms. They were also found at the medium­sized, very fast mountainous streams with rocky bottom.

General distribution. Species is endemic for Korean Peninsula.

Examined materials ( Fig. 10G View Fig ): Holotype, 1$(pinned, wing slide­mounted), N. Korea, Ompo, 170 ʹ, VI­3.37 [1937], Yankovsky ( USNM); 1♂, 2$$ (in ethanol), S. Korea, Yeosu environs, Manheung­dong , Manseong­ri Black Sand Beach , N34.78094, E127.74765, alt. 12 m, 2012.06.25, S. Podenas, Fauna hygropetrica, ( NIBR); 4 ♂♂ (pinned), 2♂♂, 1$(in ethanol), S. Korea, Gyeongsangnam­do, Hadong­gun, Hwagae­myeon, Beomwang­ri, N35.27655, E127.61796, alt. 364 m, 2013.05.08, S. Podenas, H.­W. Byun ( NIBR); 2$$(pinned), S. Korea, Jeollanam­do, Gurye­gun, Toji­myeon, Naedong­ri, N35. 26580, E127.58128, alt. 378 m, 2013.05.10, S. Podenas ( NIBR). GoogleMaps

Discussion. Geranomyia neavocetta is closely relat­ ed to G. avocetta Alexander, 1913 . Original description of G. neavocetta is based on single female from Ompo, North Korea, which differs from Japanese G. avocetta only in coloration of thorax. The authors noticed that Korean specimens are varied in coloration of thorax, but male genitalia of lighter and darker specimens are identical.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


National Institute of Biological Resources














Geranomyia neavocetta ( Alexander, 1938 )

Podenas, Sigitas, Byun, Hye-Woo & Kim, Sam-Kyu 2015

Limonia (Geranomyia) neavocetta

Alexander, C. P. 1938: 138
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF