Cornicola Ohara & Hayashi, 2022

Xu, Ye, Dietrich, Christopher H. & Qin, Dao-Zheng, 2023, A key to genera of Dikraneurini from China, with description of a new species of Cornicola Ohara & Hayashi (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae), ZooKeys 1145, pp. 191-200 : 191

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scientific name

Cornicola Ohara & Hayashi, 2022


Genus Cornicola Ohara & Hayashi, 2022 View in CoL

Type species.

Cornicola mizuki Ohara & Hayashi, 2022, by original designation.


Cornicola is easily distinguishable from all other known Typhlocybinae in having the following combination of characters: (1) crown of head much narrower than pronotum and strongly elevated above anterior margin of pronotum (Figs 3 View Figures 1–15 , 6 View Figures 1–15 ); (2) forewing with vein R2 and RM arising from r cell and MCu from m cell (Fig. 9 View Figures 1–15 ); (3) hind wing with submarginal vein obsolete along costal margin and anal vein branched (Fig. 10 View Figures 1–15 ); (4) male pygofer with dorsal margin almost straight, with short preapical fingerlike process, folded mesad subapically, ventral appendage absent (Figs 16 View Figures 16–24 , 17 View Figures 16–24 ); and (5) subgenital plates fused in proximal 1/3, with lateral macrosetal row (Fig. 19 View Figures 16–24 ).


Ohara and Hayashi (2022) recognized that Cornicola is related to Igutettix Matsumura, 1932 and therefore placed the genus in Dikraneurini ; and also compared the genus to Vilbasteana Anufriev, 1970, Koreoneura Hossain & Kwon, 2021 and Sweta Viraktamath & Dietrich, 2011. However, the hind wing venation of Cornicola differs from the above-mentioned genera and instead resembles that of the Southeast Asian dikraneurine genera Rakta Dietrich, 2013 and Albodikra Dietrich, 2013 in having the submarginal vein obsolete or reduced apically along the costal margin of the hind wing (Fig. 10 View Figures 1–15 ; fig. 2b, d in Dietrich 2013) and thus resembling that of Empoascini . Cornicola differs from these two genera in having an anteclypeus only slightly convex in both sexes (Figs 5 View Figures 1–15 , 8 View Figures 1–15 ) (strongly swollen and broad in males of Rakta and Albodikra ). Despite a strong resemblance of the hind wing venation of the new genus to the common pattern in Empoascini and some additional similarities in the male genitalia (e.g., elongate style), Cornicola is clearly more closely related to Dikraneurini and may represent a transitional form between Dikraneurini and Empoascini .


Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku) and China (Chongqing).









