Stachys munzurdagensis R.Bhattacharjee

Akçiçek, Ekrem, 2020, Taxonomic revision of Stachys sect. Olisia (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae) in Turkey, Phytotaxa 449 (2), pp. 109-148 : 138-139

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.449.2.2


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scientific name

Stachys munzurdagensis R.Bhattacharjee


12. Stachys munzurdagensis R.Bhattacharjee View in CoL , Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 33: 290 (1974) ( Figs. 2G View FIGURE 2 , 25 View FIGURE 25 , 27 View FIGURES 27 )

Type:― TURKEY. B7 Tunceli; Munzur Da. above Ovacik , on limestone screes, 1800 m, 16 July 1957, P.H. Davis 31164 & Hedge (holo: E!; iso: BM!, G!, K!) .

Description:―Suffrutescent perennial with branched woody caudices and sterile basal rosettes. Flowering stems erect, 30‒70 cm, pruinose, sparsely or densely covered with subsessile to short glandular hairs plus sparse eglandular hairs, sometimes ± glabrescent with few subsessile glands. Basal leaves oblong to ovate-oblong, 2‒5 × 1.5‒3 cm, shallowly crenate at margin, cuneate at base, obtuse at apex, subglabrous with few sessile glands and very sparse eglandular hairs; petiole 1.5–4.5 cm. Cauline leaves few, ovate to ovate-lanceolate or oblanceolate, 4‒20 × 2‒13 mm, crenate-serrate to subentire at margin, usually obtuse, rarely acute at apex, cuneate to attenuate at base, subglabrous with few sessile glands, short glandular hairs and very sparse eglandular hairs, long-petiolate (2 cm) to subsessile. Floral leaves becoming rhomboid-ovate to suborbicular upwards, 3.5‒13 × 2.5‒6 mm, entire, mucronulate, lower exceeding the verticillasters, upper ones very shorter than verticillasters. Verticillasters 4‒12, remote, 1‒6 cm distant, (1‒)4‒6- flowered, ebracteolate. Pedicels 1‒2 mm. Calyx ± regular, tubular, 5.5‒8 mm, ± glabrescent or sparsely pruinose-glandular with very sparse eglandular hairs, prominently veined, mouth sparsely (between calyx teeth); teeth ± equal, subindurate, ovate-triangular to triangular, 2‒2.5 mm, slightly recurved in fruit, about half to one third the length of tube, mucronate at tip (mucro 0.5–1 mm). Corolla white with purple markings, 12‒15 mm, tube subexserted, oblique, annulate; limb bilabiate, glabrous outside, upper lip 4‒5 mm, shorter than lower, emarginate, lower lip 3-lobed, middle lobe largest, subrounded, 6‒7 mm. Stamens 4, slightly exserted from corolla tube. Nutlets broadly obovoid, faintly trigonous, slightly winged near base, 2‒2.8 × 1.8‒2 mm, smooth on surface, blackish-brown.

Phenology:―Flowering between June and July.

Distribution and ecology: ―Endemic to Turkey (East Anatolia). Irano-Turanian element. Limestone screes. 1140–1800 m elevation.

Conservation status:―EN [Criteria B2ab(i,ii,iv)] ( IUCN 2017). It is known from less than 5 localities, with an area of occupancy smaller than 500 km ².

Remarks: ― Stachys munzurdagensis is so distinct that there is no difficulty in distinguishing it. The species usually included in S. subsect. Rosulatae R.Bhattacharjee ( S. inanis , S. munzurdagensis and S. diversifolia ) have the median cauline leaves abruptly different from the rosette leaves.














Stachys munzurdagensis R.Bhattacharjee

Akçiçek, Ekrem 2020

Stachys munzurdagensis R.Bhattacharjee

R. Bhattacharjee 1974: 290
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