Stachys annua

Akçiçek, Ekrem, 2020, Taxonomic revision of Stachys sect. Olisia (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae) in Turkey, Phytotaxa 449 (2), pp. 109-148 : 120

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.449.2.2

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scientific name

Stachys annua


3. Stachys annua View in CoL (L.) L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 2: 813 (1763)

Betonica annua View in CoL L., Sp. Pl.: 578 (1753) ≡ Stachys betonica Crantz, Stirp. Austr. Fasc. View in CoL ed. 2, 2: 264 (1769), nom. illeg. ≡ Olisia annua View in CoL (L.) Fourr., Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, n.s., 17: 136 (1869) ≡ Prasium stachydium E.H.L.Krause, Deutschl. Fl. Abbild. View in CoL ed. 2, 11: 115 (1903), nom. illeg.

Description:―Suffrutescent perennial, biennial or annual with or without basal sterile rosettes.Flowering stems erect to ascending or decumbent, simple or branched, 8‒65 cm, densely or sparsely retrorse to adpressed pubescent, sometimes glabrous at base, rarely with patent glandular hairs throughout. Basal leaves ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, 1‒7 × 0.5‒4.5 cm, crenate at margin, obtuse at apex, subcordate to attenuate at base, antrorsely and sparsely pubescent with sessile glands or glabrescent; petiole 1–11 cm. Cauline leaves ovate-rhomboid, broadly lanceolate to oblanceolate, 1‒5 × 0.3‒2.5 cm, crenate or crenate-dentate at margin, obtuse or subacute at apex, cuneate to attenuate at base, retrorsely and sparsely pubescent with few sessile glands or glabrescent throughout, long-petiolate (3 cm) to subsessile. Floral leaves ovate-rhomboid or lanceolate, 0.4‒4 × 0.2‒2 cm, crenate to crenate-dentate or entire, sometimes serrate at margin, acute at apex, 1 cm petiolate to sessile, retrorsely pubescent with few sessile glands, sometimes mixed with short glandular hairs or glabrescent throughout, prominently veined, lower exceeding the verticillasters, upper ones equalling or shorter than verticillasters. Verticillasters 3‒12(‒14), usually remote, 1‒4 cm distant, only the uppermost ± approximate, (2‒)3‒6-flowered. Bracteoles few, linear to setaceous, 0.3‒4.5 mm. Pedicels 0.5‒1.5 mm. Calyx subbilabiate, tubular to subcampanulate or campanulate, 6‒12 mm, ± gibbous at base in fruit, tube patently villous or pilose with few sessile glands, sometimes mixed with glandular hairs; teeth subequal, triangular-subulate to lanceolate, subpatent or recurved in fruit, as long as to half the length of tube, 2–5 mm, mucronate at tip (mucro 0.3‒1.7 mm). Corolla white or creamy-yellow with purple streaks and spots inside, 7‒17 mm, tube subexserted, annulate, saccate towards base; limb bilabiate, short hairy mixed with few sessile glands outside, upper lip 2‒5.5 mm, entire or emarginate, lower lip 3-lobed, middle lobe largest, broadly rounded, 3‒7.5 mm. Stamens 4, exserted more than half-way along upper corolla lip. Nutlets oblong-obovoid to obovoid, rarely subglobose, faintly trigonous, slightly winged near base, 1.5‒2.2 × 0.8‒1.6 mm, minutely reticulate on surface, blackish-brown.














Stachys annua

Akçiçek, Ekrem 2020

Betonica annua

Fourr. 1869: 136
1753: 578
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