Tettigometra (Tettigometra) parihana Mozaffarian & Bourgoin, 2018

Mozaffarian, Fariba, Bourgoin, Thierry & Wilson, Michael R., 2018, Nomenclatural changes in the higher classification of the family Tettigometridae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) with description of a new tribe and new species and a review of the Iranian tettigometrid fauna, Zootaxa 4392 (3), pp. 469-490 : 474-476

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Plazi (2018-03-12 11:46:15, last updated 2018-03-12 11:53:01)

scientific name

Tettigometra (Tettigometra) parihana Mozaffarian & Bourgoin

sp. nov.

Tettigometra (Tettigometra) parihana Mozaffarian & Bourgoin sp. nov.

Figures 2–6 View FIGURES 2–6 .

Type material. Holotype: 1♂, Fars province, Arsanjan, Aliabad-e Kamin , 1680m, 25.ix.1996, leg. Moghaddam / Barari / Parchami ( HMIM) . Paratypes: 2♀♀. Same locality as holotype (HMIM), 3♀♀. Same locality as holotype (ZIN), 3♀♀. Fars province, Abadeh, Surmagh , 1750m, 25.ix. 1996, leg. Parchami / Barari / Moghaddam ( HMIM) .

Description. General colour of body yellow, rather greenish in some specimens, with greenish elytra and not shiny appearance ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 2–6 ).

Head. Head in dorsal view wider than long. Vertex anteriorly with obtuse angle, prominent from an assumptive curve continuing the anterior margin of eyes ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 2–6 ); the distance between the eyes at the base of vertex (a in fig. 3) nearly 1.5 times longer than the length of the vertex medially (b in fig. 3); the distance between the apex of the vertex and the level of anterior margin of eyes (c in fig. 3), nearly twice as the distance between the posterior edge of vertex to the level of anterior margin of eyes medially (d in fig. 3); vertex medially (b in fig. 3) longer than pronotum; profile of frons slightly concave in anterior half ( Fig. 2b View FIGURES 2–6 ). Frons yellow, concolorous with clypeus and genae, slightly lighter near the junction with clypeus in some specimens. Rostrum yellow with orange medial groove and black apical segment, reaching to the level of the third trochanter. Eyes black; subocular calus well developed beyond the eyes posteriorly and posteriolateraly, forming a semicircular posterior edge ( Figs 2a and 3 View FIGURES 2–6 ); in dorsal view calus slightly shorter than half of eye length; posteriolateral corner of subocular calus nearly round in lateral view ( Fig. 2b View FIGURES 2–6 ); no incision between subocular calus and pronotum ( Fig. 2a View FIGURES 2–6 ); anteriolateral margin of eyes nearly continues after the edge of vertex with no notch ( Figs 2a and 3 View FIGURES 2–6 ).

Thorax. Pronotum yellow, nearly the same colour as vertex, both with concolourous pits scattered uniformly, width of pronotum in the widest part (f in fig. 3) nearly 3.5 times longer than the length medially (e in fig. 3); pronotum in lateral view elevates gradually higher than the level of vertex ( Fig. 2b View FIGURES 2–6 ). Scutellum slightly convex ( Fig. 2b View FIGURES 2–6 ), with nearly the same colour with dorsal surface of head and pronotum, in some specimens rather darker medially ( Fig. 2a View FIGURES 2–6 ). Length of scutellum medially (g in fig. 3) nearly the same as the length of vertex and pronotum together (b+e in fig. 3).

Wings. Wings. Tegula ( Figs 2a and b View FIGURES 2–6 ) concolorous with dorsal surface of forebody. Tegmina ( Figs 2a, b and 4a View FIGURES 2–6 ) covers the body completely; rooflike on the body with nearly parallel costal edges, greenish (brownish in some specimens) with light oblique and converging bands in dorsal view of the body. The light bands on the tegmina attitudes upward and again downward, producing a zigzag pattern on the wing. Venation reticulated apically, with Pc+CP basally distinct, situate, ScP+R long and straight, RP with 5 terminals, MP forking first after middle of tegmen, 5 terminals, CuA single, Pcu reaching A 1 in the apical part of clavus in a very short indistinct Pcu+A1. Hindwings ( Fig. 4b View FIGURES 2–6 ) hyaline and well developed, of typical tettigometrid venation pattern, two-lobed: RP and MP single, CuA with characteristic tettigometrid CuA2 bent connecting CuP, PCu anteriorly convex in its second half, A1 straight, A2 not reaching margin, vanishing at 2/3 of its length.

Legs. Legs yellow concolourous with ventral surface of the body with orange granulation in some specimens (Figd 2a and b). Tibial and tarsal spines dark brown; Metatibial apical spines located on two rows, 5 or 6 spines in the first row, 1 or 3 spines in the second row. Spines of apex of first tarsomere (7 or 8) located in a single row. Metatibiotarsal formula 6 + (5+1, 3)/7-8/ 2.

Abdomen. Abdomen with brownish tergites and yellow sternites; male pygofer yellow.

Male Terminalia ( Figs 5a–d View FIGURES 2–6 ). Basal support of connective short bent at 90° with corpus connectivi. Tectiform structure long with crista developed. Brachi connectivi a little shorter than corpus. Periandrium stirrup-shaped, surrounding a tubular aedeagus bearing in its first half a characteristic dorsal quadrangular tooth, elevated and wider apically than basally; second half elongated bearing apically the membranous endosoma sac. Ductus ejaculatorius running between the two brachi connectivi, connecting with ductus seminis at its entrance into aedeagus and ending up to the phallotrem at the end of the endomosa ( Fig. 5a View FIGURES 2–6 ). Gonstyli paired and symetrical ( Fig. View FIGURES 2–6

5b), elongate, hook-shaped apically, broaden in the middle third of the length and narrowed at the basal third. Anal tube ( Figs 5c and d View FIGURES 2–6 ) rectangular laterally with a ventral tooth in the middle.

Female genitalia much reduced of typical Palaearctic tettigometrine type: three sternal VII plates with the medial one, ovivalvula, slightly overlapping sternite VIII. External female genitalia reduced to simple medial membranous fold between strongly reduced gonocoxite-gonapophyses VIII lobiform processes. Gonaphyses IX closing posteriorly the fold in a small rounded impair process.

Diagnosis. The new species is very similar externally to some variants of T. sulphurea with green yellow colour and complete tegmina. However, the light oblique bands on the tegmina, rather similar to the Hildinae pattern is some afrotropical species, can be seen only on the tegmina of the new species. Subocular plate is more developed posteriorly and the genitalia is clearly distinct: the aedeagus dorsal tooth is elevated and pointed in T. sulphurea while it is distinctly quadrangular with a flat dorsal margin in T. parihana sp. n.

Body size. ♀♀: 10.0–14.0 mm, average: 11.73 mm, ♂: 10.00 mm.

Etymology. The name of the new species “ parihana ’ is comprised of “ pari ” which refers to exquisite, winged fairy-liked spirits ranking between angels and evil spirits in Persian culture and “ han ” meant queen in Middle Persian (300 BC–800 AD).

Distribution. The new species was collected from two locations in Fars province in southwest of Iran ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 2–6 ), in south of Zagros Mountain (Dry Zagros). This area is part of Zagros mountain chain corresponding to an endemic zone for Fulgoromorpha ( Mozaffarian, 2013) and the new species belong to a zone of relatively high altitude (1680m).

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FIGURES 2–6. Tettigometra parihana sp. nov.: 2a, b. Dorsal and lateral views of habitus.3. Dorsal view of head and thorax. 4a, b. Forwing and hindwing. 5. Male genitalia:5a. Aedeagus, endosome sac, periandrium, ductus ejaculatorii, connective and crista.5b. Gonostylus.5c. Lateral view of anal tube.5d. Dorsal view of anal tube. 6. Distribution of the species in Iran.


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