Tettigometra (Tettigometra) vitellina Fieber, 1865

Mozaffarian, Fariba, Bourgoin, Thierry & Wilson, Michael R., 2018, Nomenclatural changes in the higher classification of the family Tettigometridae (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) with description of a new tribe and new species and a review of the Iranian tettigometrid fauna, Zootaxa 4392 (3), pp. 469-490 : 487

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Plazi (2018-03-12 11:46:15, last updated 2018-03-12 11:53:01)

scientific name

Tettigometra (Tettigometra) vitellina Fieber, 1865


Tettigometra (Tettigometra) vitellina Fieber, 1865

( Figs 23a–b View FIGURES 18–23 and 39 View FIGURES 24–39 )

Tettigometra vitellina Fieber, 1865: 566

T. vitellina Fieber : Barkhordari et al. (1981), Dlabola (1981), Mirzayans (1995), Mirzayans et al. (1976), Nast (1972), Mozaffarian and Taghizadeh (2010), Mozaffairan and Wilson (2011), Mozaffarian (2014).

Material examined. Alborz province:, Karaj, 17.vii.1971, 30.ix.1974, leg. Sabzevari, 2 specimens ( HMIM) ; Esfahan province : Esfahan, 3 specimens (HMIM); Fars province: Saadat Shahr , 2.vii.1970 , leg. Safavi / Haschemi, 2 specimens ( HMIM), Dasht-e arjan, 20.viii.1970 , leg. Safavi / Haschemi, 1 specimen ( HMIM); Tehran province: Evin , 16.viii.1971 , leg. Sabzevari, 1 specimen (HMIM).

Distribution and habitat. Yugoslavia, Transcaucasia, Northern parts of Western Asia, Afghanistan and Central Asia ( Mozaffarian & Wilson 2011). Distribution in Iran is as Fig. 39 View FIGURES 24–39 , which appears to be the continuation of the extralimited distribution of the species. The published data ( Dlabola 1981) showed the present of this species in steppes, semisteppes, mountains, near snow areas, fields with alphalpha, near salt marshes, in swamps with dense grassy cover, places with Tamarix, Alhagi , Juniperus , at the elevation of 1000–3850 m in Iran. The species is also attracted to light.

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FIGURES 18–23. Dorsal and lateral views of: 18a–c. Tettigometra pseudovitellina; 19a, b. Tettigometra sororcula; 20a, b. Tettigometrasulphurea; 21a, b. Tettigometra varia; 22a, b. Tettigometravirescens; 23a, b. Tettigometra vitellina.

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FIGURES 24–39. Distribution maps in Iran: 24. Tettigometra pantherina 25. Tettigometra hexaspina 26. Tettigometra longicornis 27. Tettigometra eremi 28. Tettigometra macrocephala 29. Tettigometra sordida 30. Tettigometra costulata 31. Tettigometra angulata 32. Tettigometra demavenda 33. Tettigometra impressifrons 34. Tettigometra pseudovitellina 35. Tettigometrasororcula 36.Tettigometra sulphurea 37. Tettigometra varia 38. Tettigometra virescens 39. Tettigometravitellina.


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