Pison compressum Pulawski, 2018

Pulawski, Wojciech J., 2018, A Revision of the Wasp Genus Pison Jurine, 1808 of Australia and New Zealand, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 65, pp. 1-584 : 128-131

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13159946

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Pison compressum Pulawski

sp. nov.

Pison compressum Pulawski , species nova

Figures 248-258. View FIGURES

NAME DERIVATION.– Compressum, Latin perfect passive participle (gender: neuter) of the verb comprimere, meaning to compress, with reference to the conspicuous compression between terga I and II, one of this species distinctive features.

RECOGNITION. – Pison compressum has only two submarginal cells ( Fig. 250 View FIGURES ), the second of which is elongate (length of posterior margin 1.8-2.0 × height). The tegula is impunctate and asetose posterolaterally, the propodeum has a longitudinal carina separating the side from the dorsum and posterior surface and extending from the gastral socket area toward the spiracle, the length of tergum I is smaller than the apical width, the gaster and the legs are ferruginous, the free margin of the clypeal lamella has an obtuse median point in most specimens, and the median supraantennal carina is absent. It differs from similar species ( P. erythrocerum , P. erythrogastrum ) in having conspicuous, large punctures on sternum II ( Fig. 251 View FIGURES ) rather than moderate to small. Also, terga I and II are separated by a constriction that is unusually deep in the female ( Fig. 252 View FIGURES ) and varying from deep to relatively shallow in the male ( Figs. 253, 254 View FIGURES ), and the apical depression of tergum I is far lower than the more anterior part of the tergum (conspicuously so in the female, distinctly to rather shallowly in the male). In the female, the free margin of the clypeal lamella has no lateral corner (an obtuse corner present in P. erythrocerum and P. erythrogastrum ), and the ocellocular distance is equal to 0.8-1.1 × hindocellar diameter.

DESCRIPTION.– Frons with fine but well-defined punctures that average less than one diameter apart, interspaces shiny; middle supraantennal carina absent. Distance between antennal socket and orbit minimally smaller than socket width. Labrum not emarginate. Anteromedian pronotal pit absent in most specimens, round and about as wide as 0.3 × midocellar diameter in one female. Dorsum of pronotal collar elongate. Propleuron impunctate next to anterior margin. Scutum not foveate along flange, with short longitudinal ridges adjacent to posterior margin in some females, without such ridges in males; scutal punctures fine but well defined, less than one diameter apart, interspaces unsculptured. Scutellum with foveate sulcus along anterior margin. Tegula enlarged. Mesopleural punctures larger than those on scutum, less than one diameter apart. Postspiracular carina absent. Metapleural sulcus not costulate but deeply impressed between dorsal and ventral metapleural pits. Propodeum with irregular longitudinal carina separating side from dorsum and posterior surface and extending from gastral socket area toward spiracle; dorsum with median sulcus relatively deep, with punctures that are relatively large near midline and gradually diminishing in size toward lateral margin, interspaces merging into irregular ridges; side punctate, most punctures not merging into ridges in female, merging in male; posterior surface punctate, with interspaces merging into irregular ridges. Forewing with two submarginal cells; length of posterior margin of second submarginal cell 1.8-2.0 × height. Posteroventral forefemoral surface impunctate or sparsely punctate in female, closely punctate in male. Hindcoxal dorsum with outer margin sharply carinate only apically. Punctures of tergum I well defined, less than one diameter apart, almost compressed against each other on apical depression. Terga I and II separated by constriction that is unusually deep in female ( Fig. 252 View FIGURES ), varying from deep to relatively shallow in male ( Figs. 253, 254 View FIGURES ); apical depression of tergum I positioned markedly below more anterior part of tergum in female, distinctly to rather shallowly so in male. Sternum II with large, conspicuous punctures that average mesally more than one diameter apart, narrowly impunctate apically ( Fig. 251 View FIGURES ).

Setae silvery and appressed on frons, gena, and thorax, practically absent on tergum I, direct- ed dorsally between dorsal end of midfrontal carina and midocellus, partly concealing integument on clypeus in female, entirely so in male. Apical depressions of terga without setal fasciae.

Head, thorax, and propodeum black, female clypeus ferruginous next to lamella (also along free margin of lateral section in some specimens); mandible yellowish brown basally, ferruginous subapically, dark apically; antenna ferruginous (apical flagellomere darkened). Legs all ferruginous, gaster ferruginous.

♀.– Upper interocular distance equal to 1.04 × lower interocular distance; ocellocular distance equal to 0.8-1.1 × hindocellar diameter, distance between hindocelli equal to 1.3-1.4 × hindocellar diameter; eye height equal to 1.12-1.14 × distance between eye notches. Free margin of clypeal lamella in many specimens with obtuse, median point ( Fig. 248 View FIGURES ). Dorsal length of flagellomere I 1.1 × apical width (shorter than pedicel), of flagellomere IX 0.8 × apical width. Mandible: trimmal carina with small incision shortly beyond midlength. Length 5.9-6.9 mm; head width 1.6-1.7 mm. ♂.– Upper interocular distance equal to 1.00-1.05 × lower interocular distance; ocellocular distance equal to 0.8-0.9 × hindocellar diameter, distance between hindocelli equal to 1.2-1.5 × hindocellar diameter; eye height equal to 1.16-1.18 × distance between eye notches. Free margin of clypeal lamella arcuate, with obtuse, median point ( Fig. 249 View FIGURES ). Dorsal length of flagellomere I 1.0-1.1 × apical width (shorter than pedicel), of flagellomere X 0.7 × apical width. Sternum VIII shallowly, broadly emarginate ( Fig. 255 View FIGURES ). Genitalia: Figs. 256, 257 View FIGURES . Length 4.4-5.5 mm; head width 1.3-1.4 mm.


New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia.

RECORDS.– HOLOTYPE: ♀, AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Kalamunda , 9-28 Feb 1914, R.E.

Turner (BMNH).


3 km NE Bilpin, 26 Dec 1986, N.W. Rodd (1 ♂,

AMS); 5 km E Bilpin , 7 Dec 1981, N.W. Rodd (1 ♂,

AMS); 7 km N Bilpin, 25 Nov 1977, N.W. Rodd

(1 ♂, AMS); 7 km NE Bilpin , 30 Nov 1985, N.W .

Rodd (1 ♂, AMS), Coolbaggie Forest Reserve

10 km E Eumungerie at 31°58.5ʹS 148°40.5ʹE,

28 Dec 2011,V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (1 ♀,

CAS); Homestead Gorge in Mootwintji National FIGURE 258 View FIGURES . Collecting localities of Pison compressum Pulawski , sp. nov.

Park at 31°17ʹS 142°18ʹE, 7-13 Oct 1988, E.D.

Edwards (1 ♀, ANIC) ; Lake George Cullerin , 15 Feb 1988, M.E. Irwin (1 ♀, UCD) ; Lane Cove , 11 Nov 1945, no collector (1 ♀, AMS) ; Mount Hope , 9 Oct 1980, J.C. Le Souet (1 ♀, AMS) ; Sydney: Cheltenham , 6 Nov 1949 and 26 Nov 1950, no collector (2 ♀, AMS) ; Warrumbungle National Park at 31°16.9ʹS 148°59.1ʹE, V Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski, 16 Dec 2009 (3 ♂, CAS) , 22 Dec 2009 (1 ♂, CAS) , 24 Dec 2009 (1 ♂, CAS) ; Wollemi National Park (northern edge) at 32°23.4ʹS 150°24.8ʹE, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski, 7 Jan 2012 (4 ♀, CAS) and 8 Jan 2012 (1 ♀, CAS) . Queensland: 25 km E Bollon , 17 Dec 1976, E.M. Exley and T. Low (1 ♂, QMB) ; Brisbane , 19 Nov 1913, H. Hacker (1 ♂, BMNH) , 28 Sept 1968, E.M. Exley (1 ♂, QMB) , and 7 Nov 1979, H.E. and M.A. Evans (1 ♀, QMB) ; Brisbane: Calmvale: Johnstons Road , 5 Oct 1975, R.I. Storey (2 ♂, QMB) ; 24 km NE Eidsvold at 25°09ʹS 151°11ʹE, 11 Oct 1984, I.D. Naumann and J.C. Cardale (1 ♀, ANIC) ; 15 km E Forsyth , 22 Nov 1976, R.I. Storey (2 ♀, ANIC) ; 22-24 km N Irvinebank , 29 Aug 1976, R.I. Storey (1 ♀, ♂, ANIC) ; 28 km NW Mount Carbine , 15 Aug 1976, R.I. Storey (1 ♀, ANIC) , Split Rock at 15°39ʹS 144°31ʹE, 26 June – 16 July 1993, K. Halfpapp and S. De Faveri (1 ♂, ANIC) . South Australia: Wilpena Pound Gap at 31°33ʹS 138°36ʹE, 5-6 Nov 1987, I.D. Naumann and J.C. Cardale (1 ♀, ANIC) . Western Australia: Bunbury , 10-22 Dec 1958, A. Snell (1 ♀, AMS) ; Cannington, a southern suburb of Perth , 6 Feb 1953, R.P. McMillan (1 ♀, WAM) ; Fraser Peak , 4 Jan 1948, no collector (1 ♀, AMS) ; Kalamunda, R.E. Turner , 9-28 Feb 1914 (1 ♀, BMNH) and 1-11 Mar 1914 (1 ♂, BMNH) ; Kojonup , 3 Jan 1979, R.P. McMillan (1 ♀, WAM) ; Northam , 10 Nov 1979, R.M. Bohart (1 ♀, UCD) ; Yallingup , 23 Dec 1979, R.M. Bohart (1 ♀, CAS; 1 ♀, UCD) ; 6 mi E Yallingup , 22 Dec 1966, E.M. Exley (1 ♂, QMB) . No specific locality or date: R.C.L. Perkins (1 ♂, BMNH) .


Australian National Insect Collection


University of California, Davis


California Academy of Sciences


Queensland Museum, Brisbane


Western Australian Museum













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