Pison deperditum Turner

Pulawski, Wojciech J., 2018, A Revision of the Wasp Genus Pison Jurine, 1808 of Australia and New Zealand, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 65, pp. 1-584 : 146-150

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13159946

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scientific name

Pison deperditum Turner


Pison deperditum Turner View in CoL

Figures 292 View FIGURES -301.

Pison deperditum Turner, 1917:109 , ♀. Lectotype: ♀, Australia: Northern Territory: Darwin (BMNH), present designation, examined. – R. Bohart and Menke, 1976:335 (in checklist of world Sphecidae ); Cardale, 1985:258 (in catalog of Australian Sphecidae ).

LECTOTYPE DESIGNATION.– Turner did not give the number of the specimens examined in the original description of Pison deperditum . I have designated as the lectotype the only specimen present in The Natural History Museum, London, and labeled “Darwin, G.F. Hill” (as in the original description) and “ Pison deperditum Turn. , Type”.

RECOGNITION. – Pison deperditum is one of the species in which the second recurrent vein is received near the middle of the second submarginal cell and the legs and gaster are ferruginous. It is unique in having the episcrobal area rugose or ridged (longitudinally or obliquely) and the mesopleuron below the scrobe rugose (the ridges and rugae are somewhat hidden by vestiture; they vary from evanescent to conspicuous). Additionally, the longitudinal ridges adjacent to the posterior margin of the scutum are well defined and about twice as long as those at the anterior margin of the scutellum, the tegula is partly impunctate (all punctate in P. orbitale ), the distance between the antennal socket and adjacent eye margin is smaller than or equal to the socket width (more than the socket width in P. virosum ), the propodeal dorsum is conspicuously rugose, and the middle clypeal lobe is well defined in the female (not differentiated in P. frontale ).

DESCRIPTION.– Frons dull, minutely punctate, punctures less than one diameter apart. Distance between antennal socket and orbit less than socket width in most specimens, but about equal to socket width in specimens from Darlington, Western Australia. Occipital carina expanded ventrally in some specimens, about as high as 0.5 × midocellar diameter. Labrum shallowly emarginate mesally. Gena narrow in dorsal view. Anteromedian pronotal pit transversely elongate, about as long as midocellar diameter. Scutum distinctly foveate along flange, not foveate in one specimen from Darlington, with several well defined longitudinal ridges adjacent to posterior margin (ridges about twice as long as those near anterior margin of scutellum), flange expanding posteriorly in specimens from Darlington; surface either punctate (punctures less than one diameter apart), or irregularly, transversely ridged laterally, or irregularly, transversely ridged throughout (ridges varying from minute to conspicuous). Tegula somewhat enlarged, markedly elongate in specimens from Darlington. Mesopleural sculpture ( Fig. 295 View FIGURES ) somewhat concealed by short, appressed vestiture (not concealed in some males with coarse sculpture); episcrobal area rugose or ridged (longitudinally or obliquely); area beneath scrobe partly rugose, nearly all rugose in some specimens (rugae or ridges varying from evanescent to conspicuous). Postspiracular carina present, up to 2.0 × as long as midocellar diameter; integument depressed between postspiracular carina and episternal sulcus, with longitudinal ridges or rugae. Metapleural sulcus costulate between dorsal and ventral metapleural pits. Propodeum with irregular longitudinal carina separating side from dorsum and posterior surface and extending from gastral socket area toward spiracle; dorsum conspicuously rugose except for median sulcus that is transversely ridged ( Fig. 296 View FIGURES ), at least posteriorly, and in most specimens has a longitudinal carina, at least basally; side shiny, punctate, with several ridges dorsally and posteriorly; posterior surface conspicuously ridged except mesodorsally. Forewing with three submarginal cells; second recurrent vein received near middle of second submarginal cell. Hindcoxal dorsum with outer margin not carinate. Tergum I finely punctate, punctures averaging about one diameter apart. Sternum II punctate throughout, punctures microscopically small apicomesally.

Setae silvery, appressed on frons, thorax, and tergum I, erect on lower gena (setal length 0.5 × midocellar diameter), fully concealing integument on clypeus.

Head, thorax, and propodeum black, clypeal lip of female, most of mandible, and antenna ferruginous (apical flagellomere dark brown dorsally). Femora, tibiae, tarsi, and gaster ferruginous.

♀.– Upper interocular distance equal to 1.20 × lower interocular distance; ocellocular distance equal to 0.6-0.7 × hindocellar diameter, distance between hindocelli equal to 0.9-1.0 × hindocellar diameter; eye height equal to 1.20 × distance between eye notches. Free margin of clypeal lamella truncate or slightly convex, rounded laterally ( Fig. 292 View FIGURES ). Dorsal length of flagellomere I 2.6 ×

ANIC), Border Waterhole 15 km SW Musselbrook at 18°37ʹS 137°59ʹE (1 ♂, ANIC), Buchanan Highway 31 km SSE Victoria Highway at 15°57ʹ37ʺS 130°38ʹ20ʺE (4 ♀, 1 ♂, ANIC; 5 ♀, CAS) GoogleMaps , Darwin (as Port Darwin, 1 ♀, BMNH, lectotype of Pison deperditum ; 1 ♀, NTM), Gregory National Park at 16°00ʹ52ʺS 130°48ʹ18ʺE (2 ♀, ANIC) GoogleMaps , 16°01ʹ45ʺS 130°47ʹ36ʺE (1 ♂, CAS) GoogleMaps , and 16°03ʹ01ʺS 130°24ʹ07ʺE (1 ♀, ANIC; 2 ♀, CAS) GoogleMaps , Horn Islet (3 ♀, QMB), Jim Jim Falls in Kakadu National Park (2 ♂, ANIC; 1 ♀, CAS), Keep River National Park at 15°57ʹ55ʺS 129°01ʹ52ʺE GoogleMaps

(1 ♀, ANIC; 2 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS), Leichardt Gallery in

Deaf Adder Valley (2 ♂, ANIC), Nourlangie Rock in

Kakadu National Park (2 ♀, ANIC), Nourlangie

Rock: Nangaloar in Kakadu National Park (5 ♀,

ANIC), Oberie Rock 2 km NNW Cahills Crossing on East Alligator River at 12°25ʹS 132°57ʹE (1 ♂,

ANIC), Sterling Creek crossing on Buntine Highway at 17°40ʹ36ʺS 130°00ʹ24ʺE (1 ♂, ANIC), Virginia 31 km SE Darwin Central Business District at GoogleMaps

12°33ʹS 131°02ʹE (1 ♀, NTM), Waterhouse Range

39 km SSW Alice Springs at 23°59ʹS 133°38ʹE (1 ♀,

ANIC). Queensland: Almaden (1 ♀, AMS) , Split

Rock 14 km SE Laura at 15°39ʹS 144°31ʹE (73 ♀,

14 ♂, ANIC ; 4 ♂, CAS ), Townsville (2 ♀, UCD). FIGURE 301 View Materials . Collecting localities of Pison deperditum South Australia: 15-25 mi. SE Amata (1 ♂, USNM, Turner.

as Musgrave Park), Victory Well in Everard Park Station at 27°S 132.7°E (1 ♀, SAM) GoogleMaps . Western Australia: Carson escarpment at 14°49ʹS 126°49ʹE (1 ♀, ANIC) , 14 km SE Kalumburu Mission at 14°25ʹS 126°40ʹE (1 ♀, ANIC) , Mining Camp in Mitchell Plateau at 14°49ʹS 125°50ʹE (1 ♀, ANIC) , Nanutarra-Wittenoom road at 22°21ʹ22ʺS 117°54ʹ16ʺE (1 ♀, AMS) GoogleMaps , Perth: Darlington (2 ♀, WAM) .


Australian National Insect Collection


California Academy of Sciences


Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences


Queensland Museum, Brisbane


University of California, Davis


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


South African Museum


Western Australian Museum













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