Pison prostratum Pulawski, 2018

Pulawski, Wojciech J., 2018, A Revision of the Wasp Genus Pison Jurine, 1808 of Australia and New Zealand, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 65, pp. 1-584 : 352-356

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13159946

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Pison prostratum Pulawski

sp. nov.

Pison prostratum Pulawski , species nova

Figures 851 View FIGURES -860.

NAME DERIVATION.– Prostratum, Latin neuter adjective meaning prostrate; with reference to the appressed setae of the frons, one of the diagnostic characters of this species.

RECOGNITION. – Pison prostratum has the integument depressed between the postspiracular carina and the episternal sulcus and in the vast majority of specimens three submarginal cells, with the second recurrent vein received at the midlength of the second submarginal cell. One specimen examined, however, has two submarginal cells, with the second recurrent vein practically interstitial with the second intersubmarginal vein. The species closely resembles P. argentatum and P. rufipes , but differs in having the setae of the upper frons appressed rather than erect ( Fig. 853 View FIGURES ), although in some specimens there are sparse erect setae up to 0.5 × midocellar diameter long (setal length about 0.5 × midocellar diameter in argentatum and 1.0-1.5 × midocellar diameter in P. rufipes ). Also, in the vast majority of females of P. prostratum the ocellocular distance is short- er than the distance between the hindocelli ( Fig. 854 View FIGURES ), whereas longer or equidistant in P. rufipes and about equidistant in P. argentatum , and in most females the free margin of the clypeal lamella is arcuate ( Fig. 851 View FIGURES ), rather than truncate or broadly, obtusely angulate ( P. rufipes ) or with an obtuse median point ( P. argentatum ). The gaster of P. prostratum is black and combined with ferruginous tibiae in the vast majority of specimens (tibiae black in some), whereas in most P. argentatum both the gaster and the legs are black.

The specimen with two submarginal cells can be recognized by the following: gaster all black, tegula impunctate posterolaterally, ocellocular distance smaller than hindocellar diameter and interocellar distance, posterior margin of second submarginal cell 1.6 × its height, clypeal lobe differentiated (free margin concave laterally), clypeal lamella without median point, tergum I sessile , sternum II minutely punctate. Pison bimbi is similar, but P. prostratum differs in having the dorsally oriented setae on the frons forming a pair of patches below the midocellus (rather than without patches), the postspiracular carina present (rather than absent), the scutum with longitudinal ridges adjacent to the posterior margin (rather than without ridges), the mesopleural vestiture concealing the integument (not concealing in P. bimbi ), the forefemur densely punctate throughout narrow in dorsal view ( Fig. 854 View FIGURES ). Labrum emarginate. Anteromedian pronotal pit transversely elongate, varying from about 0.5 × as long to 1.5 × as long as midocellar diameter. Scutum not foveate along flange in most specimens, with short, well defined longitudinal ridges adjacent to posterior margin; scutal punctures minute, less than one diameter apart; scutal flange slightly projecting beyond anterior margin of axilla in some specimens. Tegula enlarged. Mesopleural punctures superficial, fine, less than one diameter apart; interspaces markedly microareolate. Postspiracular carina present, about as long as midocellar diameter; integument depressed between postspiracular carina and episternal sulcus ( Fig. 855 View FIGURES ). Metapleural sulcus costulate or not between dorsal and ventral metapleural pits. Propodeum with irregular longitudinal carina separating side from dorsum and posterior surface and extending from gastral socket area toward spiracle; dorsum conspicuously obliquely ridged ( Fig.856 View FIGURES ); side punctate and also ridged at least dorsally and posteriorly; posterior surface conspicuously transversely ridged, punctate between ridges. Forewing in vast majority of specimens with three submarginal cells and second recurrent vein ending at midlength of submarginal cell II, but with two submarginal cells and the second recurrent vein practically interstitial with second intersubmarginal vein in one specimen from Gregory National Park, Northern Terriory (except for wing venation, the specimen is fully identical with other P. prostratum ). Hindcoxal dorsum with outer margin not carinate. Punctures of tergum I minute, averaging about one diameter apart on horizontal part. Sterna finely, evenly punctate or sternum II in female with punctures evanescent apically.

Setae silvery, appressed on frons ( Fig. 853 View FIGURES ), scutum, and tergum I (frons in some specimens with a few erect setae that are up to 0.5 × midocellar diameter long), forming patch of dorsally oriented setae on upper frons (between dorsal end of middle carina and midocellus); completely concealing integument on clypeus except lamella; lower gena with suberect, straight setae, much shorter than midocellar diameter. Apical depressions of terga with silvery, setal fasciae.

Head, thorax, propodeum, and gaster black; mandible yellowish red, dark brown basally and apically; scape either all black or ferruginous ventrally; flagellum either all ferruginous, or darkened dorsally, or all black. Femora, tibiae, and tarsi ferruginous or forefemur partly black in vast majority of specimens, and spurs whitish; tibiae largely black in two males from Keep River National Park, nearly all black in seven males from Gregory National Park, and all legs black in one male from Victoria Highway near Saddle Creek crossing, all three localities are in the Northern Territory.

♀.– Upper interocular distance equal to 0.80-0.92 × lower interocular distance; ocellocular distance equal to 0.6-0.9 × hindocellar diameter, distance between hindocelli equal to 0.9-1.2 × hindocellar diameter; eye height equal to 1.06-1.10 × distance between eye notches. Free margin of clypeal lamella slightly arcuate ( Fig. 851 View FIGURES ), but straight, with minuscule median point, in some specimens from New South Wales. Dorsal length of flagellomere I 1.8-2.5 × apical width, of flagellomere IX 0.9-1.1 × apical width. Mandible: trimmal carina with minuscule incision at about one third of length, area basally to incision slightly broadened in many specimens. Length 5.8-7.6 mm; head width 1.7-2.1 mm.

♂.– Upper interocular distance equal to 0.94-1.00 × lower interocular distance; ocellocular distance equal to 0.7-1.0 × hindocellar diameter, distance between hindocelli equal to 1.1-1.3 × hindocellar diameter; eye height equal to 1.04-1.08 × distance between eye notches. Free margin of clypeal lamella acutely angulate to obtusely angulate to prominently rounded ( Fig. 852 View FIGURES ). Dorsal length of flagellomere I 1.6-2.0 × apical width, of flagellomere X 1.0-1.1 × apical width. Sternum VIII shallowly, broadly emarginate apically ( Fig. 857 View FIGURES ). Genitalia: Figs. 858, 859 View FIGURES . Length 6.2-7.1 mm; head width 1.8-2.1 mm.


All Australia including Tasmania.


Queensland: Split Rock 14 km SE Laura at 15°39ʹS

144°31ʹE, 18 Dec 1993 – 17 Jan 1994, P. Zborowski and E.D. Edwards (ANIC).

PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Australian Capital

Territory: Black Mountain , Feb 1982 , J.R.T. Short and C. Tidemann (1 ♂, ANIC) and 8 Jan 1988 , M.E.

Irwin (1 ♀, UCD); Canberra, E. McC Callan, 23 Jan

1980, 1 Jan 1982, and 23 Nov 1982 (3 ♀, ANIC) ,

26 Dec 1985 (2 ♂, ANIC); Farrer, southern suburb of Canberra at 35°22ʹS 149°05ʹE , 15 Dec 1987,

D.C.F. Rentz (1 ♀, ANIC); Wombat Creek 6 km NE

Piccadilly Circus at 35°19ʹS 148°51ʹE, Jan 1984, FIGURE 860. Collecting localities of Pison prostratum Pulawski , sp. nov.

Weir, Lawrence, and Johnson (1 ♀, ANIC). New

South Wales: Bronte, D.K. McAlpine , 12 Feb 1953 (1 ♀, AMS) , 31 Oct 1953 (1 ♂, AMS) , and 15 Nov 1958 (1 ♀, AMS) ; Brulee at 35°51ʹS 150°11ʹE, 26 Dec 1995, M.S. Upton (1 ♀, ANIC) ; Burrendong Botanic Garden at 32°42.1ʹS 149°06.2ʹE, 13 Dec 2009, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (1 ♀, CAS) ; Coolbaggie Forest Reserve 10 km E Eumungerie at 31°58.5ʹS 148°40.5ʹE, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski, 25 Dec 2011 (14 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS) , 27 Dec 2011 (1 ♀, CAS) , 28 Dec 2011 (11 ♀, CAS) , 29 Dec 2011 (16 ♀, 2 ♂, CAS) ; Fowlers Gap 114 km SW [correctly: NW] Broken Hill , 20 Dec 1988, G.J. and R.L. Langston (1 ♀, CAS) ; Gilgandra Flora Reserve at 31°39.7ʹS 148°46.3ʹE, 30 Dec 2011, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (8 ♀, 1 ♂, CAS) ; Helensburgh , 3 Dec 2006, Reid and Dungelhoef (1 ♀, AMS) ; Jervis Bay: Hyam’s Beach , 10 Nov 1985, D.S. Horning (1 ♀, ANIC) ; Kenthurst , 13 Mar 1983, N.W. Rodd (1 ♀, AMS) ; Killara , 15 Mar 1945, N.E. Kent (1 ♀,

BMNH); Mosman at 33°50ʹS 151°14ʹE, 30 Mar 2008, F. Begg (1 ♀, AMS) ; Mount Tomah in Blue Mountains , 1 Jan 1992, N.W. Rodd (1 ♀, AMS) ; Nadgee Nature Reserve 10 km S Newton Beach, E.A. Sugden , 18 Aug 1986 and 4 Jan 1987 (2 ♀, ANIC) , and 21 Aug 1986 (1 ♂, ANIC) ; 40.5 km SW Narrabri at 30°37.7ʹS 149°34.1ʹE, 3 and 5 Jan 2012, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (2 ♀, CAS) ; Pearl Beach , 13 Jan 1987, D.B. McCorquodale (1 ♀, ANIC) ; 4 km W Sunny Corner at 33°22.7ʹS 149°51.6ʹE, 11 Dec 2009, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (1 ♀, CAS) ; Sydney, no date, C. Gibbons (1 ♀, AMS) ; Sydney: Artarmon , 28 Dec 1988, C.E. Chadwick (1 ♀, AMS) ; Sydney: Australian Museum , 20 Mar 1974, D.K. McAlpine (1 ♀, AMS) and 5 Dec 1977, B.J. Day (1 ♀, AMS) ; Sydney: Camperdown , 1 Feb 1984, J. Mac Donald (1 ♀, ANIC) ; Sydney: Cheltenham , 22 Oct 1949, no collector (1 ♂, AMS) ; Sydney: Manly: Kangaroo Park at 33°48ʹS 151°18ʹE, 20 Nov and 28 Dec 1982, 26 Dec 1985, D.S. Horning (3 ♀, ANIC) , 29 Nov 1992 (1 ♀, ANIC) ; Sydney: North Ryde , 30 Jan 1986, C.E. Chadwick (1 ♀, AMS) ; Warrenburg National Park , 20 Dec 1987, M.E. Irwin (1 ♀, UCD) ; Warrumbungle National Park , 8 Nov 1965, E.M. Exley (1 ♀, QMB) , Warrumbungle National Park at 31°16.9ʹS 148°59.1ʹE, 17 Dec 2009, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (1 ♂, CAS) ; near Warrumbungle National Park at 31°16.9ʹS 149°04.8ʹE, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski , 2 Jan 2012 (1 ♀, CAS) ; Wentworth Falls , 12 Dec 1980, D.K. McAlpine and B.J. Day (1 ♀, AMS) ; 60 km N Windsor , 16 Feb 1984, D.K. McAlpine (1 ♀, AMS) ; Wollemi National Park (northern edge) at 32°23.4ʹS 150°24.8ʹE, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski , 7 Jan 2012 (3 ♀, CAS) and 8 Jan 2012 (3 ♀, CAS) . Northern Territory: Gregory National Park at 15°36ʹ43ʺS 130°24ʹ08ʺE, 15-18 June 2001, E. Irwin, F.D. Parker, and C. Lambkin (4 ♀, CAS) GoogleMaps , at 16°06.6ʹS 130°25.7ʹE, 24 May – 4 June 2001, E. Irwin, F.D. Parker, and C. Lambkin (1 ♀, 3 ♂, CAS, the female has two submarginal cells), at 16°06.7ʹS 130°25.4ʹE, 12-16 June 2001, T. Weir, K. Pullen, and P. Bouchard (1 ♂, CAS) , at 16°06ʹ42ʺS 130°25ʹ23ʺE, 24 May – 5 June 2001, T. Weir, K. Pullen, and P. Bouchard (1 ♀, ANIC; 4 ♂, CAS), and at 16°08.9ʹS 130°26.6ʹE, 5-12 June 2001, M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker, and C. Lambkin (1 ♂, CAS) GoogleMaps ; Keep River National Park at 15°36ʹ43ʺS 130°24ʹ08ʺE, 15-18 June 2001, M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker, and C. Lambkin (1 ♂, CAS) GoogleMaps , and at 15°44ʹ17ʺS 129°06ʹ55ʺE, M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker, and C. Lambkin , 7-8 June 2001 (1 ♂, ANIC; 2 ♂, CAS) and 8-9 June 2001 (1 ♂, ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Victoria Highway near Saddle Creek crossing at 15°56ʹ11ʺS 129°35ʹ22ʺE, 6-13 June 2001, M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker, and C. Lambkin (1 ♂, CAS) GoogleMaps ; Waterhouse Range 39 km SSW Alice Springs at 23°59ʹS 133°38ʹE, 11 Oct 1978, J.C. Cardale (1 ♀, ANIC) . Queensland: 7 km S Batavia Downs at 12°43ʹS 142°42ʹE, 24 Mat – 17 June 1993, P. Zborowski and I.D. Naumann (1 ♂, ANIC) ; Cockatoo Creek at 11°39ʹS 142°27ʹE, 22 Jan – 19 Feb 1994, P. Zborowski (1 ♀, ANIC) ; Coen at 13°57ʹS 143°12ʹE, 17 Dec 1993 – 13 Jan 1994, P. Zborowski and E.D. Edwards (3 ♀, 1 ♂, ANIC) ; 9 km S Dingo Beach at 20°05.5ʹS 148°30.2ʹE, 26 Nov 2012, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (2 ♀, CAS) ; 12 km NE Heathlands , 15-26 Jan 1992, I.D. Naumann (1 ♀, ANIC) ; Homevale National Park at 21°26.9ʹS 148°32.4ʹE, 27 Nov 2012, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski (1 ♀, CAS) ; Mid Queensland: no specific locality or date, R.C.L. Perkins coll. (1 ♂, BMNH) ; Mornish at Louisa Creek , 21 Nov 1971, C.G. Roche (1 ♀, CAS) ; Musselbrook Camp at 18°36ʹS 138°08ʹE, I.D. Naumann (1 ♂, ANIC) ; Rocky Creek 44 km N Moreton, 2 July 1975, S.R. Monteith (1 ♀, ANIC) ; 2 km N Rokeby at 13°39ʹS 142°40ʹE, 15 Aug – 13 Sept 1993, P. Zborowski and S. Shattuck (1 ♀, ANIC) , 26 Oct – 16 Nov 1993, P. Zborowski and M. Horak (2 ♀, ANIC) , 16 Nov – 17 Dec 1993, P. Zborowski (5 ♀, ANIC) , and 15 Feb – 18 Mar 1994, P. Zborowski and M. Shaw (1 ♀, ANIC) ; Split Rock 14 km SE Laura at 15°39ʹS 144°31ʹE, 28 May – 28 June 1993, P. Zborowski and I.D. Naumann (1 ♀, ANIC) , 24 June – 29 July, P. Zborowski ad E.S. Nielsen (4 ♀, ANIC) , 24 Aug – 21 Sept 1992, P. Zborowski and L. Miller (6 ♀, ANIC) , 30 Oct – 24 Nov 1992, P. Zborowski and A. Calder (3 ♀, ANIC) , 26 June – 16 July 1993, K. Halfpapp and S. De Faveri (1 ♀, ANIC) , 16 July – 18 Aug 1993, P. Zborowski and J. Balderson (1 ♀, ANIC) , 18 Aug – 16 Sept 1993, P. Zborowski and S. Shattuck (3 ♀, 2 ♂, ANIC) , 16 Sept – 19 Oct 1993, P. Zborowski and D. Rentz (3 ♀, 1 ♂, ANIC) , 19 Oct – 18 Nov 1993, P. Zborowski and M. Horak (1 ♂, ANIC) , 18 Nov – 18 Dec 1993, P. Zborowski (3 ♀, ANIC) , 18 Dec 1993 – 17 Jan 1994, P. Zborowski and E.D. Edwards (1 ♀, ANIC) ; Split Rock 14 km SE Laura at 15°39ʹS 142°42ʹE, 29 June – 24 Aug 1992, P. Zborowski and J.C. Cardale (8 ♀, 1 ♂, ANIC) ; Wenlock River at Moreton , 30 June 1975, S. R. Monteith (1 ♂, ANIC) . South Australia: Aroona Ruins in Flinders Ranges National Park at 31°17ʹS 138°35ʹE, 9 Nov 1987, I.D. Naumann and J.C. Cardale (1 ♂, ANIC) ; Dingly Dell Camp on Oraparinna Creek in Flinders Ranges National Park at 31°21ʹS 138°42ʹE, I.D. Naumann and J.C. Cardale , 4-10 Nov 1987 (1 ♂, ANIC) ; North Flinders Ranges 50 km SSW Balcanoona, 9 Jan 1998, R. Leys and R.V. Hensen (1 ♀, SAM) ; Wilpena in Flinders Ranges National Park at 31°31.7ʹS 138°36.2ʹE, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski , 22 Dec 2010 (3 ♀, CAS) , 26 Jan 2011 (3 ♀, CAS) , 27 Jan 2011 (1 ♀, CAS) , and 28 Jan 2011 (2 ♀, CAS) ; 3 km ENE Wilpena at 31°31.0ʹE 138°36.6ʹE, V. Ahrens and W.J. Pulawski , 26 Jan 2011 (4 ♀, CAS) and 27 Jan 2011 (3 ♀, CAS) . Tasmania: Hobart: Sandy Bay , 18-21 Jan 1983, D. Bickel (2 ♀, ANIC) ; Lanceston: Newstead , Dec 1980, S. Fearn (1 ♀, ANIC) . Victoria: Balwyn , 8 Mar 1982, M.S. Harvey (1 ♀, ANIC) ; Frankston , 11 Dec 1971, C.G. Roche (1 ♂, CAS) ; Melbourne, no date or collector (1 ♂, BMNH) . Western Australia: Carson escarpment at 14°49ʹS 126°49ʹE, 9-15 Aug 1975, I.F.B. Common and M.S. Upton (5 ♀, ANIC) ; 10 km W Cobra Station at 24°10.2ʹS 116°23.0ʹE, 26 Apr – 10 May 2003, M.E. Irwin and F.D. Parker (1 ♂, ANIC) ; Kimberley: Lennard River crossing at 17°23ʹS 124°44ʹE, 14-28 July 1988, T.F. Houston (2 ♀, 1 ♂, WAM) ; 45 km S Newman on Great Northern Highway at 23°42.4ʹS 119°44.3ʹE, 24 Apr – 6 May 2003, M.E. Irwin and F.D. Parker (1 ♂, CAS) .


Australian National Insect Collection


University of California, Davis


California Academy of Sciences


Queensland Museum, Brisbane


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