Crinitodiscus kolcsari, Kontschán, 2015

Kontschán, Jenő, 2015, First record of the genus Crinitodiscus Sellnick, 1931 in Romania with the description of Crinitodiscus kolcsari sp. nov. (Acari: Uropodina: Discourellidae), Turkish Journal of Zoology 39 (6), pp. 1004-1010 : 1004-1007

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1312-25

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Crinitodiscus kolcsari

sp. nov.

Crinitodiscus kolcsari sp. nov. ( Figures 1 View Figure 1 , 2a–2e View Figure 2 , 3a–3d View Figure 3 , and 4a–4e View Figure 4 )

Material examined. Holotype. One female ( HNHM) Romania, Mt. Apuseni , Runc , Runcului Gorges / Cheile Runcului, 2013.10.10, 46.513014°N, 23.438586°E, from soil, 10.X.2013. L-P. Kolcsár coll. Paratype. One female ( NHMG), locality and date same as for the holotype GoogleMaps .

Description. Female. Body length: 560–570 µm, body width: 390–400 µm (n = 2).

Dorsal idiosoma ( Figure 1a View Figure 1 ). Oval-shaped. Marginal and dorsal shields fused anteriorly. All setae on dorsal shield smooth, curved, needle-like, and long (ca. 13–18 µm), dorsal shield covered by large, deep, irregular pits ( Figures 1b View Figure 1 and 4a View Figure 4 ). Caudal area of dorsal shield elevated from other areas, surface of posterior part of dorsal shield covered by oval pits ( Figure 1c View Figure 1 ). Marginal shield bearing smooth and needle-like setae (ca. 13–18 µm), margin of idiosoma with ca. 36–38 µm basally serrate setae. Marginal shield ornamented by irregular, curved, line-like sculptural pattern ( Figure 1b View Figure 1 ). Postdorsal shield situated on caudal area of dorsal shield, postdorsal shield without sculptural pattern, with two pairs of needle-like setae (ca. 51–53 µm). Anterior margin of postdorsal shield bears a wide and apically serrate process ( Figures 1c View Figure 1 and 4c View Figure 4 ).

Ventral idiosoma ( Figure 1d View Figure 1 ). All sternal setae smooth and needle-like; St1 (ca. 6–7 µm) situated near the anterior margin of sternal shield, St2 (ca. 14–16 µm) at level of posterior margin of coxae II, St3 (ca. 16–18 µm), at level of anterior margin of coxae III. St4 (ca. 25–27 µm) situated at level of anterior margin of coxae IV, St5 (ca. 19–20 µm) placed near basal edges of genital shield. Surface of sternal shield smooth, except area anterior to genital shield, where it is covered by some oval pits ( Figure 2c View Figure 2 ). Sternal and ventral shields fused, but a transversal groove situated at level of setae v1 (ca. 20–22 µm); ventral shield without sculptural pattern. Numerous pairs of setae situated on ventral shield; these setae smooth, needle-like (ca. 35–44 µm), and placed on small protuberances ( Figures 2a View Figure 2 and 4b View Figure 4 ). Anal opening situated on a small, triangular emersion and oval. Setae around anal opening smooth and needle-like; setae ad1

KONTSCHÁN / Turk J Zool short (ca. 9–10 µm), ad2 longer (ca. 22–23 µm), postanal seta as long as ad1 ( Figure 2a View Figure 2 ).

Genital shield linguliform, with rounded anterior margin, its surface covered by some oval pits. Anterior margin of genital shield bearing two V-shaped apical processes ( Figures 2c View Figure 2 and 4d View Figure 4 ). Peritremes L-shaped, stigmata situated between coxae II and III ( Figure 2b View Figure 2 ). Tritosternum ( Figures 2d View Figure 2 and 4e View Figure 4 ) with triangular base, tritosternal laciniae divided into 6 smooth branches.

Gnathosoma ( Figure 2d View Figure 2 ). Corniculi horn-like, internal malae shorter than corniculi, smooth and apically rounded. Hypostomal setae h1 long (ca. 53 µm), marginally serrate, with a short and smooth marginal branch, h2 short (ca. 14 µm) and smooth, h3 marginally serrate and long (ca. 23 µm), h4 similar in shape to h3 and ca. 10 µm long. Movable digit of chelicerae longer than fixed digit, and bearing one tooth on central area and one bulbiform sensory organ on apical part. Fixed digit with one small tooth ( Figure 2e View Figure 2 ). Labrum long and apically serrate, epistome marginally serrate and apically divided into two branches ( Figure 2d View Figure 2 ). Palp trochanter with two serrate ventral setae, other setae on palp smooth.

Legs. Leg I without ambulacral claws ( Figure 3a View Figure 3 ) and with smooth and needle-like setae; other legs bearing

KONTSCHÁN / Turk J Zool smooth setae ( Figures 3a–d View Figure 3 ), long and apically pilose setae on trochanters III and IV not visible.

Male, nymphs, and larvae unknown.

Etymology. I dedicate this new species to my dear friend, Levente-Péter Kolcsár, who collected the new species.

Remarks. This new species differs from other closely related species by the two V-like anterior processes on the female genital shield, which have not been observed in the previously described Crinitodiscus species.

Key to the known species of Crinitodiscus (for females only)

1. Anterior process on genital shield present ................... 3 - Anterior process on genital shield absent ..................... 2 2. Shape of genital shield oval, marginal shield with numerous very short setae, setae on caudal region of dorsal idiosoma not situated on protuberances .............

........................................................................ C. mahunkai - Shape of genital shield linguliform, marginal shield with some long setae, setae on caudal region of dorsal idiosoma situated on protuberances ........... C. ayyildizi 3. Surface of genital shield ornamented ............................ 4 - Surface of genital shield smooth ....................... C. beieri 4. Sternal shield ornamented, marginal and dorsal shields fused anteriorly ................................................ C. kolcsari - Sternal shield without ornamentation, marginal and dorsal shields completely separated .............................. 5 5. Dorsal and ventral setae marginally pilose .... C. ozkani - Dorsal and ventral setae smooth ................................... 6 6. Dorsal setae narrow and long ........................ C. rafalski - Dorsal setae short and robust ................... C. pawlowski


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