Adenissus timokhovi, Gnezdilov, Vladimir M., 2020

Gnezdilov, Vladimir M., 2020, A New Species Of The Genus Adenissus Linnavuori, 1973 (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Caliscelidae) From Central Iran, With A Key To Species Of The Genus, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 66 (2), pp. 169-175 : 171-173

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Adenissus timokhovi

sp. nov.

Adenissus timokhovi View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 1–13)

Type material. Holotype, male, Iran, Yazd Province, ca. 23 km SW Kharanaq , 1600 m, 32º11´N 54º30´E, 31.V.2010, A. Timokhov leg. GoogleMaps Paratype, female, Iran, Yazd Province, ca. 23 km SW Kharanaq , 1600 m, 32º11´N 54º30´E, 31.V.2010, A. Timokhov leg. GoogleMaps

Description. Metope slightly elongate, lateral margins weakly convex, upper margin concave ( Fig. 4). Sublateral carinae of metope running from its upper margin to meto- poclypeal suture. Median carina of metope running from below its upper margin through postclypeus crossing metopoclypeal suture which is distinct. Coryphe transverse, twice as wide as long at midline, anterior margin 4-angled, weakly concave medially; posterior margin obtusely angulate ( Figs 1, 3). Pedicel elongately cylindrical ( Fig. 4). Ocelli absent. Rostrum reaching hind coxae; 2nd and 3rd segments are almost equal in length; 3rd seg- ment not narrowing apically. Pronotum slightly longer than coryphe, through concave in midline, with weak median carina; anterior margin strongly convex; posterior margin nearly straight. Paradiscal fields of pronotum very narrow behind the eyes. Paranotal lobes nearly square. Mesonotum with lateral carinae. Fore wings reaching hind margin of V tergite, straight truncated apically ( Figs 1, 3), with wide and long hypocostal plate running along whole wing margin ( Fig. 2). Forewing sequence: R 2 M 1 CuA 1. CuP rudimentary, reaching only wing middle. Many transverse veins. Clavus as long as whole wing. Hind tibia with single lateral spine in its apical half and with 7 apical spines. First metatarsomere slightly longer than second one, with 2 latero-apical and 4 intermediate spines. Second metatarsomere with only 2 latero-apical spines. First and second metatarsomeres each with 7 long sclerotised basiconical dark brown setae on its ventral surface ( Fig. 5). Arolium of pretarsus small. Claws twice longer than arolium (in dorsal view).

Coloration. Male. General coloration light yellow brownish ( Figs 1, 2). Metope dark brown to black from its upper margin to the level of pedicel except light yellow carinae and traces of sensory pits. Coryphe with dark brown butterfly-shaped area medially and with dark brown stripes along lateral margins ( Fig. 1). Postclypeus dark brown except its light upper part below metopoclypeal suture. Rostrum with black apex. Pedicell brown. Pronotum dark brown, with light yellow anterior and posterior margins, traces of sensory pits, and paradiscal fields. Paranotal lobes black, with light yellow margins and traces of sensory pits. Mesonotum dark brown between lateral carinae and median line. Fore wings with some cells darkened. Coxae, femora, and tibiae with black spots. Abdominal sternites and genital block light yellow. Abdominal tergites light yellow, with dark brown to black spots around traces of sensory pits. Third tarsomeres with dark brown apices. Claws black. Leg spines brown to dark brown.

Coloration. Female. Similar to male, except pronotum more light – light yellow in its middle part ( Figs 3, 4). Abdominal sternites, anal tube, and pygofer light yellow. Abdomi- nal tergites dark brown laterally. Apices of leg spines black.

Male genitalia ( Figs 6–13). Hind margins of pygofer deeply concave, each with a big horn-shaped process in its upper third bearing deticles on its lower margin ( Fig. 6). Anal tube wide, enlarged apically, with weak median concavity (in dorsal view) ( Fig. 8). Sus- pensorium fused with phallobase, bearing awl-shaped process with denticated margins far not reaching phallobase apex ( Figs 6, 9). Ventral margins of suspensorium process semis- circularly excavated below denticles. Phallobase long, narrowing apically (in lateral view), with two rows of denticles and with pair of swellings basally ( Figs 9, 11). Phallobase with large phallotreme ( Fig. 10). Connective large. Style large, with almost square plate; caudodorsal angle obtuse; hind margin convex ( Fig. 6). Capitulum of style without neck, bearing apical tooth with denticles below ( Fig. 7). Apical tooth of capitulum and additional tooth of style are widely separated ( Figs 12, 13).

Female genitalia. Anal tube wide, nearly rounded (in dorsal view).

Total length. Male 2.5 mm, female 3.0 mm.

Etymology. The species named after Russian hymenopterist Dr. Alexandr V. Timok- hov (Moscow, Russia) who collected the type specimens.













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