Loeblites, Franz, 1986

Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2024, Three new species, one subspecies, and new records of the Oriental genus Loeblites Franz (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae), Zootaxa 5471 (4), pp. 422-432 : 431

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5471.4.2

publication LSID




persistent identifier


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scientific name



Identification key to males of Loeblites View in CoL

1 Pronotal disc densely covered with coarse microgranules........................... L. mastigicornis Franz [ Thailand]

- Pronotal disc smooth.................................................................................. 2

2 Endophallus asymmetrical, lacking a pair of strongly elongate lateral sclerites.............. L. sabahensis Franz [Borneo]

- Endophallus symmetrical, with a pair of strongly elongate lateral sclerites........................................ 3

3 Lateral sclerites of endophallus in dorsal view nearly transverse in relation to long axis of aedeagus............................................................................................... L. minor Jałoszyński [Borneo]

- Lateral sclerites of endophallus in dorsal view strongly oblique in relation to long axis of aedeagus.................... 4

4 Endophallus lacking median sclerotized structure distal to lateral sclerites, but bearing a pair of elongate subtriangular sclerotized lobes proximal to lateral sclerites.............................................. L. chinensis Zhou & Li [Yunnan]

- Endophallus with median sclerotized structure distal to lateral sclerites, and lacking a pair of elongate subtriangular sclerotized lobes proximal to lateral sclerites........................................................................ 5

5 Median sclerotized structure distal to lateral sclerites of endophallus about as long as broad and with concave distal margin; parameres clearly longer than median lobe..................................... L. anaiensis Jałoszyński [Sumatra]

- Median sclerotized structure distal to lateral sclerites of endophallus strongly transverse and with convex or straight distal margin; parameres as long as or shorter than median lobe..................................................... 6

6 Median structure of endophallus distal to lateral lobes weakly sclerotized, its distal margin nearly straight at middle and laterally rapidly bent lateroproximally; aedeagal apex in ventral view broadly subtriangular with clearly defined tip.................................................................................. L. umphangensis Jałoszyński [ Thailand]

- Median structure of endophallus distal to lateral lobes strongly sclerotized, its distal margin evenly or nearly evenly rounded; aedeagal apex in ventral view truncate and weakly, broadly rounded............................................ 7

7 Aedeagus in ventral view gradually narrowing distally; lateral sclerites of endophallus and distal median sclerotized structure together elongate; lateral sclerites and long axis of aedeagus forming an angle clearly <45°............................................................................................ L. mindanaoensis Jałoszyński [Mindanao]

- Aedeagus in ventral view abruptly narrowing distally in distal half; lateral sclerites of endophallus and distal median sclerotized structure together as long as broad; lateral sclerites and long axis of aedeagus forming 45° angle...................... 8

8 BL ≤ 2.5 mm; pronotum not distinctly darker than elytra.... L. pseudominor pseudominor Jałoszyński [Borneo, Thailand]

- BL> 2.9 mm; pronotum distinctly darker than elytra............... L. pseudominor sumatrensis Jałoszyński [Sumatra]











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