Cribrionella Jovanovska, Cvetkoska, Tofilovska, Ognjanova-Rumenova & Levkov, 2016

Jovanovska, Elena, Cvetkoska, Aleksandra, Tofilovska, Slavica, Ognjanova-Rumenova, Nadja & Levkov, Zlatko, 2016, Description of a new fossil diatom genus, Cribrionella gen. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from Quaternary sediments of Lake Ohrid, Phytotaxa 252 (1), pp. 31-42 : 33-34

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.252.1.3

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cribrionella Jovanovska, Cvetkoska, Tofilovska, Ognjanova-Rumenova & Levkov


Family Stephanodiscaceae

Cribrionella Jovanovska, Cvetkoska, Tofilovska, Ognjanova-Rumenova & Levkov , gen. nov.

Cells solitary, circular in valve face view. Central area flat, variable in size and shape. Valve central part enclosed with central lamina, also variable in size and shape. Valve marginal lamina with submarginal alveoli followed by large regularly or irregularly arranged areolae. Externally, submarginal alveoli and areolae occluded by cribra. Internally, absence of silicate layers on areolar openings, each areola crossed by thick and inwardly raised circumferential silica trabeculae. Single marginal rimoportula present; externally situated on costa and internally very close to alveolar opening, in oblique position. Marginal fultuportulae positioned on costae and arranged in regular ring, with round and simple external openings at valve-mantle junction. Internally, marginal fultoportulae open through short central tube, laterally surrounded by two satellite pores. Valve face fultoportulae absent. Valvocopula closed, perforated by small pores.

Type:— Cribrionella ohridana (see below).

Etymology:— The genus name refers to the presence of a cribrum on the external areolar openings and the small valve size.

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