Intybia (Protolaius) schillhammeri

Tshernyshev, S. E., 2020, Intybia (Protolaius), a new subgenus of soft winged flower beetles (Coleoptera: Malachiidae) from Indonesia, Russian Entomological Journal 29 (2), pp. 173-177 : 175-177

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.29.2.08

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Intybia (Protolaius) schillhammeri


Intybia (Protolaius) schillhammeri

( Wittmer, 1996), comb.n.

Figs 1–12 View Figs 1–11 View Fig .

Laius schillhammeri Wittmer, 1996: 319 , 320, figs. 240, 241;

Intybia schillhammeri ( Wittmer, 1996) : Plonski, 2013: 65; 2016: 31.

MATERIAL. INDONESIA, W Sumatra, Prov. Sungai Pinang, 18 km S Padang , 01°08´36´´ 100°24´48´´E, 0–300 m a.s.l., 22.2.2017, A. Moseyko leg. — 1♂, 1♀ .

DESCRIPTION. Male ( Figs 1, 2 View Figs 1–11 ). Body elongate, sub-oval, slightly expanded just behind the middle.

Body black excepting impressed areas in 3 rd antennomere, apices of coxae and commissure sides of sternites light brown. Elytra, pronotum and head completely black with dark blue metallic lustre. Surface evenly covered with sparse long erect black hairs, head and pronotum additionally with a light-coloured fine adpressed pubescence. Vesicles brownyellow, thoracic mesepimera black.

Head somewhat wider than pronotum, eyes round, small, protruding over the sides of the head, disc of the head between eyes slightly impressed, simple, genae short and strongly impressed; clypeus transverse, narrow, straight and slightly elevate; labrum transverse; palpae short, apical segment sub-oval and truncate; surface of head dull, sparsely punctured and covered with light-coloured short adpressed and black semi-erect hairs.

Antennae filiform ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–11 ), 2.0 mm long, almost completely reaching the middle of the elytra; 1 st segment enlarged, clavate-triangular, 2 nd segment small, round, the 3rd segment oval, slightly flattened, complicatedly impressed, lacking bunch of hairs; 4th and 5 th antennomeres equilateral, each of them double the length of the 2 nd, remaining segments each slightly longer that the 5 th, sub-cylindrical; 11th segment somewhat longer than previous, evenly narrowed and pointed at apex; surface evenly covered with short black semi-erect pubescence.

Pronotum longitudinal, strongly narrowed from middle to base, anterior half convex and strongly impressed behind, posterior margin elevate and swollen; anterior part slightly convex, posterior straight, lateral and basal sides distinctly marginate; surface shiny, sparsely and finely punctured at the swollen part, and coarsely at the periphery, sparsely covered with fine light semi-erect pubescence and long erect black hairs.

Scutellum small, rectangular and transversal, narrow but distinct, sparsely punctured and covered with sparse dark fine pubescence.

Elytra sub-oval and sub-parallel, widened posteriorly just behind the middle, at base strongly wider than pronotum; humeri small, distinct, weakly protruding; apices evenly rounded, simple; surface shiny, coarsely punctured, with indistinct microsculpture, sparsely covered with long black erect hairs.

Hind wings normally developed.

Legs short and thin; posterior femora almost completely reaching apex of the elytra; all tibiae thin and straight, femora narrow, slightly compressed, not curved, anterior femora in male excavate in a middle and provided with a bunch of light-coloured long straight hairs ( Figs 6–7 View Figs 1–11 ); all tarsi 5-segmented, narrow, 2nd segment in anterior tarsi simple, lacking comb ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–11 ), claw-segment longest and somewhat wider in all legs, it is dorsally flattened while remaining segments compressed, 1.1 times longer than 1st and 2 nd segments in anterior and intermediate tarsi, and 1.2 times longer than 1 st and 2 nd segments in posterior tarsi; claws sharp, thin, with round membrane at base.

Ventral body surface sparsely punctured, dull, sparsely covered with fine, depressed dark pubescence; metathorax slightly swollen, bituberculate, lacking appendage or hairs. Apical tergite transverse, evenly rounded and cut at apex ( Fig. 8 View Figs 1–11 ); apical sternite bilaciniate, transverse, cut at apex ( Fig. 9 View Figs 1–11 ); aedeagus slightly curved, extremely elongate at apical third, with evenly narrowed and short lamella, two strong long horns in inner sac are noticeable at base of the aedeagus ( Fig. 10 View Figs 1–11 ); tegmen elongate, with short thin and pointed parameres 3.5 times shorter than the base of tegmen ( Fig. 11 View Figs 1–11 ).

Length 3.5 mm, width (at elytral base) 1.2 mm.

Female. Differs from male by the somewhat elongate and slenderer antennae with the 3rd antennomere rectangular, not impressed or sculptured, double the width of the 4th antennomere and almost the same length as the 1st. Length 3.5 mm, width (at elytral base) 1.2 mm ( Fig. 3 View Figs 1–11 ).

HABITAT. Beetles were collected on vegetation in park at an altitude of c. 300 m above sea level. Further details of the bionomy of this species remain unknown.

DISTRIBUTION. Indonesia: Sumatra ( Fig. 12 View Fig ).

Acknowledgements. The author is gratitude to A.G. Moseyko (Zoological Institute, Saint-Petersburg) for collecting the beetles in Sumatra and loaning them to me for this study, and to Prof. Mark Seaward (Bradford University, U.K.) for the linguistic revision of the text, and to Isidor Plonski (Vienna, Austria) for his kind help regarding copies of literature and discussion of Malachiidae taxonomy.

This study was supported by the Federal Fundamental Scientific Research Programme for 2013–2020, grant No. VI.51.1.5 (AAAA-A16-116121410121-7).


Intybia (Protolaius) schillhammeri

Tshernyshev, S. E. 2020

Intybia schillhammeri ( Wittmer, 1996 )

Plonski I. S. 2016: 31
Plonski I. S. 2013: 65

Laius schillhammeri

Wittmer W. 1996: 319
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